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,Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies 询盘及回复,Introduction(简介),目的: 了解询盘的基本写作技巧和回复。 交易磋商的一般程序分为“询盘”、“发盘”、“还盘”和“接受”四个环节。 询盘(Enquiry)又称询价,是指买方或卖方向对方询问以价格为中心的各种相关的交易条件,包括一般询价(General Enquiry)和具体询价(Specific Enquiry)。,3,Enquiries,Definition: A Request for Information general enquiries(一般询盘) for general information:information about various goods : 目录(a catalogue)、价目表或报价单(a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品 (a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints) specific enquiries(具体询盘) for specific information:具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quantity)、单价(the unit price FOB CIF),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment),Five steps of Enquiry,Step I The identity of the buyer behind you (level, recognition) Step II Clarify about requirements of your clients (analysis, nail on contents) Step III Digestion of enquiry information (EXCEL, specialty),Step IV Deliberated thinking to reply (calm, advantages) Step V Follow- Through (cottoning up, Friends first),phishing website,一定要注意钓鱼网站,新人要注意钓鱼网站目的是要你的密码输入和账户,他给的是一个外部连接,点进去后其实是一个“钓鱼邮箱输入界面”,新人们如果不加小心,把自己的外贸邮箱和密码输入进去,就会导致邮箱丢失,也有可能直接导致你贝宝的资金被转走,所以如果这样的询盘包涵外部连接,请大家多加小心。 凡是需要输入账户密码的,千万别上当。 要想取得胜利,首先学会保护好自己。,Dear Friend Thanks for your reply On behalf of our Nasatech Inter Co Ltd this is the samples of the product that we want develop. Please Kindly view our website for the samples and the product we need if your company can make the similar like this product. xxxxxxxx(一个外部连接) Please quote us your best prices and the cost of delivery to our port and if the prices meets our price target we can place our order as soon as possible. Best Regards Mr Edwin Martez Purchasing Manager Nasatech Inter Co Ltd Address: 479 Allen Avenue, By Charles Walter, State : stockholm Country : United States Mobile Phone : 1-330-3436799 purchasing,Enquiry Examples,Re:Im interested in your 50HZ 120W Home - Made Fast Automatic Pasta Machine, Equipment For Making Rigatoni Bucatini time:2013-12-12 17:22:04 rostradecoyahoo.it Aiman Elshazly 0020222746936 Rostrade Egypt 82.201.175,Dear sir , Kindly be informed that I am so interesting with fresh pasta “ pasta machine” . I am asking for you to send your best offer for this machine fresh pasta machine with all any equipments to make diff. type of fresh pasta such as fresh pasta as follow: Pasta fresca type : 1- Fettuccine (宽面) 2- sheet (面片) 3- Rigatoni (通心粉) showing machine types and capacity ,Waiting for your urgent reply, Pls. feel free to contact me any time Best Regards Rostrade co G.M Dr. Aiman El Shazly TEl: 00202227469361 e-mail : rostradecoyahoo.,2 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 该啰嗦时就啰嗦,of interest 有趣的,引起兴趣的 much of it is of interest to 这其中有很多对于来说是很有趣的。 in the interest of 或 in the interests of 为了的利益;为了的缘故 thinking in the interest of the whole family 为了整个家着想,catalogue n 商品目录册 the latest catalogue 最新目录 illustrated catalogue 附有说明书(插图)的目录 list 货单 brochure 小册子 leaflet 单页的商品说明书 pamphlet 小册子 the full details of -的全部细节 all necessary information 所有必要的信息,quote v 报价, 与介词for连用 quotation n报价,与动词make,send,give,cable,fax连用,后接介词for,但当买方提及卖方报价时一般用介词of quote sb a price for sth quote sb for sth quote sb a price quote a price Please quote us your most favorable price CIF Seattle for the above goods, including our commission 5%. 请就上述货物向我方报CIF西雅图最优惠价,含佣金5%。 attractive price,We shall be pleased if you will give us a reasonable quotation for color TV sets. 如能给我方彩色电视合理报价,将不胜感激。 We are going to give you a quotation which is based upon the prevailing international market price. 我方准备按当前的国际市场价格给你方报价。 prevailing (market) price 现行价,市价,place an order with sb for sth 向某人订购某物 place a large (substantial) order with sb for sth 向某人大量订购某物 If your price is reasonable, we may place a large order with you. 若你方价格合理,我方可能向你方大量订购。 As your womens dresses are of high quality and prices are reasonable, well place a substantial order with you. 因为你方的连衣裙质量好、价格合理,所以向你方大量订购。,1. discount n 折扣 a special discount 特别折扣 cash discount 现金折扣 trade discount 同业折扣,商业折扣 quantity discount 数量折扣 at a discount 削价,降价,无销路的 to give (allow, make, grant) sb a discount 打折扣 We agree to give you 15% discount provided you order 100,000 sets. 我方同意给你方百分之十五的折扣,但你方得订购十万套才可以。 In view of our long-standing relationship, we agree to allow you a discount. 考虑到我们长期的关系, 我方同意给你方折扣,20,Terms,佣金(commission)是卖方或买方付给中间商为其对货物的销售或购买提供中介服务的酬金。中间商通常为经纪人或代理人,但在实际业务中,凡是为招揽生意、促进交易提供服务的企业或个人,都可能称为佣金的收受者。 折扣(discount)是卖方按照原价给买方以一定的减让。,21,佣金,佣金有“明佣”、“暗佣”两种。 明佣的表示方法有三种: 一是用文字说明。 如:USD 100 per M/T CIF London including 3%Commission 二是直接在贸易术语后面加上Commission的缩写字母“C”和所付的佣金率。 如:USD 100 per M/T CIF C 3% London 三是绝对数表示。 如:Pay commission USD100 per M/T,暗佣在出口合同中定有佣金,但在价格条件、出口发票上未列明的佣金。 暗佣的支付方式有两种:议付佣金汇付佣金议付佣金指在出口货物结汇时,由银行从货款总额中扣留佣金并付给国外中间商的佣金支付方式。(该方式下,出口企业收到的结汇款为扣除佣金后的货款净额。),23,折扣,明扣有三种表示方法。 一是用文字来说明表示。 如:USD 100 per M/T FOB Dalian including 2% discount。 二是用绝对数来表示。 如:Discount USD 200Per M/T 三是在贸易术语中加注“D”(Discount)或“R”(Rebate)和折扣率来表示。 如:CIF D 2% 新加坡或CIF R 2% 伦敦,询盘总结,买
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