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1.记者,新闻工作者 2.牵涉,涉及,包括,卷入 3.编辑 4.照片,给-拍照 5.摄影师 6.摄影 7.难忘的,永远记得的 8.任务,分配 9.快乐的,欣喜的 10.值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的,journalist,involve,editor,photograph,photographer,photography,unforgettable,assignment,delighted,admirable,11.不同寻常的,独特的 12.帮助,协助,援助 13.助手,助理,售货员 14.递交,呈递 15.职业,专业 16.专业的,职业的,专业人员 17.同事 18.渴望的,热切的 19.集中,聚集 20.集中,全神贯注于,unusual,assist,assistant,submit,profession,professional,colleague,eager,concentrate,concentrate on,21.业余爱好者 22.更新,使现代化 23.获得,取得,学到 24.评估,评定 25.通知,告知 26.最后期限 27.参加面试者,接受采访者 28.期间,同时 29.依赖,依靠 30.情况,病例,案例,amateur,update,acquire,assess,inform,deadline,interviewee,depend on,meanwhile,case,31.控告,谴责,指责v 32.因-指责或控告 33.指责,谴责,控告n 34.故意地 35.为了- 36.否认,拒绝 37.怀疑的 38.犯罪的,有罪的,内疚的 39.(进退两难的)困境,窘境 40.需求,要求,accuse,accuse-of,accusation,deliberately,so as to do,deny,skeptical,guilty,dilemma,demand,1.involve vt 包括;包含;牵涉;牵连(某人/某物) 1)The strike involved many people. involve sb/sth in sth/doing sth 使某人/物参与某活动/陷入某种情况 2)Dont involve me in solving your problem. 3)He was involved in a heated discussion. 4)The witnesss statement involves you in the robbery.,许多工人参加了罢工。,你解决你的问题,不要把我拉进去。,他参与了一场热烈的讨论。,证人的证词证明你与劫案有关。,2.assist help 帮助;援助;协助 1)Our monitor assists with many of our head teachers duties. 2)Two men are assisting the police in the enquiries. 3)你将协助史密斯先生准备一份报告。 总结:,班长帮我们班主任老师做了好多工作。,有两个人协助警方进行对他们的询问。,You will be required to assist Mr. Smith in preparing a report.,Assist sb in/with sth,Assist sb in doing sth,assistance assistant 4)Can I be of any _? 3.Eager adj.full of interest or desire 热切的,热心的,渴望的 1)We are eager for success. 2)全世界的人们都渴望和平。 3)Every child is eager to go to university. 总结:,帮助,帮忙,援助,助手,助理,店员,assistance,我们渴望成功。,People all over the world are eager for peaceful life.,Be eager for sth,Be eager to do sth,4.concentratefocus (ones attention, effort, etc.) on sth vt&vi 全神贯注;精神集中;专心致志于 1)I cant concentrate with all that noise going on. 2)We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 3)Having failed my English exams, I decided to concentrate on science subjects. 4)The firm concentrates on the European markets,吵闹声不绝于耳,我精神无法集中。,我们必须致力于改革教育工作。,我因英语考试不及格而决心专攻理科。,这家公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场。,5) You will find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on your photography later if you are interested. concentrated adj. 极度的;紧张的;加强的;浓缩的,你将会发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你。如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研。,5. update vt. 更新,使现代化 n. 最新信息 1) 然而,并非所有的网站每天更新。 2)贫困山村的生活很难跟上现代化社会。 3)我回来时把比赛最新情况带给你。,However, not all websites are updated every day.,Its hard for a poor village to update their lives in order to join a modern society.,When I get back Ill bring you an update on the game.,6. aquire vt. 获得, 取得, 学到 get vt. 获得 obtain vt. 获得 gain vt. 获得 1)通过广泛的阅读,他获得了大量的信息。 2)他的财富是怎样得来的? 3)She _(获得) a knowledge of the English by careful study.,He acquired a lot of information through wide reading.,How did he acquire his wealth?,acquired,7. assess vt. 评估,评定 be assessed at . 估价。钱 assessment n.评价,看法 1)这所房子估价75,000元。 )My income was_(估价) at 2 0,000 dollars. 3)他看了看房子并且估算了其市场价值。,The value of the house was assessed at 75,000元,assessed,He looked at the house and assessed its market value.,8. inform vt. /vi告知, 通知 keep sb. informed of sth.告知,通知 informed adj. 有知识的, 获得信息的 information n. 消息,资料 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 accuse sb. of 控告某人某事 suspect sb. of 怀疑某人某事 remind sb. of 提醒某人某事 rob sb. of 抢劫某人某事 1)应该让他们知道那的形式。 2)他向警方说有些钱不见了. 3)You will be informed when the book becomes available.,They should be kept informed of the situation there.,He informed the police that some money was missing.,9.依赖,依靠 指望某人做某事 视情况而定吧。 My wife and daughter depend on me for their living. Dont depend on me to help you out. 10.箱子,事例,情况,病例,案例 万一,免得 如果那样的话 绝不 无论如何 情况经常都是这样的,Depend on/upon,Rely on,Depend on sb to do,It/that all depends.,case,In case,In case of,In that case,In no case,In any case,As is often the case,The packed their own cases with toys. In case he comes, let me know. In case of rain they cant go. In that case, wed better wait. In any case you must not tell a lie. 11.指责,谴责,控告 控告某人某事 The police accused him of murder. He was charged with stealing a car.,accuse,Accuse sb of sth,Charge sb with sth,12. so as to do 为了- (不用于句首) 近义 in order to do (可用于句首) in order that 以便 so that 以便 他用功读书,以免数学考试不及格。 理解自己以便更好地理解别人。 _(为了) earn enough money, he worked late into the night.,He worked hard so as not to fail the math exam.,Understand yourself in order to understand others.,In order to,我们很早出发,以便能赶上第一班火车。 比较: Its _ cold _ the pond frozen. 到-程度 她很善良,把那老妇人扶下了公共汽车。 13. guilty 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的 adj. n. 犯罪;罪行;内疚 (u),We set out so that / in order that we could catch the early bus.,so,that,She was so kind as to help the old lady off the bus.,guilt,so (+adj.) as to do,. so as to do sth. (1)表示目的, “以便”其否定形式为so as not to. 作目的状语时可以用in order to 代替 The test papers are kept secret so as to prevent cheating. (2)表示结果, “结果是” He shot at the bird so as to shoot it. so adj. /adv. + as
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