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Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears教学设计Period 4 (Checkout time & ticking time)一、 教学目标:1. 能流利、生动地讲述故事Goldilocks and the three bears。2. 能熟练运用There be句型来描述某处有某物。3. 能熟练复习字母C在单词中的发音。4. 能掌握理解中西方饮品茶和咖啡二、 教学重、难点:1. 能系统复习本单元,并用There be句型来完成相应的短文。2. 能结合所学完成自评和互评,了解自己的学习情况。三、 教学准备: PPT;图片;板书四、 教学过程: Step 1: Warm up: Free talk & Lead in T: Look! Whats in my box? Can you guess? Ss: There is/are(信息沟的方式让学生猜测盒内物品) T: What can you see in the picture? (PPT呈现图片) Ss: A forest. T: Yes. Boys and girls whats in the forest? Ss: There is a house. There is a girl. (引导学生回忆story) T: We know the girl is goldilocks. So this class well go on to learn“Goldilocks and the three bears”. 设计意图:以实物操练、复习there be句型的方式开始本节课, 由图片展开学生对story文本的回顾,从而引出课题。 Step 2: Revision: a). Retell the story T: Do you remember the story? Can you try to retell it? (PPT出示课文图片,以及复述课文的具体评价标准) Ss: Retell the story under the help of related pictures in groups. T: boys and girls, I think you can understand our story well. You can judge by yourselves. (结合Ticking time标准,学生自评) b). Culture Knowledge T: In our story, we know the goldilocks is afraid when she sees the three bears. But what happened then? Please think of the end of our story. Ss: 学生自由想象故事结尾。 T: Ok. You have many good ideas about the storys ending. Do you want to hear mine? Maybe the goldilocks runs away, she comes back home and then she drinks some tea for a rest.(由单词tea延伸到culture 部分) T:PPT呈现图片:tea/coffee 拓展相关知识:black tea, green tea, white tea/ black coffee, white coffee 设计意图:由学生想象story的开放结尾,引出culture部分的化渗透。拓展更多相关的文化知识,体会中西文化的异同。 c). Sound of letter“c” T: Coffee is very popular in Western countries. The letter“c”in the word coffee sounds /k/.Can you say more words with letter“c”? Ss: 学生说出更多的含有字母“c”的单词。 T:拓展“c”的另一个发音/s/: cinema, nice, juice, dance Ss: Do some judge exercise about the sound. Ss: 结合个人表现,自评相关项。(Ticking time部分) 设计意图:由单词coffee引出语音板块/k/的发音,复习字母“c”的发音/ k /,并适当延伸其另一个发音/s/。 Step 3: Practice: a). Look and say T: At the end of the story, we know the goldilocks is afraid, she runs into another room. Look, its a living room. Whats in the living room? (PPT呈现图片) Ss: Look at the picture and say: There is/ There are (work in pairs) b). Look and write T: boys and girls, I think you can say very well. But can you write? (呈现Look and write部分) Ss: Look and write down the answers. T: Check and judge. (Ticking time评价) Summary the knowledge of “There be” 设计意图:此部分着重练习了checkout time中的说和写,通过让学生观察图片,小组合作等方式来练习There be句型的实际用法。并结合具体的表现来进行自我评价。 Step 4: Production: Write a short passage T: Present the picture of bedroom. Whats in the bedroom? Ss: Introduce the bedroom from some orders. T: Present one more picture of living room. Give some tips about how to write a passage about the room. Ss: Choose one picture to write down a short passage. T: Give some assessments about the passage Ss wrote about. Step 5: Homework:1. Review the patterns and story after class.2. Make a new ending of the story.3. Draw a picture about your own room then introduce it.
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