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教学内容Unit 6 May I take your order? lesson20课堂类型Listen and say教学目标1能听懂会说关于中餐饮食的用语会表达喜欢吃什么描述味道咸淡等2能听说读写dish, eat, salty, sweet, sour能认读某些食品及一些菜名等3.培养学生总结归纳的能力。4.培养学生良好的卫生习惯和中西方饮食文化的交流。教学重点能听说读写dish, eat, salty, sweet, sour能认读某些食品及一些菜名等教学难点能听懂会说关于中餐饮食的用语会表达喜欢吃什么描述味道咸淡等教学准备图片 词卡教师活动来源:Z。xx。k.Com学生活动设计意图一)复习旧知头脑风暴快速回忆已经学过的食物饮料水果等类单词,为后面活动铺垫。1. Can you say some names of food? Just like: Fruit: apple peach pear melonFood: noodles rice hamburger Drink: juice water coffee来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K二)新授1. 学习新单词,掌握量词的用法。通过一系列实物操作的活动,激发学生对食物的兴趣,引出新学单词,加深学生印象,逐步拓展活动。Show the children a bag and have the children touch and guess what it is.“bread” “a loaf of bread”(write it on the blackboard) Throw the bread and have the children get it. Show a piece of bread and have the children differ them.来源:学科网2 Ask the children when they usually eat bread. (breakfast)What would you like to drink for breakfast?Elicit. milk.Show milk and a glass. Pour the milk into the glass.Say a glass of milk. (Write a glass of on the blackboard.)Then teach 2 glasses of milk.3 学习并分类通过归类回答并拓展单词What does milk belong to ? Elicit drink.Then show the children some other drink.Teach a glass of ice water. (Write on the blackboard. )Differ a cup from a glass. 4. Say: Lets put some rice into the bowl. A bowl of rice. ( a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup.)Ask: What would you like? Have a rest and have the children listen a song. Soup.4 活动5: 找一找,说一说.Four pupils are in a group. Each group has some small pictures and a big paper.Have the children listen and stick. dish starch drink dessertAsk the pupils: ”Where can you eat these things? ”Ok. Lets go to a restaurant. Play a video. Ask the children what did the waiter say?“May I take your order now?”Then have the children look at the pictures, listen and talk about what they are saying.Then have the children read after the tape.Have the children read after me.Have the children read in groups.三)巩固操练:Make their own dialogues.Each group has a menu. Have the children use the menu to make a dialogue.四)课堂反馈课堂反馈,掌握学生对本节课的接受情况。1这有各种中国蔡。2.请别把他们弄的他咸了。3. 我能吃糖醋鱼吗?4. 我现在能为您点菜了吗?5好的。 我要一个沙拉,鱼, 和绿豆角。6我现在能为您点菜了吗?7好的。我要一碗米饭,肉丸子,和一杯果汁。根据教师给出来的图片引导,激发学生利用头脑风暴快速回忆已经学过的食物饮料水果等类单词,为后面活动铺垫。Touch and guess what it is.跟读单词Differ the bread.根据教师提问回答问题。由简单到难Watch the video and try to answer the questions.来源:学科网来源:学。科。网Try to answer the questions.Listen to a song.自由活动培养通过让学生进行单词的分类练习,让学生对所学的旧知进行有效输出,从而为将要学习的内容作铺垫。通过猜测引出面包,再通过一系列小活动加深学生对面包的认识,认读单词,正确运用。问答操练活动,巩固本课句型。板书设计 Lesson 20 May I take your order ? salty Id like some sour What would you like to drink? sweet Id like some 课后小结本节课学生兴趣浓厚,教师结合之前学过的食物饮料类单词,复习导入,激发学生兴趣,然后通过视听等活动,学习本节课对话和新句型,在情境中学习新单词,感悟点餐句子。
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