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学校代码:10357 学 号: 学校代码:10357 学 号: 连续变量的量子纠缠及其在量子通信中的应用 连续变量的量子纠缠及其在量子通信中的应用 Quantum Entanglement and Its Applications in Quantum Communication with Continuous Variables 姓 名 吴道华 学科专业 光学 姓 名 吴道华 学科专业 光学 研究方向 量子信息 研究方向 量子信息 指导教师 杨名教授 曹卓良教授 指导教师 杨名教授 曹卓良教授 完成时间 2009 年 4 月 完成时间 2009 年 4 月 摘 要 1 摘 要 摘 要 量子信息学是一个相对年轻的物理学分支。 它的一个主要目标是从信息理论 的观点去阐释量子物理的概念,这可能导致对量子理论更深层次的理解。它是以 量子力学的基本原理为依据,以量子态为信息载体,来完成信息的存储、处理和 传输。这使得它的信息处理方式与经典信息科学的信息处理方式完全不同,它拥 有了许多经典信息科学所不具备的优点与特性。 比如说态叠加原理、 量子纠缠态, 量子不可克隆定理等。近年来,量子信息科学取得了飞速的发展,它的各个研究 领域都受到了学术界、信息产业界甚至各国政府的广泛关注。量子通信是量子信 息科学的一个重要分支,也受到了广泛的研究和关注,其主要内容包括:量子隐 形传态、量子密集编码、量子秘密共享、量子密钥分配等,其中量子隐形传态是 该领域中最受关注的方向之一, 它在量子通信和量子计算中有着较大的潜在应用 价值。 本文在介绍连续变量量子信息基本理论及实验进展的同时,主要讨论了连 续变量的量子隐形传态及其应用。本文的主要研究内容有: 1.连续变量的可控纠缠交换连续变量的可控纠缠交换。 纠缠交换有许多重要的应用, 它可以使得没有直接相互作用的量子系统彼此 之间建立纠缠,进而构造出有效的量子通信网络等。该部分研究内容在前人研究 的基础之上,利用光学系统实现了一个双模压缩真空态和一个三模 GHZ 态之间 的可控纠缠交换,并且导出了实现该交换过程的条件。 2.利用三方纠缠交换制备远程利用三方纠缠交换制备远程 W-type 纠缠态。纠缠态。 本论文还研究了利用光学系统和纠缠交换制备远程 W-type 纠缠态的实现方 案。在该方案中,我们利用了两个局域的双模压缩真空态和一个局域的三模 W-type 纠缠态,通过三方纠缠交换,可在原来并无直接相互作用的三方 Alice、 Bob 和 Charlie 之间建立纠缠。 关键词:关键词:量子信息 双模压缩真空态 光学系统 纠缠交换 纠缠态制备 连续变量的量子纠缠及其在量子通信中的应用 2 Abstract Quantum information is a relatively young branch of physics. One of its goals is to interpret the concepts of quantum physics from an information-theoretic point of view. This may lead to deeper understanding of quantum theory. Based on basic prin- ciples of quantum mechanics and with quantum state as a information carrier, Storage, transmission and processing of quantum information can be accomplished. It opens an avenue of information processing capabilities unavailable in classical information such as superposition principle of quantum state, quantum entangled state and principle of quantum no-cloning, etc. In the past few years, lots of surprising progresses were made both in theoretical and experimental fields, which has attracted much attention of academe, information industry, and the government of many countries. The recent years witness rapid growth of quantum information. As an important branch of quantum information, quantum communication is also broadly researched and concerned. It mainly contains quantum teleportation, quantum dense coding, quantum secret sharing, quantum key distribution, etc. Quantum teleportation is one of the most strikingly interesting fields in quantum communication and it would be a potential tool in quantum communication and quantum computation. In this thesis, we give a brief introduction of the theory of quantum information and quantum computing and their experimental development of continuous variables. Then we focus on the schemes of quantum teleportation of continuous variables. The main results of this thesis are as follows: 1. Controlled entanglement swapping of continuous variables. Entanglement swapping can be applied in a number of aspects such as entangling the systems which have never interacted with each other, thus we can build an efficient quantum communication network, etc. Based on former research and with the help of optical system, we achieve controlled entanglement swapping between a two-mode squeezed vacuum state and a three-mode GHZ state, and educe the condition for achieving the continuous variables entanglement swapping. Abstract 3 2. Generation of remote W-type entangled state via tripartite entanglement swapping of continuous variables. Using optical system and entanglement swapping, we propose a scheme for generating remote W-type entangled state via tripartite entanglement swapping of continuous variables, where two EPR pairs and a local W-type entangled state are required. The three involved remote users, without direct interaction, will become entangled after the prescribed entanglement swapping. Key words: Quantum information, Two-mode squeezed vacuum state, Optical system, Entanglement swapping, Generation of entangled state 连续变量的量子纠缠及其在量子通信中的应用 4 目目 录 录 摘 要摘 要.1 AbstractAbstract .2 目 录目 录.4 第一章 量子光学中的连续变量第一章 量子光学中的连续变量 .5 1.1 引言 .5 1.2 量子化场的正交变量.6 1.3 高斯态 .9 1.4 光场压缩态 .10 1.4.1 光场压缩态的定义及性质.10 1.4.2 光场压缩态的表示形式.12 1.5 线性光学过程 .14 1.6 非线性光学过程 .15 1.6.1 简并参量放大过程.16 1.6.2 非简并参量放大过程.
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