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【精品】2015-2016四年级上英语期末卷(答案+解析+听力录音)人教(精通)(2014秋)听力部分笔试部分题号一二三四五一二三四五六七八得分Listening Part(50分) 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分) 1.sister teacher brother farmer2.fifteen sixteen eighteen nineteen3.rainy snowy windy cloudy4.shorts jeans socks shoes 5.small tall strong long二、听录音,为下列图片排序。(用1,2,3表示)。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,填空。(10分)1. Im from _. 2. He is a _.3. Which_ are you in ?4. Whats _ and seven?5. Its a _ .四、听录音,看判断你所听到的内容与下列句子是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)( )1. Do you like carrots?( ) 2.I like cucumbers .( ) 3.Where are you from?( ) 4.Its fine today.( ) 5.Lets play with my kite.五、听录音,排序。(用1,2,3表示)(10分)( )Its windy today.( )Can I have some water, please?.( )Lets go shopping.( )Glade to meet you .( )Here you are .Writing Part(50分)一、根据图片补全单词。(5分) Ca_ ada t_ _cher l_m_n w_term_lon s _ i _ t二、找出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1.A.father B. brother C. boy D. mother ( )2.A. twenty-one B. English C. fifteen D. nineteen( )3.A.rainy B. snowy C. cap D. windy( )4.A.big B. small C. long D. shorts( )5.A. banana B. apple C. tomato D. pear三、根据句意,用画线单词的反义词天空。(5分)1. Your hat is big and my hat is _.2.The pig is _ and the monkey is thin .3. Its hot in America. Its _ in China .4.My brother is tall and my sister is _ .5.My bag is new. Your bag is _ .四、英汉短语互译。(5分)1. try on _ 2. here you are _3.一个好主意 _ 4.去游泳 _5.踢足球 _五、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. Shall we go _ the zoo ? A. / B. to C. in ( ) 2. _ the weather today ? A. What B. Whats C. Hows ( ) 3. _ fat I am ! A. Where B. Who C. How( ) 4. Look ! They are short , _ . A. too B. to C. two( ) 5. Where are my _ ? A. cap B. socks C. vest( ) 6. My sister has a small _ . A. ears B. eyes C. nose( ) 7. _ you like bread ? No, I dont . A. Are B. Does C. Do( ) 8. This is _ apple and that is _ pineapple . A. an; an B. an; a C. a , a ( ) 9. _ your name ? My name _ Bob . A. Whats ; is B. What ; is C. Whats ; are ( ) 10. What _ six and five ? Its eleven . A. am B. is C. are 六、连词成句。(5分)1. is , doctor , she , a ( . )_2. is , friend , my , this ( . )_3. time , the , is , what ( ? )_4. is, Class Five, she, in ( . )_5. game , lets , a , play ( . )_七、根据要求完成下列各题。(5分)1. Its fine today . (对划线部分提问)_2. My cap is on the bed . (对划线部分提问)_3. They are my pants . (变成一般疑问句)_4. Is he a driver ? (做否定回答)_5. Whats five and three ? (写出答语)_八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分) I am a Chinese boy . My name is Gao Yu .Im eleven . Im in Class Five ,Grade Four . I like apples and kiwifruit . My father is a doctor . He likes bananas . My mother is a teacher . She likes pears .We all like fruit .( ) 1. Gao Yu is 11 .来源:学科网( ) 2. Gao Yu is in Class 6, Grade 5 .( ) 3. Gao Yus mother likes apples .( ) 4. Gao Yus father is a doctor . ( ) 5. T hey all like fruit .【精品】2015-2016四年级上英语期末卷(答案+解析+听力录音)人教(精通)(2014秋)Listening Part 原文:一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。1. teacher 2.eighteen 3.windy 4.shoes 5. small二、听录音,为下列图片排序。(用1,2,3表示)。1.potato 2.jeans 3.tomato 4.rainy 5.sunny三、听录音,填空。1. Im from America . 2.He is a doctor.3.Which class are you in ?4.Whats three and seven?5.Its a pineapple .四、听录音,看判断你所听到的内容与下列句子是(T)否(F)相符。1.Do you like carrots?2.I like apples .3.Whats this in English ?4.Its rainy today.5.Lets play with my kite .五、听录音,排序。来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K来源:学科网ZXXK1.Can I have some water ,please ? 来源:Zxxk.Com2.Its windy today.3.Here you are .4.Lets go shopping .5.Glade to meet you .参考答案及解析一、1. teacher 2.eighteen 3.windy 4.shoes 5. small二、3,1,4,2,5来源:Zxxk.Com三、1.America 2.doctor 3.class 4.three 5.pineapple四、1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T五、2,1,4,5,3Writ
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