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南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 我国重大历史题材美术创作工程展油画作品创作研究 姓名:洪安娜 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:美术学 指导教师:张利华 2010-12 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 I 摘摘 要要 2009 年 11 月,“国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品巡回展”在上海美术馆举行,画展 作品以我国反帝、反封建、反殖民主义斗争和社会主义革命、建设和改革的重大历史时间为主 义内容,艺术的再现了近代以来中国社会的发展历程,将1840年以来的170年间的历史烟云浓 缩进作品中。 随着“国家重大历史题材美术创作工程”的完工,主题创作又成为了当代美术界的话题, 这是半个多世纪以来成就美术的一个重要方面。如今,重大历史事件题材的创作又被重新提到 一个重要位置。其中,中华民族的发展变迁成为创作的一个新的焦点。从艺术家的社会责任感 中看当前重大历史题材创作的社会意义,以国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品巡回展中的作 品为例,具体分析当代写实油画创作现状,以及思考在当今多元化的创作天地里,艺术家应具 备什么样的创作水平和艺术思想。 怎样重视主题,怎样表现主题,怎样使作品具有现实精神和现实品格,怎样使作品在吸取 欧洲油画的精髓的基础上又有中国民族自己的语言,怎样使主题创作成为当今美术文化的主 流,这都关系到当今中国油画创作的质量。在当下创作多元化的世界里,在中国油画历经一百 多年历史之后,来讨论重视重大现实题材创作以及创作作品应该有什么样的创作水平和创作思 想都是我们首先应该考虑的问题。 关键词:关键词:重大历史事件题材;写实;创作水平 我国重大历史题材美术创作工程油画作品创作研究 II ABSTRACT “The Exhibition of Art Creation Programe Works on Significant History Theme” was held in Shanghai art gallery in November,2009. Taking its main subject from Chinese peoples struggle against imperialism, feudalism and colonialism as well as the significant historical events in the period of socialist revolution, construction and reform, the works on exhibiting reproduced artistically the social development course of China and well embraced the 170 years long history since 1840. With the completion of the Art Creation Programe Works on Significant History Theme , theme composition, which has been an important aspect of achievements on art for more than half a century, draw attention again to the contemporary art circle. Nowadays, the creation of significant historical events has been elevated to a new important position. Among them, the development of the Chinese nation is pushed into a new spotlight. Of great importance the following propositions are: to appreciate the social significance of the works on significant history theme embody in the artists social responsibilities; to take the works on the exhibition of art creation programe works on significant history theme as examples ; to analyze the present situation of contemporary realistic oil paintings; and to reflect on what kind of creative level and artistic thought an artist should be equipped with in nowadays diverse creative world. How to value and express the theme; how to enrich the works with realistic spirit and character; how to make works not only draw the essence of European paintings but also keep its own national identity; how to make theme creation become the mainstream of art culture, all of the above propositions play an important role in current Chinese oil painting. In the present creation diversified world in which Chinese oil-painting has gone though a centurys history, the discussions of the themes and important practical value the creation work should possess must be our immediate concern. Keywords: Significant History Theme;realistic writing;creation level 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 V 图表清单 图 1.1 启航中共一大会议.2 图 1.2 开创共和孙中山就临时大总统.3 图 1.3 平型关大捷.4 图 1.4 焦裕禄.5 图 1.5 夏夜恢复高考的日子.5 图 1.6 毛泽东会见尼克松.8 图 1.7 黄河大合唱流亡战争抗争.11 图 1.8 历史的审判.11 图 1.9 车桥之役.13 图 1.101937.12.南京.13 图 1.11周总理在万隆会议上.16 图 2.1 1924黄埔军校.18 图 2.2 金田起义.19 图 2.3 七七事变卢沟桥.20 图 2.4 阿里山的战争.21 图 2.5 圆明园劫难.22 图 2.6 方志敏1935.1.29.23 图 2.7 长征.23 图 2.8 百万雄师过大江.24 图 2.9 淞沪会战十九路军.24 图 2.10蔡元培与光复会.26 图 2.11青春记忆知识青年上山.
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