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河南省实验中学20192020学年高一年级上期期中试卷 英语试卷(时间:120分钟,满分:150分)第卷(选择题共100分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFour interesting books about adventures for childrenSee You in the CosmosSee You in the Cosmos by Jack Cheng is about Alex and his crazy life. Alex goes to a rocket festival, finds out he has a stepsister, loses his dog, gets seriously injured, and travels around the country, while recording his adventures on his iPod to send to space. Maiah Weidemann, 11, said, “This is one of the best books Ive ever read, and I seriously recommend(推荐)it.”The Cricket in Times SquareThe Cricket in Times Square is a 1960 childrens book by George Selden and pictured by Garth Williams. It won the Newbery Honor in 1961. The story is about a cricket(蟋蟀)who got lost and ended up in Times Square, New York. He makes friends there that are kind and loving. The question is: Does he get back home? A Year Without AutumnA girl named Jenni and her family go on their yearly trip to Riverside Village. Jenni meets up with her best friend, Autumn, at Riverside Village. But when Jenni goes to visit Autumns apartment and takes an unfamiliar lift, it transports Jenni one year into the future. She works to return to the present, Liz Kessler tells us a story about what true friendship is all about.The Mysterious Benedict Society(series)This exciting series by Trenton Lee Stewart is an adventurous story about a group of four kids who are on a mission(使命)to save the world. Each of them has been through lonely times, but theyre working together to save their lives. Nothing is safe, not even their homes. They have to leave their loved ones behind and go into dangerous places undercover. This is a time to remember, and it will change their lives forever.21.Who is the main character in See You in the Cosmos?A.Alex. B.Jack.C.George. D.Maiah.22.What is The Cricket in Times Square probably about?A.War.B.Space.C.Future.D.Friendship.23.Which novel is set in dangerous environment?A.The Mysterious Benedict Society.B.The Cricket in Times Square.C. A Year Without Autumn.D.See You in the Cosmos.BMolly Burke was not born blind. She started losing her sight when she was four years old. Doctors said that she had a rare eye disease that would slowly take away her eyesight completely. In first grade, she learned to read Braille(布莱叶盲文), although she could still see. Life was pretty normal for the next few years. However, in seventh grade, things got worse. Black turned to grey. Yellow turned to white. Soon, Molly couldnt see the blackboard. As her eyesight weakened, Molly started using a stick to help her walk. This embarrassed(使尴尬)her friends, and people stopped inviting her to do things. Then the bullying(欺凌)began.Molly once broke her ankle and had to use crutches(拐杖)to help her walk. A group of girlsgirls who were once her friends did something terrible. They were usually responsible for walking Molly to the classroom. Instead, they took the blind 14-year-old outside and down a hill. “I was alone,” remembers Molly. “I couldnt see. I couldnt walk.” Luckily, Molly had her cell phone and was able to call her mother for help. After she finished high school, Molly thought about what she wanted to do before going to college. Her brother was working in a childrens home in Africa, and she wanted to do something that would help others, too. Then, she found out about Me to We, an organization that has been helping people through volunteering and developing leadership skills. She joined the organization on a youth trip to Kenya to help build a school. While there, she spoke at a local girls school. Molly now knew what she wanted to do next to be one of the speakers at Me to We.Molly has been speaking to schools all over the United States and Canada about bullying. Her advice? Be strong! During a speech in Toronto, she spoke to about 20,000 people. They stood up and applauded(鼓掌)wildly after her speech. Her father said, “ Molly has a real ability to inspire people and to help others who are going through something, whether its a disability, or bullying, or a different set of challenges.24.Why did Molly learn Braille in first grade?A.She was blind. B.She was interested in it. C.She would be blind someday. D.She wanted to help her blind friends.25.What happened to Molly when she was fourteen?A.She began losing her sight. B.She was left at the foot of a hill. C.She was beaten by her classmates. D.She lost her cell phone on top of a hill.26.What did Molly do before going to college?A.She worked in a childrens home. B.She founded Me to We.C.She taught in Africa.D.She went to Kenya.27. Molly is sharing her own experience to help other people .A.be leaders B. be k
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