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Unit2 Workingtheland .情景默写 1The resistance to vaccine has continued for _(十年),and it is driven by a real but very small risk.(2017北京卷) 2These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation(植被),which _(减少 )plant diversity in the park.(2017全国卷) 3Famous experts are often invited to CCTV to _(评论)on international situations. 4How I _(后悔) making the stupid mistake and wasting so much of our time! decades reduced comment regret 5Dont walk around without a sunhat when you travel in Sanya,or you will get _(晒黑的) 6These birds are rare and _(因此) protected by law. 7Information about _(营养) is now provided on the back of most food products. 8Social status is largely determined by the _(职业) of the main breadwinner. 9It is important for you to _(略读) through the text. 10She is _(奋斗) to support a family on a very low income. 11The condition prevents the blood from _(循环) freely. 12The _(焦点) of public health is prevention and protection rather than treatment. sunburnt therefore nutrition occupation skim struggling circulating focus 13He is thinking of _(扩展) his business. 14I always _(画底线标出) the words I dont understand so that I can look them up in the dictionary later. 15_(细菌) are very small living things,some of which cause illness or disease. 16_(幸亏)these new treatments,people with high blood pressure can live a long and active life. 17To be mentally healthy,you need to _(逐渐增强)good relationships with each other. 18This kind of discussion will _(导致)still greater differences between the two parties. expanding underline Bacteria Thanks to build up lead to 19We should learn to _ ourselves _(使免受)love of money and be content with what we have. 20We asked all our customers if they _(对感到满意)the service they had received. 21We cannot really learn anything until we _ ourselves _(使摆脱 )being too proud. 22If you are going to follow someone,_(集中注意力于)their talent, instead of their bad character or unacceptable behaviors. keep free from/of were satisfied with rid of focus on .词性转换 1Women have gained the _(free) to decide whether to marry or not. 2Owing to the great _,a great number of _ children died.(hunger) 3Madam Curie _ Radium,and many scientists were surprised at her _ at that time.(discover) 4Our school offers good _ and you will be well _ with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip) 5The girl was _ by his _ words and she was at a loss what to do next.(confuse) freedom hungerhungry discovereddiscovery equipmentequipped confused confusing 1句型公式:so代替前面句子 这项产 品是否赚钱,如果是,赚多少? Do we make money on this product?_,how much? 2句型公式:makeit形容词不定式 他的梦想是奥运会将使得各个国家和人民和平共处。 His dream was that the Olympic Games would _ _ peacefully side by side. If so make it possible for countries and people to live 3句型公式:倍数表达法 这房间是那房间的两倍大。 The room _ that one. 4句型公式:would rather do. 有些人宁愿骑自行车,因为骑自行车没有乘坐公共汽车的麻烦。 Some people _ as bike riding has none of the troubles of taking buses. is twice as big as would rather ride bikes 5句型公式:现在分词短语作结果状语 另一方面,我将帮着建立英语角,提供给我们学生一个练习英语口语的平台。(天 津卷满分作文) On the other hand,I will help set up the English corner,_ _ providing us students a platform to practice our oral English 1struggle vt.& vi.& n斗争;拼搏;努力;挣扎 高考必刷题练题练 透 单句语法填空/单句改错/微写作 _(struggle) for months to find a job,Dina finally succeeded. We have to struggle _ all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad. Despite his terrible injuries,he wouldnt give up the struggle _ life. Having struggled against/with for Bravely,Mary struggled to her foot,and fought against the wind and rain._ He was seriously injured and made his way in the forest with struggle._ 海伦凯勒19个月时变得又聋又瞎,但她从不放弃并努力过积极的生活。 Helen Keller became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old,but _ footfeet struggle前加a she never gave up and struggled to lead an active life 状元笔记记全记记牢 (1)struggle for 为而斗争 struggle with/against sb/sth 与作斗争 struggle to do sth 努力做某事 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 (2)with a struggle 费劲地 【联想】 rise to ones feet 起立 jump/leap to ones feet 跳起来 set foot in/on 进入,踏上 2equip vt.& vi.装备;配备 高考必刷题练题练 透 单句语法填空/单句改错/微写作 It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped _(speak) Having equipped himself _ necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence. Our laboratory is distinguished for its equipments from America._ 为了使脚干燥舒服,这种新鞋配备了微型风扇。(湖南卷) _ t
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