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课题名称冀教版 四年级上册Lesson 23 Shopping Online教学目标知识与技能目标1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并口头运用下列句子: Can we shop online? Lets take it.2. 学生能借助视频听懂教材中网购对话。3. 通过歌谣的学习帮助学生掌握ts ds wh wr四组字母组合的发音规律, 并能举一反三读出新词。情感目标1. 使学生有兴趣听说网购话题的英语,敢于开口说。2. 在小组角色表演活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对于英语学习的重要意义。学习策略1积极与同伴合作完成购物角色扮演。2在letters and sounds课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,将学过的相关词汇进行归纳积累。教学重点用We can shop online? Lets take it.来讨论shopping online这一话题.教学难点理解和认读Shopping online is fun and easy. 和Lets take it.教学准备评价方式运用口头评价和神态、肢体语言等。教 学 过 程 教学 环节时间安排教师活动学生活动设计意图修改方案Step 1:Warm Up and review:Step 2: New concepts:Step 3:Practice.Step 4:Homework25 23471061Hello, boys and girls.Saturday and Sunday are coming. Its so great. I want to go to the cinema to see a film on Saturday .Where do you want to go?What do you want to do?(shows the pictures of the places)I like shopping, too.On Sunday, I want to go shopping.Where do I want to go?Can you guess?ppt : Guessing (猜一猜)You want to go to the _. a. tea shop b. book shop c. clothes shop d. toy shopI dont want to go to these places.I like shopping online.(write down the title.)Whats shopping online? Look at the picture.(ppt shows the picture)Yes! You are so clever!I use my computer to shop online. And I want to buy a shopping bag.(ppt shows some shopping websites.)We can shop online.Look! So many shopping bags.(手指米奇包)I like Micky! How much is it? Oh, its too expensive!(手指右侧黑包)How about the black one?But too small.(手指彩条包)I like the colorful one. Its beautiful .I like it. How much is it? Do you like shopping online?Shopping online is fun and easy.shopping onlineListening for the first time.Jenny and Danny go shopping _.A. onlineB. at the book shopRead it silently. Then answer these questions.What does Jenny want to buy? How much is the book?Listen and follow. Then finish the exercise below.T or F:a. Jenny wants to buy a math(数学) book.b. Jenny goes to the book shop.c. Jennys mother helps shop online.d. Danny and Jenny like shopping online.e. Danny wants to buy ice cream online.Act it out.Read the dialogue again. Then act it out.What do you want to buy? Please make a new dialogue in your group.Letters and sounds(teacher takes out a parcel)I shopped online for a disk , and lets see whats in it. (PPT)T:Can you read these words? Read after me:donutsWho knows other words with “ts”?(ds wh wr 同上。)Lets chantWhat do you want to buy?A white wheel,a white wheel.Why and where?Why and where?My bike goes everywhere.Writer, writer, writer,Write, write, write,The writer writes a story.Whats wrong? Whats wrong?The writings too long! Homework:l Please listen and read the text(课文) to your family.l Make a new dialogue with your friends.Hello, Miss Zhang.S1: I want to go to the park to fly a kite.S2: I want to go to the supermarket to buy some delicious food.Ss try to guess.You want to go to the tea shop.You want to go to the book shop.You want to go to the toy shop.The students read after the teacher.S: Oh, shopping online. The students read after the teacher.S: ItsIts fashionable.Its 23 yuan.The students read after the teacher.S: Yes.The students read after the teacher.S: Online.S1: A story book.S2: Its 40 yuan.Ss listen and follow to read the dialogue.Then do the exercise.Students practice and show their dialogue in front of the class.Ss follow the teacher to read “donuts” and “cats”,then try to read “hats” by themselves.S1: shirtsS2: shortsS3: coats轻松交谈周末计划,复习本单元句型I want to,引出shopping online这一话题。学生猜测老师的购物方式,师生在真实情景中使用英语进行交际。通过对一系列网购页面的截取,尽力创设比较真实的网络购物的语境, 帮助学生理解Shopping online is fun and easy. 和Lets take it. 从而化解难点。购物期间尽量使用从前掌握的语言素材,以使购物真实化,语言工具化。层层深入的听力理解问题设计,训练学生从听力材料中获取信息的能力。默读思考,获得细节信息。进一步熟悉对话的过程中,学会快速寻找重要信息。跟读课文,帮助学生学习地道的英语发音。通过判断题的检测考核学生的实际理解和阅读水平。由易至难的巩固练习帮助学生内化语言素材,为后面的表演和实际运用打下基础。角色表演,将本课购物用语在口语中理解并加以运用。
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