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西安科技大学 硕士学位论文 煤矿作业人员安全心理测评系统研究 姓名:张娇 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:安全技术及工程 指导教师:田水承 论文题目:煤矿作业人员安全心理测评系统研究 专业:安全技术及工程 硕 士 生:张娇(签名) 指导教师:田水承(签名) 摘要 近年来,我国煤矿安全生产条件虽然有所好转,但形势依然严峻。煤矿事故严重威 胁着煤矿作业人员的安全与健康,并带来巨大的财产损失。据有关资料表明,煤矿事故 80%以上由人为失误引起。而行为是心理的表现,也是心理引导的结果。因此,本文从 煤矿作业人员安全心理角度进行研究,测量出煤矿作业人员的心理状态,使煤矿企业根 据员工的心理状态,制定煤矿安全管理的方法与措施。 首先,本文研究了人的心理状态,分析了人因事故致因机理,得出事故发生的主要 原因在于人为失误,而人的失误又与人的心理状态相关。介绍了心理测量和心理测验的 基本概念,分析了影响安全生产的心理因素,找出引起煤矿事故的不利心理特点,制作 心理访谈提纲,得出影响煤矿作业人员进行安全生产的心理因素。 其次,将影响煤矿作业人员安全生产的心理因素通过发放调查表的形式进行现场调 研,筛选和确定影响煤矿安全生产程度最大的心理因素,根据心理学中对心理活动的分 类,确定煤矿作业人员安全心理测评系统指标体系的两个维度。 再次,根据现场调研的结果,结合心理学对心理活动的分类,将影响安全生产程度 比较大的 18 个指标归入两个维度,得出煤矿作业人员安全心理测评系统的指标体系。 然后,根据心理测评系统的指标体系编制心理测量表,选取合适的样本对心理测量 表进行试测, 并计算其信度效度。 根据试测的结果调整测量表结构, 最终进行现场施测, 并使用 SPSS 进行信度效度检验,得出量表符合设计要求。 最后,运用模糊综合评价的方法,对被试者心理测量的成绩进行综合评判,得出被 试者心理素质的情况,为煤矿企业了解员工的心理素质,提供数据支持。 煤矿作业人员安全心理测评系统的建立,为我国煤矿企业进行安全管理、预防人因 事故提供了一种新的思路,为煤矿企业进行安全管理和决策提供参考。 关 键 词:煤矿安全;人因失误;心理测评 研究类型:应用研究 SubjectSubjectSubjectSubject:StudyStudyStudyStudy onononon thethethethe SafetySafetySafetySafety PsychologyPsychologyPsychologyPsychology EvaluatingEvaluatingEvaluatingEvaluating SystemSystemSystemSystem ofofofof PersonnelPersonnelPersonnelPersonnel inininin CoalCoalCoalCoal MineMineMineMine SpecialtySpecialtySpecialtySpecialty:SafetySafetySafetySafety TechnologyTechnologyTechnologyTechnology andandandand EngineeringEngineeringEngineeringEngineering NameNameNameName:ZhangZhangZhangZhang JiaoJiaoJiaoJiao(SignatureSignatureSignatureSignature) InstructorInstructorInstructorInstructor :TianTianTianTian ChuichengChuichengChuichengChuicheng(SignatureSignatureSignatureSignature) A A A ABSTRACTBSTRACTBSTRACTBSTRACT In recent years, although safety situation of coal mine production has improved, there are still lots of accidents. Coal mine accidents have a serious threat to the safety and health of working personnel and enormous property damage. According to the data which shows that more than 80% of coal mine accidents caused by human error. The Peoples behavior is the performance of human psychology is the result of heart and guide. Therefore, this article did research from the point of view psychology in coal mine safety. The different psychological state of coal mine personnel can be simultaneously measured in coal enterprises for different methods and measures. First of all, this state of mind were to analyze human error accidents and the main reason for the occurrence of accident is human error in the beginning of the study, but human error has associated with peoples psychological state. In introduced psychological measurement and introduced the basic concepts of psychological tests, analyzed the security-related psychological factors were analyzed with the coal mine accident-related psychological factors, making psychological interview outline, identify the psychological impact on coal mine operations personnel measure. Secondly, it will affect the safety of coal mine operations of the psychological factors of production through the use of questionnaires in the form of field research and screening and determining the greatest degree of safety in coal mines psychological factors. According to psychology in the classification of mental activities to determine the safety of coal mines operating system psychological evaluation index system of two dimensions. Then, according to Psychological Evaluation Index System for the preparation of psychological measurement table.Take appropriate samples for testing psychometric test table and calculate the reliability and validity. According to the results of tests to measure the table and adjust the structure of the final construction survey site, and use the SPSS to test reliability and validity. Finally, subjects were psychometric comprehensive evaluation of the results accord to fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Then psychological situation of subjects were obtained, which let coal mine manager to know there workerspsychological. The establish of the Safety Psychology Evaluating System of Personnel in Coal Mine give coal mine enterprise a new thinking which do safety management and prevent the accidents due to human and which can test the adaptability of coal mining enterprises to carry out information security management and decision-making. KeyKeyKeyKey wordswordswordswords:Coal Mine SafetyHuman ErrorPsychological Assessment ThesisThesisThesisThesis:Applied Research 1 绪论 1 1 绪论 1.1 选题的背景 安全是人类最重要和最根本的需求,是人民生命健康和国家财产的基本保障,可以 说,安全就是生命,安全就是效益,安全更是人类社会文明的标志。胡锦涛主席多次指 出: “我国是社会主义国家,我们的发展不能以牺牲精神文明为代价,不能以牺牲生态 环境为代价,更不能以牺牲人的生命为代价” 。温家宝总理也多次强调: “中国政府始终 把人民健康安全放在第一位” , “安全生产责任重于泰山” 。十七大报告也提出了坚持安 全发展的理念。可见,安全问题是今天乃至未来人类社会重点关注的主要问题之一。 我国是一个煤炭资源大国, 也是一个以煤炭为主要能源的国家。 煤炭作为一次能源, 在我国能源生产和消费结构中,占到 70%左右,预计今后这一比例仍高达 50%以上, 煤 炭生产在国民经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位。近几年,我国煤炭产量约占世界煤炭总 产量的二成以上,但是事故死亡人数却占到了世界煤炭工业事故死亡人数的 80% 。煤 炭行业是我国工业生产中最危险、伤亡事故最严重的行业之一。 事故的发生,往往会产生一系列连锁事件,形成群死群伤,导致巨大的经济损失以 及家属心中巨大的伤痛。比如 2005 年春节期间辽宁阜新矿业集团孙家湾煤矿发生特大 瓦斯爆炸事故, 造成 214 名矿工遇难, 该事故给许多家庭在春节到来时带来巨大的悲痛, 影响了社会的稳
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