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英语专四考试常见语法点摘要:介词+ which 许多同学在选择which还是介词+which上总是不太明白,这里有一个技巧可以告诉大家。which后面一定加一个缺主语或者宾语的句子,因为which在这个句子中作了宾语或介词+ which许多同学在选择which还是介词+which上总是不太明白,这里有一个技巧可以告诉大家。“which”后面一定加一个缺主语或者宾语的句子,因为“which”在这个句子中作了宾语或者主语成分。 “介词+ which”后面则跟一个完整的句子,因为”介词+which”整个结构在定语从句中作状语。例1:In the United States, a primary election is a method _voters select the nominees for public office. (A) that (B)by which (C)is that (D)by those分析:空格前后都是句子,因此缺从句引导词或连接词,首先排除C和D。A能够引导从句,但是根据题意,修饰method是不通的。B是介词+which, 引导定语从句,(大选是一种方法,根据这个方法,选民怎么.),因此(B)正确。例2: Croquet is a popular lawn game - players hit wooden balls through wire arches called wickers.(A) when (B) which (C) is when (D) in which分析:空格前后都是完整的句子,空格处缺定语从句引导词,由此首先排除(A)和(C)。但是到底是选择B还是D,则看从句,从句是完整的句子,那么一定选择(D), 关系代词which 前应该有介词。摘要:in that 在表示原因概念的引导词中, because of +名词, consequently是副词 而in that是原因状语的引导词。例1:Mercury differs from other industrial metals _ it is a liquid. (A) whereas (B) in that (C) because在表示“原因”概念的引导词中,because of +名词,consequently是副词而“in that”是原因状语的引导词。例1:Mercury differs from other industrial metals _ it is a liquid.(A) whereas (B) in that (C) because of (D) consequently分析:空格前后都是完整的句子,空格处显然缺从句引导词。C、D不能引导从句,可以首先排除。根据题意,两个句子之间是因果关系而不是对比关系,故选(B)。in that为复合连词,用来引导原因状语从句。例2:Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicles, are unusual _travel over land and water on a layer of air.(A)they (B)in they (C)that they (D)in that they分析:空格处缺从句引导词和从句主语。A和B缺从句引导词,首先被排除。C一般作宾语从句或定语从句,而句中需要的是状语从句,故也排除。D中in that为连词,引导表原因的状语从句,符合题意(气垫船之所以不同,是因为),故选(D)这里我们再重申一下,如果选项中出现“介词+which”或者“in that”,那么首先考虑这个选项,如果后面使用的是完整的句子结构,那么这个选项就一定是答案。这种题目平时出现的不多,但是要考的话一定就是重点。例3:Emily Dickinsons garden was a place_great inspiration for her poems.(A) that she drew (B) by drawing her(C) from which she drew (D) drawn from which分析:首先看选项C, “介词+which”, 而后面是she drew great inspiration for her poems.是一个完整句子,那么选项(C)就是答案。摘要:宾语从句 宾语从句的引导词在前面的主从复合句中已经提到。这里指出的是填空题中关于宾语从句考的最多的两个结构: state(陈述,表明)+that indicate(指明,表明)+that宾语从句的引导词在前面的主从复合句中已经提到。这里指出的是填空题中关于宾语从句考的最多的两个结构:state(陈述,表明)+that indicate(指明,表明)+that例1:The quantum theory states _, such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite units called quanta or photons.(A) energy that (B) that it is energy (C) it is energy (D) that energy分析:空格前的谓语动词states一般接关系连词that引导的宾语从句,故首先排除C。空格后已有谓语动词,空格不应再出现谓语动词,因此(D)正确。例2:Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate_yield when unusual weight is placed on them.(A) although its crust and mantle (B) its crust and mantle to (C) that its crust and mantle (D) for its crust and mantle to分析:空格处显然缺谓语动词indicate的宾语。(A)和(D)不能作宾语,可首先排除。(B)使句子结构混乱、语义不清,因此选择(D),构成宾语从句。摘要:what what在新题中考的非常多,记住一点:what=the thing that 例1:The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on_best in its climate and soil. (A) it grows (B) what grows (C) does it grow (D) what does it growwhat在新题中考的非常多,记住一点:what=the thing that例1:The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on_best in its climate and soil.(A) it grows (B) what grows (C) does it grow (D) what does it grow分析:空格前有depend on这个短语,四个选项都是句子,故可判断出空格处为宾语从句。A和C没有从句引导词,故排除,(D)的语序有问题,从句不能用特殊疑问句的倒装形式,故(B)正确。例2:During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became_is now Indiana and Ohio.(A) there (B) where (C) that (D) what分析:空格处缺的词既要引导从句又要作从句主语。四个选项中只有(D)符合条件。摘要:比较结构 比较结构中要注意两点:1、倒装性;2、对称性 例1:Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than_eastern Nebraska.(A) does (B) in (C) it does in (D) in it does 分析:than引导比较状语从句,空比较结构中要注意两点:1、倒装性;2、对称性例1:Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than_eastern Nebraska.(A) does (B) in (C) it does in (D) in it does分析:than引导比较状语从句,空格后面是个专有名词,肯定是比较从句的主语,空格处明显缺从句的谓语动词,只有(A)符合条件,故选(A)。注意than eastern Nebraska does 是正确的语序,但是原文中使用了倒装;在比较结构的后面部分中,如果比较从句的主语长,谓语动词短,动词可放到主语前面进行到装。例2: Hot objects emit_do cold objects.(A) rays more than infrared (B) rays are more infrared than(C) more than infrared rays (D) more infrared rays than分析:emit为及物动词,空格处缺宾语和引导比较从句的than, 只有(D)符合条件。注意空格后为倒装形式,do代替emit以避免重复。此题为常考的句子结构。比较结构中还需要注意相互比较的必须属于同一种事物例例3:The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than_.(A) the domestic marketer has (B) the domestic marketer does(C) those of the domestic marketer (D) that which has the domestic marketer分析:本题还是考查比较句,由于谓语动词是系动词are, 故先排除与其不对应的以has和does结尾的(A)和(B)。选项D则语义不清,也可排除。C中those代替前面提到的activities以避免重复,those一定要具备,因为只有这样才能满足比较的都是activities,谓语动词are因与主句谓语动词相同而被省略,因此(C)为正确答案。例4:The annual worth of Utahs manufacturing is greater than _.(A) that of its mining and farming combined (B) mining and farming combination (C) that mining and farming combined (D) of its com
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