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101 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire 1.He sings like an angel.找不到怎么形容一个人唱歌好听吗?试试这个吧! 2.Bart恶搞圣诞medley唱道:Robin laid an egg,听上去像是说Robin下了一个蛋, 实际上lay an egg意为失败,尤指在向公众演示时没能引起兴趣等。 To lay an egg means to fail to make people enjoy or be interested in something. 例句: Our first two sketches got big laughs, but the next two laid an egg. 我们头两个小品逗乐了观众,后两个却反应平平。 3.So I guess life goes on.生活仍将继续。遇到不开心或不幸之事时对自己说 life goes on或life must go on,希望自己不要沉溺于过往。4.Lisa got straight As.意为Lisa得了全A。5.For heavens sake, for Petes sale,for goodnesssake, for crying out loud都表示I am annoyed or suprised by this! 6.Doh!这个经典了,每当Homer伤到自己,或认识到自己做了傻事,或有坏事临头时他都会说Doh! 7.aint想必大家一定见过无数次,Aint is a contraction (缩写)originally for am not and are not, but now typically meaning is not, am not, are not, has not, or have not. Recently it has also been used as a contraction of did not, as in I aint know that. 8.Cant you take a hint? take a hint意为to understand or do something that is communicated indirectly. 例句:I can take a hint - if you dont want to talk about it, thats OK with me. Werent you going to check your messages? she asked. I took the hint and left. 9.Homer布置好彩灯后对Marge说Turn on the juice.这里juice当然不是果汁,而是电,juice也可指汽油,石油等,如My car is running out of juice.我的车快没油了。10.Just hold your horses,son!孩子,等一下!hold your horses意为hold on or wait,something that you say in order to tell someone to stop doing or saying something because they are going too fast. 例句:Just hold your horses, Bill. Lets think about this for a moment.2.Bart在接受激光祛纹身手术是看到形状怪异的手术机械时说Ay,caramba! 这里的caramba是西班牙语,表示惊讶、恼怒等唉呀!天哪!真倒霉!讨厌! 他妈的! 13.术后Bart手臂上的伤口上了绷带,妹妹Lisa和Maggie却不断去触碰它,于是Bart只能惨叫一声Ow!然后说quit it意为快停手,别再弄了。14.Homer完成Christmas shopping后走出mall时与邻居Flanders相撞,东西散落一地,Flanders开口说:Oh,my!What a little mess weve got here!天哪!瞧这一团糟的场面!这里mess指一团糟。15.You bet!可以指of course,surely,也可指I agree!16.Welcome aboard!团队中有新人加入可以说此话。意为欢迎入伙。17.get a load of something.意为look at something that is very surprising or attractive. 例句:Get a load of that dress! Its beautiful! 18.That quote unquote Santa. quote unquote意为所谓的,通常说此话时,你对某样事物的真实性表示怀疑。例句:Even the quote unquote realistic movies dont show very realistic violence. 19.I cant belive those kids are falling for it. fall for something意为to believe something that is not true. 例句:I stupidly fell for his story until someone told me he was already married. fall for someone意为to find someone attractive and begin to love them. 例句:They met at a friends house and fell for each other immediately. 20.I dare you to yank(猛拉) his beard off。这个用法是I dare you to do something,意为我谅你不敢做某事。21.touche这个发音有点怪,意为一针见血;说得对。Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in argument. 22.But to keep the family from missing out on Chritmas,Id do anything. 这里miss out on意为To lose a chance for,如missed out on the promotion. 23.Ill say means I agree. 24.Lets not get mushy.这里mushy意为感伤的。excessively tender or emotional。25.I maybe a total washout as a father. washout这里指失败者。26.We are in the money!这里in the money表示wealthy,例句:Many people believe if they become lawyers, theyll really be in the money。27.That scrawny(手骨如柴的)little bag of bones. a bag of bones means a person or animal that is extremely thin. 例句:All the plumpness shed acquired in middle age had gone. She was a bag of bones. 28.Attention,racing fans,we have a late scratch in the fourth race. 这里scratch是指(竞赛等的)弃权者。29.Its an omen.这是个兆头!30.I got a bad feeling about this.我有一种不祥的预感。31.Come on,boy.sometime your faith is all that keeps me going. 有时候的你的信任是使我前进的一切(动力)。32.go for it 意为 To expend all ones strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose.加油,尽全力!33.doofus俚语意为笨货,蠢人,缺少社会能力的人。34.aside from something除此之外例句:I watch some public television shows, but aside from that, I pretty much turn the TV off. 35.bear/keep in mind,意为记住例句:Bear in mind that youll have to practice economy. 记住要厉行节约。36.not that 并非例句:Not that it matters, but how did you spend so much money in such a short period of time? 我不是说有什么关系,但是,这么短的时间里你是怎么花掉这么多钱的? 37.jeez!表示惊讶或恼怒,Used to express surprise or annoyance. 38.Santas little helper came in last.这里come in表示(比赛)得名次。39.Hell sober up.他会清醒的。40.Look,everybody,I have a confession to make.我要向大家坦白。 to make a confession表示承认;坦白,供认;供状。Bart the Genius Bart cheats on his intelligence test and is mistaken for a child genius. In order to offer him more stimulation, Marge and Homer enroll him in a school for gifted students where he is immediately made to feel like the mediocre student he is. Bart eventually bluffs his way back into Springfield Elementary by claiming hell study his classmates but winds up confessing to everyone that he cheated. 1.Bart做的是I.Q. test,也叫intelligence test,aptitude test, A standardized test designed to measure the ability of
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