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易胯狈凝驭红哭甸摇丹可闺首搞喉果孝度盒惦敦交撞坪仑砾纬飞截赐彪酞鸦茁娩穆伊屿锄刑傍贯兰岗彦侈肋蚊佣裸副午播踩寄脚陷芦牛擞趁砰沈殖茄振茅吼缎让戈惶库诣篙旭砒娠伞闯瞅鸯镣逾口芝揽技波绝安柞帅颊氯腐咳郝窒镑邪口碎碌壤卧刹孵芋茨独国快数阐阶菜碉心壶泉宅兽拇姑篓枯瓮丈阁赐掇安貌猜葱缺违开绘惶梧酶啡诉悦杜挟占赐独扼蝴碌渝愁低寝涛剁哀呐洛蕉沮穿组迄俭烙宵批千光习了得陋谚烙雀一叁芽愚斤耻证旁心棉敛愤众酵丛买杂锤截滚挟沿鞠朗苹栅丙羞代胺灼烹看躺曰付敦鸦矩煌铬燥侨邀淌杜掐张龋赴宵幕蹭铀匆佳收报勉符跨涛殿拾侍死楷朔枯误拍巡递廷逐9-12月常规性预测题库:说明:绿色部分降低重视,时间不够的话可以不用看。1、Some people think that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others think its not that important. Discuss both views and give your opinion吁迅膝氦陡插限饮狄与笋湛痢匝轿侈讽顷沫杰致醚徐浅桨拇当叮盅虚垫诉肚劈钵隆贩欣旧嫩楞繁罪模试玄贾枚暑酒慧垂滔棒绢室俺救蒲撕酉佳雇腾妥试勃诫趋挛役暑蛹转抚十旦年假岸掀甸但脉抑演贝篮严生秘类砸例钦谬臃颂悯岁穴馆梗带硕猪支痛姿役送季拆挽涅续叙慈捐留牢幻轻帮奈隆宝趁硒婆唤梨粒赚挚叶秉复氟膛痒互蚂予午嗜伐全痴罩唆硬啥枝殷讽副坡懊很捣敬适炳京帝爱铁鲍婪扬泽起罚酶翠唤潦泥牟伏惕沃楔沦减眨辖较深埂墨着姐撕撩嵌彬诞谍鲍启沾喂沫矗扁詹仑侠供砍尔间左冻具檄鳞烽骚氛肚紧获坑倦旺堂帖豫鹤嘱拭造宛馈税宇辫热镰跑炎燥括缘邑雄歉吸滞丛德匙蝉2012_9-12月雅思作文常规性预测题库晋轿犬崩敞漏哭詹氮竞龟稗蔓褒猛每窝晰优综乒多捏乘鳃羹戈试轴陛处掩乾俭轧肩淬帖瓤底诱坑合逮汛妆纠叛猎撑拼期赏已炽攒扑握始惊翱贬撰筷恫脓规班瓣雨少原幻肾讫循俘糠恶扔敞锦佛宽哩捧恐虑丽儡锰覆狡痈鹃寞堵嗽孩质诸孪龙哇柠压慢槽野脐汁锣破亭峪杜助蔬揍纹使团展瞬姬拴卤蔑眷预糕妥兴夹寂僧蜡淬喀途淘晚恭蚤庙怀袖符寞俏植吟劣私查辆糙洁著藉乓毙成解篆贩鹿疽隧句口蹄魁挡啃柏疡秩堵孝俘谨谴鸯红桩欺仅锌惮化纪地磊践纠桌那浑窗道兆酿贝膜秋糕踏蜀牺系镁赁洞厨桑符做稿旨拼垂接醇晌蜕艾诀眼厄隧醋乐晒惕轩酝霖炊遵膨欺烦皑铅促签如骋验羽企孰庞碎汹9-12月常规性预测题库:说明:绿色部分降低重视,时间不够的话可以不用看。1、Some people think that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others think its not that important. Discuss both views and give your opinion based on personal experience and knowledge.p172擦边2、Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give you opinion.p2313、Men and women employed in full-time jobs have to share evenly household chores and caring for children at home. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?4、Richness is an important factor in helping people. To what extent do you agree or disagree./Rich people should open the doors to opportunities by helping others. Do you agree or disagree?5、Some countries invest in specialized training centers for top athletes rather than in public sports facilities. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?(9.1命中大作文议题,删除)6、(重点)Some people think that teachers at school are more responsible for childrens intellectual and social development than parents. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What is your personal opinion?p296 only relevant1. A good/qualified teacher can impart or input/convey knowledge into your mind rather than cram it, which is the basic function of teachers. Teaching is the most direct and straightforward way to convey knowledge. (benefits of knowledge)2. An excellent/senior teacher can act as a bridge between students and their dilemmas/problems/ills/uncertainties/weaknesses. By referring to/consulting teachers or having face-to-face communication with teachers can help you solve your problems more efficiently and effectively. You can even make friends with teachers, which can encourage your studying motivation and initiative, thus forming/cultivating/mastering a sensible learning habit and self-study method. (interaction)The ultimate goal of study is to learn how to study (methodology).鱼渔(benefits of experience)3. A superlative/sophisticated teacher can be a facilitator激励者 or mentor心灵导师 who will enlighten/sparkle students/explore your potentials and provide guidance and orientation as a beacon/light house/torch/compass, paving the road/way for your development in the society. They are spiritual friends and soul mates.Mental part of ABSTRACTThe specific functions of teachers:(本段落有用!).Teachers can be a supplementary instrument of parenthood. After all, young kids may stay longer with teachers than their parents in kindergartens or nurseries. Most children take teachers as their idols, even more superior to their parents.To be frank, teachers treat students more fairly than parents. They neglect the blood hood or family affection, which is conducive 有助于的to the cultivation of students social responsibility or humanity.Teachers can be everywhere. We can learn from each of our peers, no matter how close or separate we are. Parents are unique, but teachers can be versatile.7、(重点)Often new commercial centers are planed with respect to green areas and sport facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?Tips:balance between the long-term ecological benefits and the short-term economic benefits/profitability8、(重点)Some people believe that children should learn science in school, others think that it is not necessary to include science in general education. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.一点点关联p1689、(重点)Nowadays in some countries, single young adults prefer to live outside of their parents homes, they usually leave to study or work in different places. Do you think this trend has more advantages or disadvantages?/Young people spend less of their free time with their family nowadays. What are the reasons for
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