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Section 2 Phase 2 - DiagnosisCONFIDENTIALDiagnosis high level milestone planPHASE 2 - SOE DIAGNOSISTIMING1. Set scope of work: Discuss with stakeholders; Consider contents of TOE; Consider time / human resource constraints.Complete by 2. Initial data request: Review Initial data template; Tailor / amend as required for: Scope of work; Information already received from Enterprise; Priorities. Discuss with client, and set timetable for completion. Follow up as required.Complete by 3. Business review field-work: Review preliminary data assess priorities / key areas for more detailed review. Tailor / modify work programme template as required. Conduct field work, not just obtaining information, but also analysing it, asking follow up questions to gain complete understanding sufficient to be able to form conclusions / recommendations.Complete by 4. Business analysis field-work: Review preliminary data assess priorities / key areas for more detailed review. Conduct field work, including benchmarking, not just obtaining information, but also analysing it, asking follow up questions to gain complete understanding sufficient to be able to form conclusions / recommendations.Complete by 5. HSE Screening: Review preliminary data assess priorities / key areas for more detailed review. Conduct field work, not just obtaining information, but also analysing it, asking follow up questions to gain complete understanding sufficient to be able to form conclusions / recommendations.Complete by 6. Prepare report:Discuss with stakeholders / Enterprise management requirement for, and form of report.Ensure report is factual.Ensure key issues are appropriately highlighted, Complete by Enterprise Restructuring and Development Methodology Manual - 2 -d7eba8d1d9849b491d5310b48eead8ab.pdf, June 2002
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