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第二单元检测Listening Part一、听录音,写出你所听到的字母的大小写形式。12345678二、选择你所听到的单词,将其序号填在括号里。( )1Anotebook Bnoodles Cnurse( )2Aman Bmouse Cmonkey( )3Astory-book Bpicture-book CEnglish book( )4Aqueue Bquiet Csquirrel( )5Athirteen Bthirty Cforty三、选择你所听到的句子,将其序号填在括号里。( )1AMy schoolbag is red and yellow BMy schoolbag is green and yellow CMy schoolbag is red and green( )2AYou can see a black ball BYou can see a blue ball CYou can see a brown ball( )3AHow many story-books do you have? BHow many picture-books do you have? CHow many English books do you have?( )4AI have 12 erasers and 42 crayons BI have 12 erasers and 32 crayons来源:Z#xx#k.Com CI have 20 erasers and 42 crayons四、听录音,选择正确的答句,将其序号填在括号里。( )1AI have 13 BIm 13CYou have 13( )2ANo,thanks BSureHere you are CHere it is( )3A50 B50 yuanC50 books( )4AIts in my schoolbag B25CIts pink Listening Part一、找出下列单词中不属于同一类的选项,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1AChinese Bmath Cbook( )2Athirty Bnose Cforty( )3Apencil Bnotebook CEnglish book( )4Arice Bnoodles Clock( )5Arabbit Bsquirrel Copen二、根据图片揭示将单词补充完整。来源:学科网三、把算式与相应的单词用线连起来。132116?Athirty-seven21948?Bforty-nine来源:学+科+网341913?Ctwenty-seven440615?Dthirty-one四、根据情景选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1当别人夸奖你的书包漂亮时,你应该说: AOh,noBThank you very muchCYoure right( )2你想告诉同学你的书包很重,你说:_ AMy schoolbag is heavy BThere are 35 story-books in my bag CMy schoolbag is black and white( )3你想知道别人有多少本英语书,你问:_ AHow many English books do you have? BHow many picture-books do you have? CHow many story-books do you have?五、阅读理解。 Mike is an English boyHes elevenI has a new schoolbagIts big and heavyThere are many books in it,a Chinese book,an English book,a math book and 12 story-booksThere is a black pen in his schoolbagIts nice判断句子正误。对的请在括号里打“” ,错的打“” 。( )1Mike is an English boy( )2Mike has a new schoolbag( )3The schoolbag is not heavy( )4There are 15 story-books in the bag( )5The pen is red参考答案听力部分来源:Zxxk.Com一、1Gg 2Jj 3Qq 4Ff 5Nn 6Kk 7Rr 8Mm二、1nurse(C) 2mouse(B) 3picture-book(B) 4squirrel(C) 5thirty(B)来源:Z,xx,k.Com三、1My schoolbag is green and yellow(B) 2You can see a brown ball(C) 3How many story-books do you have?(A) 4I have 12 erasers and 32 crayons(B)四、1How many English books do you have?(A) 2May I have a look?(B) 3How much is your pencil?(B) 4What colour is your pen?(C)笔试部分一、1C 2B 3A 4C 5C二、1pen 3pencil 4pencil-case 5book 6ruler三、1C 2D 3A 4B四、1B 2A 3A五、1 2 3 4 5
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