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Topic(主题):plans(计划) Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Learning goals(学习目标): 1.掌握以人物思想、情绪、行为为线索 的记叙文的写作方法 2.能用be going to/plan to/expect to/ try ones best to do/come true / in a word谈论未来的生活计划与愿 望 Task2 My New Years resolutions New year is coming. Here are my resolutions for the new year. First, Im going to learn singing, so I am going to take singing lessons . Then, Im going to do more sports and eat more healthier food because I expect to keep fit. Next, I want to improve my relationship with my family, so Im going to talk with them more often. Finally, I plan to improve my teaching skills, so I am going to learn more from others. In a word, I hope my new years resolutions will come true. 1. 审题想一想,填一填。 审题 体裁:_ 人称:_ 时态:_ 审题 体裁:_ 人称:_ 时态:_ 第一人称 一般将来时 记叙文 Out line Beginning Main body Ending Different kinds of resolutions Hope and expectation About New Year Outline文章结构 Resolutions about self-improvement improving physical health improving relationship with family and friends doing better at school/job How? Why? What ? Task4 Discuss in group, and write resolutions under the following heading. 1.Resolutions for self-improvement:_ 2.Resolutions for improving physical health:_ 3.Resolutions for improving relationship with family/friends :_ 4.Resolutions for doing better at school :_ Task 4 Writing 在新年来临之际,为了提高和完善自我, 制定新年计划是有意义的。请你以“Our New Years resolutions”为题,写一篇 80左右的短文来介绍你一家的新年决心 。 1.内容合理,符合实际,可适当发挥 2.语句顺畅,行文连贯 3.不能出现真实姓名 1. 审题想一想,填一填。 审题 体裁:_ 人称:_ 时态:_ 审题 体裁:_ 人称:_ 时态:_ 第一人称 一般将来时 记叙文 Out line Beginning Main body Ending I am going to/plan to. What How Why Hope and expectation About New Year 2.Outline文章结构 3. 写一写: 写初稿 4.查一查:请根据以下提示,检查并修改自己的 文章。 1.篇章方面:布局是否完整?逻辑是否合理?要点是 否齐全/丰富? 2.句子方面:主谓是否一致?时态语态是否正确?连 词使用是否正确?句式是否多样化化?是否用到好词 好句? 3.词语方面:代词的主格,宾格等形式是否正确?动 词搭配/形式是否正确?名词单复数是否正确? 4.细节方面:单词拼写、标点符号、大小写是 是正确? 请和同伴交换习作,依据以上提示和下列评价表 ,相互欣赏与修改习作,然后给对方的习作打分 。 修改习作时可使用这些符号: 优美句子; 漏词; 错处:; 删除; 语法错误 G ; 人称错误 P; 时态错误 T; 拼写错误Sp 项目标准自 我 评 价 同 伴 评 价 教 师 评 价 结构(3 分) 段落合理(2分) 衔接自然(1分) 内容(8 分) 你和家人的新年计划(2分) 制定相应计划的目的(2分) 如何实施计划(2分) 拓展合理(2分) 语言(3 分) 词汇丰富(1分) 句法正确,语言优美(2分) 卷面(1 分) 书写工整 Hello,everyone. Here are our plans for the coming New Year. At first, Im going to study harder to get better grades. Im going to help my mum do housework because I want to improve my relationships with my family. Then, my sister expects to keep healthy,so she is going to eat healthier food and do more exercise. my parents have their New Years resolutions, too. My father likes playing the guitar,so he is going to take guitar lessons every weekend. As for my mum, she is going to do more reading to know what is happening around the world. All in all, we will try our best to make our New Years resolutions come true. 本文紧扣题目要 求,开门见山, 从家庭不同成员 的新年计划入手 。 用了At first, then, also,as for, All in all等词 连接上下文。计划制定 合理,阐述清晰,逻辑 分明,首尾呼应。 表达了他们制定相应计划的 目的,并说明了将如何实施 计划,内容充实,句式丰富 。 Homework : 1. Rewrite a better composition Our New Years resolutions. 2. Exchange and enjoy your group members compositions.
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