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1.【题文】Though giant pandas may appear perfectly happy chewing bamboos, scientists recently discovered that they would rather have something sweeter. Scientists chose 1 because the animals are herbivores (食草动物), which would mean that they would love sweets. However, the plant they choose, the bamboos, has a very 2 sugar content and is therefore not considered sweet. Could this mean that pandas have 3 their hobby for sweet things? The pandas were given six kinds of sweet liquids that are 4 found in fruits and vegetables. They were also given 5 at the same time. In each of the taste tests, the animals 6 the natural sweeter liquids and ignored the water 7 . They ate up all the sweet liquids and the water was left untouched. What was even more interesting is that when the scientists 8 the water with five different man-made sweeteners, ones that humans find delicious, the pandas were not as 9 . In these tests, they picked the water instead. The scientists believe that it could be either because pandas found them to be too 10 or not sweet enough and that the mixture could not 11 the pandas.The scientists were not too 12 by the results, since pandas in zoos have always shown a preference for treats like apples, sweet potatoes and even mooncakes. Scientists believe that the pandas may have once 13 sweeter foods that were available in the lowland areas that they used to live in. But when human settlement in the lowland areas 14 them to the bamboo forests in the mountains, they had no 15 but to settle for the almost sugarless plants.1. A. horsesB. bearsC. monkeysD. pandas2. A. highB. simpleC. lowD. different3. A. lostB. followedC. startedD. kept4. A. speciallyB. hardlyC. naturallyD. rarely5. A. fruitsB. waterC. bamboosD. oxygen6. A. pickedB. hidC. rejectedD. shared7. A. largelyB. graduallyC. occasionallyD. completely8. A. mixedB. coveredC. exchangedD. replaced9. A. funnyB. pickyC. perfectD. interested10. A. saltyB. sweetC. sourD. hot11. A. harmB. saveC. attractD. change12. A. delightedB. surprisedC. disappointedD. concerned13. A. enjoyedB. dislikedC. controlledD. ignored14. A. encouragedB. forcedC. introducedD. guided15. A. desireB. chanceC. wonderD. choice【答案】DCACB ADADB CBABD【解析】【试源】2015届广东省珠海一中等六校联盟高三第二次联考(2014.11)【结束】2.【题文】One day a young man was walking along the road when he heard a cry. It seemed to be coming from underneath a bridge. As he approached the bridge, the sound got louder and then he saw 1 pitiful sight. There, 2 (lie) in the muddy riverbed was a little dog about two months old, 3 front legs were tightly tied with ropes. It had wounds on its head and 4 (cover) with mud. The young man wanted to help the dog, 5 as he approached, the dog started to bark. The young man did not give up. 6 sat down and started gently talking to the dog. It took a long time but eventually the dog 7 (stop) barking and the man was able to touch it. The young man carried the dog home, cared 8 its wounds, and gave it food and water. Even with all of this, the dog was still 9 (friend) every time the young man approached. But the young man did not give up. Weeks went by and the man continued attending to the dog. Then one day, as the young man approached, the dog wagged its tail. It was consistent love and kindness 10 won a lifelong friendship of loyalty.【答案】1. a 2. lying 3. whose 4. was covered 5. but/yet 6. He 7. stopped 8. for 9. unfriendly 10. that【解析】【试源】2015届广东省珠海一中等六校联盟高三第二次联考(2014.11)【结束】3.【题文】 One evening last summer, when I asked my 14-year-old son, Ray, for help with dinner, his response shocked me. Whats a colander(漏勺)? he asked. I could only blame myself. In the family, nobody elses hands went in the sauce except my own. But that night, as I explained with a touch of panic that a colander is the thing with holes in it, I wondered what else I hadnt prepared Ray for. As parents, while we focus on our sons confidence and character, we perhaps dont always consider that we are also raising someones future roommates, boyfriends, husbands, or fathers. I wanted to know that Id raised a boy who would never ask the woman in his life, Whats for dinner? So I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course. I was delighted to find that he didnt say no. For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine. One day, as his tomato sauce reduced on the stove, he washed and seasoned a chicken for roasting. Then he rolled out the piecrust (馅饼皮) and filled it with apples, all while listening to my explanation on the importance of preheating an oven. I knew that he would rather have been shooting hoops in the driveway than learning to mend socks with his motherhe tried to beg off sewing lessons, even though I insisted that one da
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