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图画作文1. 题型简介:看图作文是借助于图画或图表进行写作的一种文体。它要求作者将画面直观的内容或图片包含的信息转换成传神表意的文字形式,属于说明文性质。其目的是考察考生的观察分析能力、想象力和语言表达能力。作文的命题模式基本如下:给出标题、图画或图表、写作提纲、半小时内写出一篇120-180字左右的评论性文章。看图作文要求:(1)主题明确,即能概括画面或图表所反映的中心议题;(2)图文一致,即要包括画面或图表中所反映的主要内容。2. 写作方法:2.1图画作文实质上就是描述、分析并评论一幅(或一组)图所反映的社会现象。对图画进行描述时,一般以被观察者为对象,联系图片中所包含的背景、插入的文字等,揣摩作者的绘画意图,以观众的口吻进行解说。如果看的是一组图画,就得按照图示的顺序,对画面上的内容进行整体分析,去除细枝末节,分清主次,抓住图画后隐藏的中心意思进行解说。切莫象记流水帐一样把所看到的、想到的细节全部写出来,这只会使读者感到乏味无趣。想象你自己就是这位画家,在画这副画之前,你首先要构思画的内容;其次是构思作画的步骤,先画什么,后画什么;然后将你的构思用文字叙述出来,你对该图画的描述就完成了。2.2大体框架(具体按照写作要求进行调整):1)第一段主要是描述图画中的信息和表达的含义。2)第二段的全文的重点,一般都是要求具体分析图画中暗含的社会现象。3)第三段的要求一般视具体的试题而定,有的要求给出自己的评论、有的要求举例、有的要求考生提出自己的建议以及针对现象应该采取的措施。 Tips:第二段和第三段的开头最好写一个主题句,既可以防止离题,又符合英文写作的习惯。2.3 基本结构(具体按照写作要求进行调整)第一段:引言/起始/淘金段,图画描述,3-4句1. 总体描述:人物/动物/事物动作环境 1句2. 挖掘细节词、串连成句: 12句3. 文字说明/象征寓意: 1句第二段:主体段,意义阐释,5句1. 主题句:象征寓意,1句2. 论证:3句1)因果论证2) 举例论证 3) 联系现实:图画作文创作原则(以小见大,把握象征寓意,个体想为群体,具体想为抽象)4)正反论证3. 小结:概括论证,总结本段 1句 第三段:结论段,建议措施,4句1. 结论句:1句2. 针对双方提建议:2句3. 包装结尾、展望未来:1句 Only in this way can we solve this problem. It is high time that we solved this problem.2.4 图画描述-首段写法 首句总体描述图画,点出人物、动作和环境; 次句挖掘细节词、串连成句,将图中细节一网打尽; 末句点出文字说明或象征寓意。可以发表议论,最好不要太多。描述图画的形容词 thought-provoking发人深省的 enlightening 有启迪作用/使人感悟的 compelling/striking/intriguing引人注目/引起兴趣 profound含义深刻 =far-reaching implications instructive有益的(=informative)(搭配ADV: extremely, highly, most, particularly, very/quite ) amusing 令人发笑的, ridiculous 荒谬可笑的 illuminating (particularly revealing or helpful) 富有启发性的;很有助益的; impressive 印象深刻的, exaggerative 夸张的 telling 有效的,生动的,明显的修饰动词的副词: graphically/ vividly生动地 symbolically象征性地 conspicuously/clearly /explicitly清晰地 subtly巧妙地,精细地写第一段套话的三种思路第一段的思路1:(适合基础弱的考生)全套 半套+描述1 半套+描述2全套例:What a compelling and thought-provoking drawing it is! As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above,描述1 . What impresses me most is that (=The most striking feature of the drawing is that)描述2(图画重点信息). Simple as the image is, the implications mirrored are apparently (conspicuously) far-reaching.第一段的思路2:(适合基础好的考生)半套+描述1半套+描述2 例:The cartoon subtly (巧妙地) and symbolically (象征性地) depicts a thought-provoking scenario (场景) in which 描 述 1. Further examination (查阅) reveals that 描 述 2. / However, a quick glance at _ reveals ironically that 描 述 2 .第一段的思路3:(折衷)半套+描述1半套+描述2全套例:As is vividly depicted in the picture, 描述 1 . The most striking feature is 描述 2 (图画重点信息). There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.可供参考的替换句型: As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above,描述1 . What is conspicuously/clearly illustrated/ presented /portrayed/described in the drawing above is that (描述图画). The cartoon depicts a vivid scene in which =Where+(描写图画的一句话) The satirical (讽刺性的) sketch graphically (生动的) portrays/depicts a scene in which +句子(一般用于总写) It is graphically / symbolically/ explicitly/ vividly illustrated/ demonstrated in the _图_that +同上 What impresses me most is that (=The most striking feature of the drawing is that)描述2(图画重点信息). The most striking (引人注目的) feature (特点) of the drawing is (the fact) that _. What makes the drawing striking/intriguing /compelling is the fact that _. Uncomplicated as the picture is, the symbolic meaning (implied meaning)(寓意) is as deep as ocean (profound ). Given its profound social implication, the thought-provoking phenomenon is well worth our endeavor to explore.有鉴于它深刻的社会寓意,该引人深思现象非常值得我们努力去探究。 There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly (巧妙的)conveyed should be given deep consideration.(应关注图画所表达的寓意) Simple as the image seems to be , the intended/ implied meaning goes far deeper.(尽管图画很简单,但其寓意却是非常深奥的) Undoubtedly/Unquestionably/Indisputably/ Incontrovertibly , _.2.5 首段例文 As is illustrated in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other. Their oral communication has been replaced by online chatting. This picture reveals the in-depth problem of modern peoples alienation from each other, even among family members.The picture depicts a man who is happily singing and walking home with his cute dog. He is coming back from work carrying his briefcase, and he must have stopped by the market on his way, buying vegetables and fish. As is suggested by the picture, he is exercising by waving the briefcase and basket together.The cartoon features a man who looks fat, wealthy and greedy for food. He is insatiably(贪得无厌) devouring a table of delicious food, while we are surprised to find that the waiter is serving him with even more dishes. We cannot help worrying whether this mans stomach can bear so heavy a load all of a sudden.As the caption points out, excessive love for food exerts negative influences on health. (feature:描写的特征,给以显著地位)3. 看图作文例文Dire
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