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再别康桥英文稿Goodbye Again, Cambridge!I leave softly, gently,Exactly as I came.I wave to the western sky,Telling it goodbye softly, gently.The golden willow at the river edgeIs the setting suns bride.Her quivering reflectionStays fixed in my mind.Green grass on the bankDances on a watery floorIn bright reflection.I wish myself a bit of waterweedVibrating to the ripple.Of the River Cam.That creek in the shade of the great elmsIs not a creek but a shattered rainbow,Printed on the waterAnd inlaid with duckweed,It is my lost dream.Hunting a dream?Wielding a long punting poleI get my boat into green water,Into still greener grass.In a flood of starlightOn a river of silver and diamondI sing to my hearts content.But now, no, I cannot singWith farewell in my heart.Farewells must be quiet, mute,Even the summer insects are silent,Knowing I am leaving.The Cambridge night is soundless.I leave quietlyAs I came quietly.I am leavingWithout taking so muchAs absp; piece of cloud.But with a quick jerk of my sleaveI wave goodbye.
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