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Alexander PopeAlexander Pope 亚历山大亚历山大 蒲柏蒲柏 课程:英语课程:英语 Alexander PopeAlexander Pope Alexander PopeAlexander Pope,16881688年年5 5月月2121日日 - 1744 - 1744年年5 5月月3030日日, 是是1818世纪英国最伟大的诗人世纪英国最伟大的诗人,杰出的启蒙主义者。,杰出的启蒙主义者。 English essayist, critic, satirist, and one of the English essayist, critic, satirist, and one of the greatest poets of Enlightenment. Pope wrote his greatest poets of Enlightenment. Pope wrote his first verses at the age of 12. His breakthrough work, first verses at the age of 12. His breakthrough work, AN ESSAY ON CRITICISM (1711), appeared when AN ESSAY ON CRITICISM (1711), appeared when he was twenty-three. It included the famous line a he was twenty-three. It included the famous line a little learning is a dangerous thing. Popes physical little learning is a dangerous thing. Popes physical defects made him an easy target for heartless defects made him an easy target for heartless mockery, but he was also considered a leading mockery, but he was also considered a leading literary critic and the epitome of English literary critic and the epitome of English Neoclassicism.Neoclassicism. n n 蒲柏出生于一个罗马天主教家庭,他幼年蒲柏出生于一个罗马天主教家庭,他幼年 时期患有结核性脊椎炎,造成驼背,身高时期患有结核性脊椎炎,造成驼背,身高 没有超过没有超过1.371.37米,寿命不长(米,寿命不长(5656岁去世)岁去世) 。 n n 17271727年的蒲柏年的蒲柏. .蒲柏从蒲柏从1212岁即开始发表诗作岁即开始发表诗作 ,他的第一部重要作品是,他的第一部重要作品是17111711年他年他2323岁时岁时 出版的诗体出版的诗体批评论批评论,其中许多名句已,其中许多名句已 经成为英语成语。经成为英语成语。 Alexander Pope was born in London as the son of Alexander Pope was born in London as the son of Alexander Pope, a Roman Catholic linen-merchant, and Alexander Pope, a Roman Catholic linen-merchant, and Edith (Turner) Pope, who was forty-four when Edith (Turner) Pope, who was forty-four when Alexander, her only child, was born. Edith Pope belonged Alexander, her only child, was born. Edith Pope belonged to a large Yorkshire family, which divided along Catholic to a large Yorkshire family, which divided along Catholic and Protestant lines. His early years Pope spent at and Protestant lines. His early years Pope spent at Binfield on the edge of Windsor Forest, and recalled this Binfield on the edge of Windsor Forest, and recalled this period as a golden age: Thy forests, Windsor, and thy period as a golden age: Thy forests, Windsor, and thy green retreats, / At once the monarchs and the Muses green retreats, / At once the monarchs and the Muses seats, / Invite my lays. Be present, sylvan maids! seats, / Invite my lays. Be present, sylvan maids! Unlock your springs, and open all your shades. Unlock your springs, and open all your shades. Anecdotes from Popes life were deemed worthy of Anecdotes from Popes life were deemed worthy of collecting during his lifetime. Joseph Spence, a critic, collecting during his lifetime. Joseph Spence, a critic, minor poet, and Popes biographer, tells that Pope was minor poet, and Popes biographer, tells that Pope was a child of a particularly sweet temper and had a great a child of a particularly sweet temper and had a great deal of sweetness in his look when he was a boy.deal of sweetness in his look when he was a boy. Alexander PopeAlexander Pope故居故居 Alexander PopeAlexander Pope故居牌坊故居牌坊 n n 1919世纪对蒲柏的评价不佳,世纪对蒲柏的评价不佳, 认为他的用词过于造作,韵认为他的用词过于造作,韵 律过于死板,他的讽刺有点律过于死板,他的讽刺有点 不太人道。但到了不太人道。但到了2020世纪,世纪, 他的声望又开始提高,有的他的声望又开始提高,有的 诗作如诗作如夺发记夺发记和一些讽和一些讽 刺诗被称为讽刺诗的最高境刺诗被称为讽刺诗的最高境 界;但有些诗如界;但有些诗如人论人论普普 遍认为并无多少独创的思想遍认为并无多少独创的思想 ;他的;他的伊利亚特伊利亚特译本和译本和 群愚史诗群愚史诗一直受到争议一直受到争议 。 n n 蒲柏是第一位受到欧洲大陆蒲柏是第一位受到欧洲大陆 关注的英国诗人,他的著作关注的英国诗人,他的著作 把翻译成欧洲许多国家的文把翻译成欧洲许多国家的文 字。字。 Popes admired Horace and Vergilius and Popes admired Horace and Vergilius and valued them as models for poetry. His great valued them as models for poetry. His great achievements was the translations of Iliad and achievements was the translations of Iliad and Odyssey into English. The success of Popes Odyssey into English. The success of Popes translations enabled him to move to translations enabled him to move to Twickenham from anti-Catholic pressure of the Twickenham from anti-Catholic pressure of the Jacobites. However, Pope remained a Catholic Jacobites. However, Pope remained a Catholic even after the death of his father (d. 1717) and even after the death of his father (d. 1717) and mother (d. 1733). Popes collected works were mother (d. 1733). Popes collected works were published in 1717. He was one of the first published in 1717. He was one of the first professional poets to be self-sufficient as a result professional poets to be self-sufficient as a result of his non-dramatic writings.of his non-dramatic writings. n n 他的第一部重要作品是他的第一部重要作品是17111711年他年他2323岁时出岁时出 版的诗体版的诗体批评论批评论,其中许多名句已经,其中许多名句已经 成为英语成语。成为英语成语。 n n 17121712年他写作了长篇讽刺诗年他写作了长篇讽刺诗夺发记夺发记, 17141714年又补充了两章。这首诗描写一家男年又补充了两章。这首诗描写一家男 孩偷剪了另一家女孩的一绺金发,因为此孩偷剪了另一家女孩的一绺金发,因为此 事引起两家的争执。蒲柏把此事描写得和事引起两家的争执。蒲柏把此事描写得和 伊利亚特伊利亚特中特洛伊战争一样壮观,写中特洛伊战争一样壮观,写 成了一部英雄史诗。成了一部英雄史诗。 早期作品早期作品 中后期作品中后期作品 n n 17131713年起,他着手翻译荷马的史诗年起,他着手翻译荷马的史诗 伊利亚特伊利
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