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湖南大学 硕士学位论文 家润多超市员工培训管理研究 姓名:高晓华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:工商管理 指导教师:薄湘平 20070416 工商管理硕士学位论文 II 摘 要 超市培训体系是超市人力资源管理体系中重要的管理环节。如何设计一套科 学的、符合企业自身的以及企业在知识经济和经济全球化时代的发展中需要的培 训体系,对国内企业特别是超市行业来说,是一个十分重大的课题。本文从培训 的基本理论出发,通过对湖南家润多超市有限公司旧有的培训体系的解剖,重新 提出了新的设计方案。 本研究以湖南家润多超市有限公司(以下简称:家润多超市)的培训实践为基 础,结合公司战略管理、人力资源规划、培训、培训实施、培训评估等国内外著 作、文献及其思想精髓,对如何建立家润多超市实用、科学的培训系统进行了较 为深入的研究。 文章第一部分简要评述了家润多超市发展所处的历史时期、就研究内容和方 法进行了论述,对本地超市业所面临的竞争环境和发展趋势进行了分析;第二部 分对家润多超市旧有的培训体系进行了详细的剖析,指出其原有培训体系中有待 改善的环节,说明其对企业现实经营管理的重要影响;第三部分对国内、外有关 培训制度进行了较为全面的列举和论述;第四部分在前面三部分研究的基础上, 从家润多超市培训体系的实际需要出发,结合各种培训理论和思想,重点对家润 多超市的培训体系进行了重新设计。第五部分对家润多超市的新旧培训体系进行 了全面的对比分析,并对新培训体系做出了可行性分析。最后,对论文中所述改 进后的培训体系的创新点和实施中的关键点进行了论述。 笔者希望通过本文的研究,能够为家润多超市乃至整个超市行业建立有效的 培训体系方面提供有效的参考理论和思路。 关键词:家润多超市;培训体系;员工管理 家润多超市员工培训管理研究 III Abstract The Hypermarket Employee Training Management is one of the most important parts of Hypermarket Human Resource Management. It is s a great subject that how to find a scientific training system suitable for the Chinese native situation and meet the enterprises needs in the global economy development era. The article start from the basic management theory, described the importance of the training management for the management and development of Joindoor Hypermarket LTD.Hunan through the analysis of the old training system of the Hypermarket. The newly designed program is worked out as well. The research of the article based on the practical training system of the Joindoor Hypermarket Hunan and combined with the soul of some famous national and foreign HR management theories, such as: Company Strategic Management, HR Planning, Training Management, Training Conducting and Assessment of training etc. The in-depth analysis is conducted in establishing the scientific and systematic training system for Joindoor Hypermarket Hunan. The first paragraph of the article descript the historical period and back-ground of the Joindoor Hypermarket. The competition situation and the developing trend which the local Hypermarket confront also been analyzed in the paragraph. In the second paragraph, some related native and foreign management regulations have been listed and descript. In the third paragraph, the old training system has been specifically analyzed. The sectors which need to be improved in the old training system are picked out. The important impacts of them for the enterprise practical management are also demonstrated in the paragraph. On the basis of the analysis of the last three paragraph, the main content of the forth paragraph is spent on the newly designed training system which set out from the practical training management needs of the Joindoor Hypermarket and combined with lots of training theories and ideas. In the fifth paragraph, the completely comparison between the new and old training system is descript. The feasible analysis of the new training system is conducted as well. At last, the key points in carrying out and the innovation points in the new training system of the thesis is demonstrated. 工商管理硕士学位论文 IV I sincerely hope that the article can provide effective consultant theory and ideas in the establishment of the effective training system of Joindoor Hypermarket and the wholer Hypermarket industry. Key Words:Joindoor Hypermarket Hunan; Training System; Employee Management 工商管理硕士学位论文 VIII 插图索引 图 2.1 家润多超市培训部组织架构图.9 图 2.2 对公司战略了解程度图 . 11 图 2.3 组织架构设置合理性 .12 图 2.4 书面的职能职责及业务流程的实际作用 .12 图 2.5 人才使用公平性.13 图 4.1 家润多超市新旧培训体系对比图.26 图 4.2 完整的组织学习体系 .29 图 4.3 改进后的培训组织架构 .29 图 4.4 组织学习体系运作流程 .30 图 4.5 人力资源发展体系.31 图 4.6 职业规划的步骤.32 图 4.7 家润多超市员工发展通道.32 图 4.8 家润多超市旧有的培训课程体系.36 图 4.9 家润多超市改进后的培训课程管理体系设计图.38 家润多超市员工培训管理研究 IX 附表索引 表 4.1 家润多超市战略性培训设计.28 表 4.2 组织学习体系与旧有培训组织的主要区别 .30 表 4.3 培训需求评估技术的优缺点.34
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