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上海交通大学 博士学位论文 超激光照射治疗下肢神经病理性疼痛 姓名:郑蓓洁 申请学位级别:博士 专业:麻醉学 指导教师:王祥瑞 20090401 上海交通大学医学院博士学位论文 IV 超激光照射治疗下肢神经病理性疼痛超激光照射治疗下肢神经病理性疼痛 摘摘 要要 神经病理性疼痛是一种慢性疼痛, 严重影响患者的生活质量,其患病率 在 0.6-1.5%,随着人口的老龄化,患病率也逐渐增加。目前临床上对神 经病理性疼痛的治疗效果不理想,主要通过药物治疗,但药物副反应较 多,病人依从性差,疗效不佳。仅 30-40%的病人,药物治疗后疼痛减轻 大于 50%。对下肢神经病理性疼痛的治疗,临床上还有腰交感神经切除 术、腰交感神经阻滞,射频热凝等治疗方法,但侵袭性操作有各种并发 症的风险。 超激光照射治疗已被用于多种疼痛治疗,其中照射星状神经节是调节 星状神经节功能的常用方法。神经病理性疼痛的产生和持续与交感神经 的支配和活动有关。 本研究分为两个部分,通过超激光照射腰交感神经节 治疗下肢神经病理性疼痛,并进行疗效观察,为其治疗提供一种新的方 法或辅助治疗手段。 第一部分: 超激光照射腰交感神经节有效性研究 目的: 第一部分: 超激光照射腰交感神经节有效性研究 目的: 以下肢皮肤温度和下肢皮肤电阻为观测指标,探讨本照射方法 的可行性, 观察是否有效地照射到了腰交感神经节。 上海交通大学医学院博士学位论文 V 方法: 方法: 采用直线偏光近红外线治疗仪, 以 L2 为中心对腰交感神经节进 行照射,每日一次,每次 20mins,连续照射 30 天。以下肢皮肤温度、 皮肤电阻为观测指标,进行有效性评价。 结果: 结果: 照射前下肢皮肤平均温度为(33.061.05); 照射后皮肤平均 温度为(33.290.99),照射前后皮温平均增加(0.230.71) (P0.01)。超激光照射前,下肢皮肤电阻为(6.401.21)M,照射后 皮肤电阻为(6.111.07) M, 照射后较照射前皮肤电阻平均减少(0.30 0.96) M(P0.01)。 结论: 结论:超激光照射腰交感神经节后能使下肢皮肤温度升高,验证了照 射方法的有效性;超激光照射使下肢皮肤电阻减小,虽然未能直接证实 照射了腰交感神经节,但也从侧面反映了实验方法的可行性。 第二部分:超激光照射治疗下肢神经病理性疼痛的疗效 目的: 第二部分:超激光照射治疗下肢神经病理性疼痛的疗效 目的:通过对疼痛主观评价指标:VAS 评分及痛阈、睡眠影响评分、 情绪量表等客观指标的观察,对超激光照射疗法的疗效进行观察。 方法: 方法: 采用直线偏光近红外线治疗仪, 以 L2 为中心对腰交感神经节进 行照射,每日一次,每次 20mins,连续照射 30 天。以 VAS 评分、痛阈、 睡眠影响评分(SIS)及情绪评分为评价指标,进行疗效观察。 结果: 结果: 治疗前VAS评分为6.341.56, 治疗后VAS评分为3.610.98, 治疗后较治疗前 VAS 平均减少 2.741.01(P0.01)。治疗前痛阈平均 上海交通大学医学院博士学位论文 VI 为(1.610.76),治疗两疗程后痛阈平均为(2.740.64),治 疗后痛阈较治疗前平均增加(1.130.33)(0. 01)。治疗前睡 眠影响评分(SIS)为 5.871.77, 治疗后 SIS 评分为 2.930.79,治 疗后较治疗前 SIS 平均减少 2.941.60 (P0.01) 。 治疗两疗程后, 75.0% 患者焦虑评分由症状可能或肯定改善为无症状; 85.7%患者抑郁评分由症 状可疑或肯定改善为无症状。 结论: 结论:治疗后患者 VAS 评分下降,说明超激光照射对下肢神经病理性 疼痛具有镇痛效应;超激光照射使下肢痛阈增大,可能是其镇痛机制之 一;照射治疗能改善患者的睡眠情况;超激光照射改善患者情绪状况, 使其焦虑、抑郁症状好转。 关键词关键词 直线偏光近红外线,超激光照射,神经病理性疼痛,腰交感神经节 上海交通大学医学院博士学位论文 VII LINEAR POLARIZED LIGHT IRRADIATION FOR LOWER-LIMB NEUROPATHIC PAIN ABSTRACT Neuropathic pain is a kind of chronic pain which could seriously affect the patients quality of life, and the prevalence rate is 0.6-1.5%. Expect that with the aging of the population, the prevalence rate will also be gradually increased. The effectiveness of the clinical treatment available for neuropathic pain by now, which is mainly confined to medication, is not satisfactory due to the side effects, and, therefore, the patients are not well-tolerated. As a result, the medication treatment is insufficient. There are only 30-40% of the patients with chronic neuropathic pain who have reached the pain relief rate greater than 50%. There are lumbar sympathectomy, lumbar sympathetic block, radiofrequency thermocoagulation and other treatment for lower extremity neuropathic pain, but the invasive operation also brings the risk of various complications. 上海交通大学医学院博士学位论文 VIII Super lizer irradiation therapy has been used to treat a variety of pains, in which irradiating stellate ganglia is common method of regulating function of stellate ganglia. The generation and maintenance of neuropathic pain has relationship with the domination and activities of sympathetic nerve. This study is divided into two parts, through the super lizer irradiation of lumbar sympathetic ganglia to treat lower extremity neuropathic pain, and observe the efficacy to provide a new method or adjuvant therapy. Part one: the research on efficacy of super lizer irradiation on lumbar sympathetic ganglia Objective: Take the lower limb skin temperature and skin resistance as the observational index to analyze the feasibility of this radiation and the efficacy of irradiation on the lumbar sympathetic ganglia. Methods: Use linear polarized near infrared therapeutic apparatus to irradiate the lumbar sympathetic ganglia, which is centered by L2. For every patient, irradiation was performed for a period of 30 days, and 20 min each day. Take the lower limb skin temperature and skin resistance as the observational index to evaluate the efficacy. Results: The average lower limb skin temperature before the exposure was (33.06 1.05) and (33.29 0.99) after, and hence an increase at 上海交通大学医学院博士学位论文 IX an average of (0.23 0.71) (P 0.01). The average skin resistance was (6.401.21)M before the irradiation and (6.111.07) M after, and hence a decrease at an average of (0.300.96) M(P0.01). Conclusion: Super lizer irradiation on lumbar sympathetic ganglia could increase lower extremity skin temperature, which confirms the efficacy of the method; super lizer irradiation could decrease the lower limb skin resistance, and even though it did not directly confirm the exposure of the lumbar sympathetic ganglia, it reflected the feasibility of experimental methods indirectly. Part two: the efficacy of treatment by Super lizer irradiation on lower extremity neuropathic pain Objective: Take the VAS score and pain threshold, sleep interference score, Hospital Anxiety, Depression Scale, etc. as subjective and objective indicators, respectively
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