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南京财经大学 硕士学位论文 基于时间满意度的时装业配送车辆调度研究 姓名:孙琼玲 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:企业管理 指导教师:王亮 2011-01-10 I 摘 要 1978 年十一届三中全会中“ 解放思想,实事求是” 的思想路线的提出,让禁 锢了中国人民长达十年之久的时装业开始复苏, 它改变了文革期间无论男女老少 都着装统一的局面。改革开放政策的提出,让中国向世界敞开了国门,西方的流 行服饰风格汹涌的涌进国门。到 80 年代中旬,中国的时装流行发生了很大的变 化,大街小巷都是风靡一时的流行时装。到了 90 年代初期,中国的服装不再仅 仅满足于赶上潮流,开始了对个性的追求。人们的着装从保守到开放,从盲从到 追求个性,这种流行心理的变化,让时装的生命周期逐渐缩短。为满足个性化的 需求,企业都进行多品种小批量的生产。时装零售点对每一种款式的时装的需求 量很少,这种情况下生产企业不可能对每一家零售店进行配送,这些生产企业都 选择将产品集中到某一地区的批发中心, 由批发中心统一对各时装零售店进行统 一配送。 这些中低档的时装业的批发中心由于资金、规模等问题,管理比较混乱,其 物流配送水平很低,往往是根据经验进行车辆调度,很少定量化研究配送车辆调 度。学术界对车辆调度的研究已有几十年,相关理论也比较成熟,但已有的车辆 调度研究要多是纯算法的研究或是一般配送模型的研究, 选取的目标都比较单一 (配送时间最短、配送路径最短及运输成本最低等) ,使用的算法也比较复杂, 没有根据时装业时效性强的的配送特点进行具体研究。 已有的研究结果应用到时 装企的配送中会出现计算时间太长、算法复杂度太高、或没有考虑配送时间要求 等问题,这样造成的配送成本有可能比根据经验进行调度造成的配送成本还要 高。 本文根据时装行业时效性强的特点,从顾客时间满意度的角度出发,建立符 合实际情况的配送模型。 本文的创新点在于将时间这一主要因素融入到了模型的 目标中从而突显时间在时装行业配送中的重要性。 从而模型的目标就要反映出配 送成本最低和客户时间满意度最大化两个目标,为便于模型表达,通过建立一个 转换函数将时间满意度最大化的目标转换为时间惩罚值最小的目标, 从而使目标 函数的目标统一为求最小值。 本文通过对目标赋予不同的权值将双目标问题巧妙 的转化为单目标问题,通过设置不同的权重寻求服务成本和服务质量的均衡点。 文章最后通过一个案例验证了模型的可操作性,并使用节约算法对案例进行求 解。 本文的研究成果对中低档时装批发中心制定车辆调度方案具有一定的参考价 值。 关键词:时装业,配送,车辆调度,时间满意度,节约算法 II ABSTRACT The ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts proposed in the Third Plenum in 1978 makes Chinese fashion start to recover,which has imprisoned Chinese people for ten years.It changed the old dress uniform situation during the period of Cultural Revolution.The reform and opening- up policy made China open the door to the world, and then the Western style of clothes poured into our country.The fashion entered the world of the Chinese people, especially the world of Chinese women. In the Middle of 1980s, great changes have occurred in Chinese fashion industry. However,in the early 1990s, Chinese women were not only content to catch up with the trend, but also started to pursuit personality. Peoples popular psychology changed from conservation to openness, from blind obedience to the pursuit of personality. These changes gradually shorten the life cycle of clothing. To meet the individual needs of consumers,companies chose to produce in small quantities but in various styles. The retailer s demand of each style of clothes is so little that it is impossible for the manufactures to distribute goods to each of them. In fact,the manufacturers always concentrate the products in a wholesale center,then the products are distributed to each retailer by the wholesale center. However, the management of wholesale center is chaotic due to capital, size and other issues,The business philosophy that production is prior to logistics is deeply rooted, as a result, the level of logistics and distribution is very low.They always develop vehicle scheduling programs based on experience instead of using quantitative method.Research on vehicle scheduling has existed for decades and the theory is relatively mature.But most of the existing study is pure algorithm or general distribution model.The selected targets are single (the shortest delivery time, the shortest path, the lowest costs of distribution and transportation, etc.) and the algorithm is also complicated.There is seldom specific research according to the features of the fashion industry.If the existing results are applied to the distribution of fashion industry,there will be many problems.For example,the computing time is too long, the algorithm complexity is too high, or the delivery time requirements are not taken into account and so on.As a result, the distribution costs is possiblly even higher than that caused by the light of experienc . This paper tries to establish a realistic model in the view of time- satisfaction, III according to the character of time- sensitive of fashion industry.The model takes into account both the minimization of transportation costs and the maximization of time- satisfaction degree. And different weights are given to different goals according to customers characteristics, so that the cost and satisfaction can reach equilibrium.To make the model represented easily, this sduty converted the goal of maximizing satisfaction of time into the goal of minimum time penalty through establishing a conversion function, then the objective function is minimum .Finally ,the operability of the model is verified through a case. In the case study, the savings algorithm was used.The results of the study may be helpful for the Garment Factories in Towns to develop vehicle scheduling programs. KEY WORDS: fashion industry ; Logistics;Vehicle SchedulingProblems; Time- Satisfaction Degree ;Saving Algorithm 学位论文独创性声明 本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 论文中除 了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果。 其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明 并表示了谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解南京财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部 分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵 守此规定。 作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 南京财经大学硕士学位
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