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Unit 7 How much? 练习一一、选择画线部分读音不同的选项。( ) 1. A. milk B. kite C. know( ) 2. A. some B. please C. grapes( ) 3. A. very B. funny C. father( ) 4. A. clock B. nice C. cake( ) 5. A. umbrella B. breakfast C. dinner( ) 6. A. would B. small C. little二、算一算,写一写。1. fifteen+sixteen= 2. nine+eighteen= 3. fiveeight= 4. fortyone= 5. tentwo= 6. twentyfive= 7. thirtyfive= 8. eightyten= 9. thirty+twenty= 10. twenty-fivefour= 11. eightninetwo= 三、英汉互译。1. 只要十二元 2. 住在河附近 3. 一把红黄相间的扇子 4. 妈妈的鞋子 5. 这些好看的袜子 6. a cheap umbrella 7. how beautiful 8. would like some juice 9. forty pencils 10. well done 四、交际语匹配。( ) 1. How much is it? A. Theyre fifty yuan.( ) 2. Can I help you? B. Id like thirty.( ) 3. How much are the shoes? C. I have ten umbrellas.( ) 4. How many apples would you like? D. Its twenty yuan.( ) 5.How many umbrellas do you have? E. Yes.五、根据中文提示完成句子。1. 那些香蕉多少钱?十八元。How those bananas? yuan.2. 你想要多少根香蕉?二十个。How you like? .3. 汉堡多少钱?请给五元。How the hamburger? yuan, please.4. 那把扇子真漂亮。 is very .5. 干得真棒。 .六、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。1. Yes, Id like two fans. 5. Id like blue ones.2. What colour would you like? 6. No, thanks. How much are they?3. Can I help you? 7. Here you are. 4. Anything else? 8. Seven yuan, please. Unit 7 How much? 练习二一、交际语匹配。( ) 1. Would you like some noodles? A. No, thank you.( ) 2. What would you like? B. A glass of milk, please.( ) 3. What about some rice? C. Yes, Id like some noodles.( ) 4. Id like an egg, please. D. Would you like a cake?( ) 5. Im hungry. E. Here you are.二、连词成句,注意首字母大写和标点符号。1. are, socks, much, your, how(?) 2. fan, very, that, beautiful, is(.) 3. many, pens, how, you, would, like(?) 4. much, is, the, umbrella, how (?) 5. are, my, the, shoes, brother, for (.) 三、选择填空。( ) 1. Do you like these ? A. sock B. socks. C. a sock( ) 2. Do you have umbrella? A. a B. an. C. /( ) 3. How many do you have? A. a shoe B. shoes C. shoe( ) 4. Can I have ? A. look B. see C. a look( ) 5. Can you play ? A. a football B. the football C. football( ) 6. are the shoes? A. What B. How many C. How much( ) 7. How much is the skirt? ten yuan. A. Theyre B. Its C. It( ) 8. How much are the socks? twenty yuan. A. they B. Theyre C. Its( ) 9. What you like? I like cats. A. would B. does C. do( ) 10. Can I help you? a fan. A. I B. Id C. Id like四、改错。( ) 1. Id like a umbrella. A B C( ) 2. How much is your shoes? A B C( ) 3. Id like some rices. A B C( ) 4. Do you have some bananas? A B C
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