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中国区受控技术文件China Division T-Document要求Requirement不需经活性碳处理的颗粒蔗糖标准修订Revised Bottler Grade Granulated Sucrose Specification颁布日期Issue Date:2000-04-24T-21-R-4共6页第6页Page 6 of 6 颗粒蔗糖必须符合美国食用化学品法典中蔗糖标准和世界粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会标准,及可口可乐公司的特殊要求。产品验收时必须符合下列标准和当地食品法规。The Granulated Sucrose must meet the specifications in the United States Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) standards, including some specific requirements of The Coca-Cola Company. Upon receipt, it should comply with the following plus any other standards defined by local food regulations, consistent with its intended use. Methodology Reference参考方法Description描述 -Appearance外观:White crystals or crystalline powder , with no more than 4 black specks per 500g白色晶体或晶体粉末,每500克黑点不多于4个CBQCMSW-L-023Taste口味:Typically sweet and free from foreign tastes典型的甜味无异常味道Odor气味:Free from foreign odors无异常味道Assay纯度 (Purity):Not less than 99.9% w/w不低于99.9% w/w:- polarization or,极化 或- calculated as 100% sucrose minus ash, minus moisture, minus invert.用100%蔗糖减去灰份、水分和还原糖计算获得ICUMSAAsh灰份:Not more than 0.015% w/w (conductivity)不高于0.015% w/w (电导率)ICUMSAColor色值:Preferably less than 35, but not more than 50 Reference Basis Units (RBU) or ICUMSA Units (IU) equivalents. Material higher than 35 RBU/IU must be specifically approved by The Coca-Cola Company.低于35为最佳,但不能高于50 RBU(或等同ICUMSA值),如原料高于35RBU/IU,必须经过可口可乐公司特别审批ICUMSAFloc Potential絮凝试验:Must pass test必须通过测试CBQCMSW-L-020Heavy Metals 重金属(as Pb计铅):Not more than 5 mg/kg (FCC)不高于5 mg/kg (FCC)FCCArsenic 砷(as As计砷):Not more than 1mg/kg (FCC)不高于1 mg/kg (FCC)ICUMSA/FCCInvert Sugar还原糖:Not more than 0.1% w/w (FCC)不高于0.1% w/w (FCC)FCCLead铅:Not more than 0.5 mg/kg (FCC/JECFA)不高于0.5 mg/kg (FCC/JECFA)AOAC/FCCMicrobiological微生物:Mesophilic Bacteria 嗜中温细菌:Less than 200 per 10 grams每10克中低于200个ICUMSAYeast酵母菌:Less than 10 per 10 grams每10克中低于10个Mold霉菌:Less than 10 per 10 grams每10克中低于10个Moisture水份:Not more than .025% w/w不高于0.025% w/wICUMSAOdor After Acidification: 酸化后气味Free from objectionable odor无令人生厌的味道CBQCMSW-L-004Quaternary Ammonium Compounds:季胺化合物Not more than 2 mg/kg in sugar refined by any process that uses Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QAC)使用季胺化合物精制糖工艺生产的糖中不高于2mg/kgCBQCMSW-L-024Screen Size颗粒尺寸:Not more than 7.5% finer than 65 mesh when screened for 30 seconds筛选30秒通过65目的糖不高于7.5%ICUMSASediment沉淀物:Not more than 2 ppm visual (NSDA disk) insolubles, or not more than 7 mg/kg gravimetric insolubles观察法测试不溶物不高于2ppm(NSDA Disk)重量法不溶物不高于7mg/kgNSDA/CBQCMSW-L-025Sulfur Dioxide二氧化硫:Less than 6.0 mg/kg低于6.0mg/kgAOAC/ICUMSATurbidity混浊度:None in 50% w/w solution在50%w/w溶液中无ICUMSANotes注: Specification references are listed in parenthesis. Where nothing is referenced, the specification reference is The Coca-Cola Company.参考标准列入括号中。如未列入,请咨询可口可乐公司。 These specifications must be provided to the supplier, and must be part of any purchasing agreement.标准必须提供给销售商,必须包括在合同中。Manufacturing Conditions制造条件颗粒蔗糖必须在符合食品卫生的条件下制造、包装、储存和运输,在生产和接收地点必须符合适用的食品卫生法、健康卫生要求和管理条理。流程改变必须预先与可口可乐公司沟通。不鼓励使用化学品控制微生物。控制微生物的物质不能在产品中残余。如化学物用于控制微生物,它们必须确定名称和使用水平。未获得可口可乐总部品质保证部书面许可的任何非颗粒蔗糖制造用途的物料不得用在颗粒蔗糖制造中作为成分、反应物或提取物,或蔗糖前体。供应商必须每半年进行残留杀虫剂测试。残留杀虫剂必须被确定为任何一种用于保护农作物免于虫害的有机或合成材料。The Granulated Sucrose must be manufactured, packaged, stored and shipped under sanitary conditions appropriate to food products and must be in compliance with all applicable food hygiene, health and sanitary requirements and regulations in effect at the manufacturing and receiving locations. This includes all applicable good manufacturing practices, laws and regulations (national and local) and including all local, national and international transport regulations as appropriate between manufacturing and receiving locations. Process changes must be communicated in advance to The Coca-Cola Company. The use of chemicals for controlling microorganisms is discouraged. There must be no residual of any substance used to control microorganisms in the final product. If chemicals are used for controlling microorganisms, they must be identified by name and usage level. No material used for any purpose other than the manufacture of Granulated Sucrose must be employed as a component or reactant or extractant in the manufacture of Granulated Sucrose, or in any precursor of Granulated Sucrose, without the written approval of the Corporate Quality Assurance Department of The Coca-Cola Company. The supplier must perform residual pesticide testing on a semi-annual basis. Residual pesticides must be defined as any organic or synthetic material
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