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广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 柳贯交游考论 姓名:王芳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国古典文献学 指导教师:杜海军 20070401 I 柳贯交游考论 研究生:王芳 导师:杜海军教授 专业:中国古典文献学 方向:元明清文学文献 年级:2004 级 内容提要 柳贯(12701342)字道传,号乌蜀山人,又号静俭翁。婺州浦江(今属浙 江)人。受经于金履祥,学文于方凤、吴思齐、谢翱。大德四年(1300)用察举 为江山县学教谕,至大元年(1308)迁昌国州学正,延祐六年(1319)除国子助 教,升博士,泰定元年(1324)迁太常博士,三年(1326)出为江西儒学提举, 秩满归。至正元年(1341)起为翰林待制,明年卒,年七十三。门人私谥曰文肃。 著有柳待制文集二十卷。 柳贯一生交友满天下, 这对其学术是极有影响的, 但很少有人注意这一方面, 因此本论文试图填补这一空白。引言部分简单介绍了柳贯的生平及其研究现状。 正文分为三章,分别论述柳贯与老师、友朋、门生的交游情况: 第一章为柳贯的师承。柳贯与虞集、揭傒斯、黄溍并称“儒林四杰” ,学术 渊源深厚,这与其师承名门有很大的关系。柳贯幼年从学金履祥,得闻朱氏正统 之学,理学上造诣颇深。文学上则师承方凤、吴思齐、谢翱三位“隐君子” ,诗 文大进。 三先生中, 柳贯在诗文创作上受方凤影响最大。 柳贯得承婺州学术精华, 犹“不自以为足” ,遂出游当时名儒聚集的杭州,遍游方回、龚开、仇远、戴表 元、胡之纯、胡长孺、牟应龙等宿儒耆老之门,而“诸公亦往往喜为之延誉” , 由是名闻四方。 第二章为柳贯的友朋。在这一章中,依据柳贯生活、交游的主要地域特征, 将其交游人物划分为婺州乡友以及京师同僚两部分。婺州地区学术气氛浓厚,人 才辈出,柳贯置身其中,与其众多同郡乡友交往密切,婺州乡友在其交游中占有 非常独特的地位,这部分选取黄溍、许谦、吴莱、吴师道、胡助作为重点进行论 述。柳贯在大都宦游了整整十年,占其整个宦游生涯的三分之一。客居京师的十 年是其政治生涯中最为得志的时期,也是其交游视野最为广阔的时期。这部分选 取与柳贯交往颇为密切以及对柳贯政治生涯、 文学名气有所提升的重要人物进行 论述。 第三章为柳贯的门生。 柳贯自而立之年出仕, 一生基本上都在从事教育工作。 无论是身在地方县学,还是职属国子学,柳贯均兢兢业业,恪尽职守,为国家培 养了众多人才。 黄溍和宋濂在叙述柳贯的事迹时都对其教育成就给予了很高的评 价。其门生现在可考者,主要有宋濂、戴良、王祎、危素、胡翰、郑涛等人,多 II 为婺州人。其中,宋濂和戴良是柳贯最得意的弟子,受其影响颇深,文学成就也 以二人为高,本章将二人作为重点进行论述,余人从略。 余论部分主要论述柳贯的学术及文学,是对柳贯学术的一个总的概括,并对 柳贯是否诗宗江西诗派这个颇具争议的问题作了考辨。 总的来说,本文是以柳贯的交游作为叙述轴线,并将其学术思想贯穿其中, 而且对其生平及诗歌宗向上的疑点作了详细考证, 力图通过柳贯得以一窥元代文 坛尤其是婺州文学的风貌。 关键词:柳贯 交游 师承 友朋 门生 III The Textual Research of Liu Guan s Friends and Contacts Author: Wang Fang Advisor: Professor Du Hai- jun Major:Chinese classical documents Direction:Yuan Ming and Qing Literature Text Grade:2004 Abstract Liu Guan (12701342),a writer of Yuan Dynasty, was as known as Liu Daochuan, also named Wu Shushan Ren and Jing Jian Weng. He was from Pujiang county of Zhejiang province. He follows Jin Lvxiang studying Neo- Confucianism, and studying literature from Fang Feng, Wu Siqi and Xie Ao. He was professor of Jiangshan county by way of recommendation in 1300, then turned into professor of Changguo administrative division in 1308. He became teaching assistant of Guozi department in 1319, and soon prompted Doctor. In 1324, He turned into Doctor of Taichang department, then shifted Confucianism Tiju in Jiangxi province in 1326, and returned home after three years. At last, he promoted Daizhi of Hanlin department in 1341.Liu Guan died in 1342, was age of seventy- three. His students respectfully address him as Wensu. His writing was Liu Daizhi collected works which includes 20 volumes. Liu Guan was master of literature in Yuan Dynasty, and made a lot of friends in whole nation. The research of Liu Guan was at an early stage in academic circles recently which was focused on the research of his poem and prose. But his whole life and situation of contacting were detailed verified by other scholars. So my paper tries to fill this vacancy. The preface simply introduced the whole life and researchful status of Liu guan. The article is devided three chapters which discussed the situation of contacting about Liu Guan and his teachers, friends and students. The first chapter is Liu Guan and his teachers. Liu Guan and Yu Ji, Jie Xisi, Huang Jin were called “ Four Heroic Confucians” together, so he has deeply academic origins which was related to his teachers. He follows Jin Lvxiang studying Neo- Confucianism in childhood, so he has deep- seated attainments of Neo- Confucianism. He studied literature from Fang Feng, Wu Siqi and Xie Ao, then he obtained progress in poem and prose. Among his three teachers, Liu Guan was influenced deeply by Fang Feng. Afterwards, Liu Guan went to Hangzhou where famous scholars gathered at that time. He followed those famous scholars, such as IV Fang Hui, Gong Kai, Qiu Yuan, and so on. Then he became famous for literature at that time. The second chapter is Liu Guan and his friends. In this chapter, according to major regional characters of Liu Guan s life and contact, this session divided his friends into two parts: the hometown friends in Wuzhou and the colleagues in capital. Liu Guan has close contact with his hometown friends in Wuzhou which holds unique status in his contacts. This part expounds the people who are Huang Jin, Xu Qian, Wu Lai, and so on. Liu Guan stayed in capital for whole ten years which had extensive contact in his life. This part expounds the people who had close contact with him and helped to promote his fame in literature or politics. The third chapter is Liu Guan and his students. Liu Guan was engaged in teaching all his life, no matter he worked in locality or authorities, Liu Guan also worked cautious and conscientious. So he developed many talented persons for country. The students of Liu guan were came form Wuzhou mostly, among these students, Liu Guan most appreciated students are Song Lian and Dai Liang who gained the greater achievement in literature. This chapter expounds the two people, the others are discussed briefly. The paper recounts the learning and literat
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