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执教教师上课时间主备人课 题五年级上册 Project1 An animal school教学目标1. 知识目标:能够综合运用1-4单元所学的关于金发姑娘和三只熊、描述和介绍学校、动物朋友、以及兴趣爱好的词汇、句型等语言知识,展开活动。2. 技能目标:通过交流和合作,能后运用1-4单元所学的语言知识和语言技能进行交流,小组合作完成动物学校的设计和介绍。3. 情感目标:在童话故事的情境中,综合运用所学知识,培养学生积极阳光的情感态度。教学重难点1. 能够在小组成员合作交流中,综合运用所学语言。2. 能够用英语介绍自己设计的动物学校。教具准备多媒体课件、铅笔、彩笔、双面胶、剪刀、4K素描纸课时安排共( 2 )课时第( 1 )课时内容:重点复习1-4单元所学语言知识,完成步骤BD.教 学 过 程Step1: Warming- up 1. Sing the song: We all like climbing.2. Free talk: Talk with the students about hobbies. eg: Do you like climbing? What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing? is good at canwell.3. Do a survey in groups of four. 四人一组,相互询问各自爱好,找出四个人相同的一两项爱好,。 T: Have you got the same hobbies? What do you four all like doing? Give a report in groups of four. 学生四人一组站起来齐说:We all like drawing/reading/cooking/driving4.Try to make a new song in groups of four, using the tone of the song: We all like climbing. 四人一组齐唱根据实际改编的歌曲。Model: We all like very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do.Step2: Revision1. Review Unit4. T: We know our hobbies each other. How about these children? What do they like doing? Show the pictures of the children in Unit4. Talk about the children one by one by memory.师生一起讨论第4单元中出现的人物的兴趣爱好。T: How to talk about hobbies? 边交流边板书: I/ We/You/ They like He/She (also) like He/She is good atHe/She canwell.Talk and guess: T: We can talk about the hobbies of our friends, families and anyone you like. (PPT) Who are they? Lets guess.教师描述自己或学生熟悉的老师的爱好等,让学生猜是谁。2. Review Unit1. Show the picture of Yang Ling again. T: Yang Ling likes reading stories. Do you like reading stories too? Can you remember the story about Goldilocks and the three bears? Try to retell the story by looking at the pictures. 学生根据图片复述故事:Goldilocks and the three bearsStep3: Consolidation1. Read and guess:T: Goldilocks is very afraid when she sees the three bears. She runs and runs in the forest. What happens to her? Lets read what she says and guess:学生齐读:Oh, my god! It is grey. It has a very big body. It has two big ears, too. It has four short and strong legs, a thin and long nose.T: Can you try to describe the elephant? 学生介绍大象的外形特征。T: How to describe animals? 边交流边板书: It has/s/Theyre (colour) It/They have (features) It /They can (abilities) It likes/They like (hobbies)2. Describe and guess:T: Goldilocks also sees some other animals in the forest. What are they? Can you guess? 学生猜一猜,并用以上句型描述该动物。3. Look and say: Show the animals.T: Wow, there are so many animals in the forest. What are they saying to Goldilocks? Lets try to guess.Model: Welcome to the forest! / Nice to meet you! / Who are you? / Where are you going?.T: Whats the end of the stories? Goldilocks and the animals are friends now. How is Goldilocks now? Can you finish the story?Goldilocks is now. T: Look! What are the animals saying? We have a funny school. Would you like to come to our school tomorrow?学生齐读动物们说的话:T: What does Goldilocks say? Please guess.4. Guess and draw:T: The animals invite Goldilocks to go to their school. Do you want to go with her? Lets go! Show a special school (a castle).T: Look! This is the animal school. What do you think about their school? Whats in the school? Ss: Maybe there is are The students draw the rooms and the animals in the school on Page99, we will see whats in the school next class. 学生完成步骤BD. Step4: Homework1. 在书P99附页上画动物学校的房间和若干动物学校的老师和学生,完成步骤B和D2. 四人一组,选出一名同学在4K素描纸上划出动物学校的轮廓图,为下节课准备。板书设计 教学得失
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