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2013年12月英语六级考试听力真题(第3套)1. M:I need to find a dentist,you said you know DrSmith welldo you recommend her?W:Well,I had to see her a few tLmes,but what impressed me most were the magazines in her waiting roomQ:What does the woman imply? D)。 A Dr.Smiths waiting room,isnt tidy BDrSmith enjoys reading magazines CDrSmith has left a good impression on herDDrSmith may not be a good choice2W:Im afraid I cant show you the apartment at the moment,because the tenant is still living in itItS really a lovely place with a big kitchen and a sunny windowfor only$200 a monthM:Sounds good,but we realy cant rent an apartment without seeing it firstQ:What do we learn from the conversation? C)。A The man will rent the apartment when it is availableBThe man made a bargain with the landlady over the rentCThe man insists on having a look at the apartment firstDThe man is not fully satisfied with the apartment3. M:S0,thatS whats been keeping you SO busy recently! W:Yes,Ive been tied up with my studiesYou know Im planning to go to the United States this comingsununer,but Im a bit nervous about my EnglishQ:What is the woinan busy doing? B)Apacking up to go abroad BBrushing up on her EnglishCDrawing up a plan for her English courseDApplying for a visa to the United States4W: How did you feel when you found out you had high blood pressure?M: Shocked! The problem for me was that there were no symptoms; it seemed to have sneaked up on me.Q: What does the man mean? C)。 AHe is anxious to find a cure for his high blood pressureBHe doesnt think high blood pressure is a problem for himCIte was not aware of his illness until diagnosed with itDHe did not take the symptoms of his illness seriously5W: So, youre just back from a trip to India. What were you doing there?M: The trip was intended to bring to the worlds attention the fact that AIDS is not just an African disease; its also endangering other countries, notably, India and Thailand.Q: What was the purpose of the mans trip to India? D)ATo investigate the causes of AIDSBTo raise money for AIDS patientsCTo rally support for AIDS victims in AfricaD To draw attention to the spread of AIDS in Asia6. M: Its quite clear for my visit: this is a full size, comprehensive university. So why is it still called a college?W: The College of William and Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in this country. We have nttrtured great minds like Thomas Jefferson and we are proud of our name.Q: What do we learn from this conversation about the College of William and Mary? A)Al t has a very long history Bl t is a private institutionCIt was founded by Thomas JeffersonDIt stresses the comprehensive study of nature.7. M: Have the parts we need for the photo copying machine arrived yet?W: I ordered them last week, but something is holding them up.Q: What does the woman say about the parts needed for the photo copying machine? B)AThey cant fit into the machine BThey have not been delivered yet CThey were sent to the wrong addressDThey were found to be of the wrong type.8W: The cafeteria provided many kinds of dishes for us today. Did you notice that?M: Yes, kind of rare, isnt it?Q: What does the man imply? A)AThe food served in the cafeteria usually lacks variety BThe cafeteria sometimes provides rate food for the students CThe students find the service in the cafeteria satisfactoryDThe cafeteria tries hard to cater to the students,needsconversation OneW: Hello, Patrick, is that you?M: Yeah, Jane, what can I do for you?W: (9) I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday.M: That was hard work!W: Im sure it was. It ture looked difficult.M: Yeah, Im glad its finished. Hauling the branches to the front for garbage pick-up was no fun either.W: Well, I dont think youre quite finished yet, (10) some of the larger branches fell over into my yard, and I think you should come and get them.M: Listen, Jane, I dont see why I should do that. You eat all the apples that fall in your yard, and youve never complained about that before.W: Well, its easier to pick up apples than to drag tree branches all the way to the curb. My kids pick up the apples, and the branches are just too big for them to drag.M: Well, I guess youll just have to do it yourself, Jane.W: Patrick, I wish you would reconsider. Weve always gotten along fairly well, but I think youre out of line here.The branches are your responsibility.M: Sorry, Jane, I disagree! You take the benefits of the apple tree, but refuse to deal with the bad side of it! Besides, it wont take you any time to get the branches out front !W: Get the branches off my property or ( 11 ) Ill have to sue
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