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河北大学 硕士学位论文 挪威媒体法规及其监管方式特点初探 姓名:陈素然 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:传播学 指导教师:王怡红 20100501 ? I ? ? ?!? ?#?$%? ?ABCDE ?FGH ?IJK?L8MNH?K?OPQRS8MNTUVWHXY?Z? 8T?_abcE ?8?de? ,f?g?hJLH ijk?lm8nop?-f?9:q?bc Abstract II Abstract In this paper, we start from three main research levels: First, we introduce Norwegian media laws and its regulatory agencies; Second, we introduce the main content of three Norwegian media laws (the Media Ownership Act, Broadcasting Act of 4 Dec. 1992 no 127 and Regulations No. 153 of 28 February 1997 relating to broadcasting); Third, we take a preliminary study on its regulatory characteristics. The study found that Norway is a media society to an extreme degree. Norways media industry has a very strong sense of social responsibility. They believe that their most important duty is to ensure freedom of expression. The main features of Norwegian media legislation are as follows: 1.The institutionalization of the media regulations and regulatory bodies .The Norwegian media legislation guarantees the independence of regulatory authorities. 2. Content-targeted regulation. Norwegian media legislation clearly defines the responsibilities of regulatory and supervisory standards, penalties, and related information will be open to the public, has a strong operational. 3. Norways supervision is based on an open field of vision, focusing on protecting the diversity of European culture, and also attached great importance to protection of local culture. Key wordsNorwegian media legislation regulatory characteristics freedom of expression ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? !? #$?%?A?BCDE-?F? GHIJKLM?N?O?,?P*QHIJK?R ? QHIJKSTUV ?R ? QWXJKHIYMZS?R ? QWXYMZSZ?WX_ JKab?c,R ? Q*dJK?e?c,RfghE-ijklmnYLn? ?o- pq?%?*“?O?(?n?- ?,?Pfl ?,;?“?O-z?,?3*? ?0?*?O?“?O?-F?QHIJK? ?R?8 ?HIJ?JKfl ?HIJKab?m? ab?tu?I?*5?ab8 ?|? ?N? ?s? ? ? 2 f? ? =? !,;?,?tu?p?- ?. #$?/)*“?%?(?) ?0?*?n,?#+,-z-.(?8/0tI?H1?8 ?23?45H1?6789:?H1?;?;?E?,?FABC1?Q?HI JK,?R -D?nv?EF?GH?-.?IJ?KL?f? ,?S?=E-?1fg?Y?%? ? 4 n*E?YL?f?Vo?FxM?Q?f ?R NNO ? ?Ph?QQHI?R NNO ?*?R? ?IJS?HI?Q?f?_I?R NNT ? ? Q?z? 8?U?bV?*?WsXYR NNZ ?-*,?QQHI “?R NNZ ?_?Q?.aL_?R NNT ?*? ?b-D?=nv?1? NM-?D?nv?p?k?-.?-/ 0?1?-.?f?p?X?b?/)*+?-.? ?,?*)*?-.?,?67+?O?- D*?c?v?-.?,?bzdef?/)*? z*B?O?-p?O?*8?Q?f?_I?R NNT ? ? Q?z?8?U?bV?*?WsXYR NNZ ? ?g*? G1?Qh_?R NNZ ? ?+1?Q%|R nnT ? ?iE ?-.?gs?t?-?7?-.? ? ?-.?uvofi w x?y?vw?-.?,?fi w?*Qz?K5?-. %R NNZ? ? Q-.P?|R NNn?D?LM?-.?, ?b-/)*?-.?,?- ? ? ?E?=?-?F?QH1,R ?4h?nnZ ?P?-?uO?F?H1?aw? ?a(?n?“?O?mo,?-lF?*?%?p? ?L?-?7?p?,?s?UV-? 10%? ? !#$? 20 %? ?ABCD20EF?8?8#GH?45?I?HJK# L 1 M?NOP;QRST 7 *- ? -.?”HI?L?Qq?.”?-.HI?L?N? HI?o-1993 ?-.?”HI?L P4 c?H1? ?HI-?-.HI?L?bD?g?mwg P1?P2 ? P3? -? 2005 ?-.?”JK?c? Kanal24-So1? ?JK? *EYLJK?- ”HIJK?L?H1? ?- z-.HI?L?HIJK?!X* Y- ?$?u“?v4?-.HIJK?K?g?_?%?-. ?HIJK?- /0? ?-.HI?Ld?”?HI?L? pabI4? 0?HI? *?x?F- ? ? !#$%QRST 9 ?*?fi xHI?L?-.?El%?-.H I?LNRK?g?NM?fi x-? ?op? ?ABCDEF ?-.?Ph/?y?SoY?U? ? n?$-?1lV?b?oU?-.P?El%-.?P?|? ?Z|?Z|?B-.?P?Z|So9:;?dfi fl ? P?|-?P?Z|?S?1qP?| ? 1969 ?- $? D 1980 ? -.?P?|- D 1987 ?-.P?9?P?|- -.?P?$B?J?Y?nt?Y?P?“ ?A?E?EF?EF?E? ?#?Y?a?Y?“? ?EFY?# L 1 M?NOP;QRST 11 ?YLP?-P?/?S?A?-2006 ?-. ?Z9:P?$ 2.52 B-.?C 3250 ? - F?mnb?2006 ?-.?9:P?|sw 3.02 B-.? C- ?-.?P?|?D#nU$oYLn?N? ElO?Dz?,?w?#7-. ?n?-.?P?S?E?o?“?EP? FG?H%o?h?/?u?-.?Qn*HI?JK?Jb+?,?h?-.)* ?%-.?,?fi fl QJb?e f?,R Act relating to Films and Videograms? ? QHI,? Z ?R Broadcasting Act of 4 Dec. 1992 no 127? ?QHI? O? ?RRegulations No. 153 of 28 February 1997 relating to broadcasting
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