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Unit 8 Dolls课时练习(一)一、选出不同类的单词( ) 1. A. his B. she C. you( ) 2. A. big B. tail C. long( ) 3. A. hair B. nose C. bread( ) 4. A. king B. ears C. eyes( ) 5. A. red B. green C. small( ) 6. A. look B. jump C. basketball( ) 7. A. these B. that C. this( ) 8. A. zebra B. panda C. zoo二、汉译英1. 小眼睛_ 2. 那只胖老虎_3. 五位高个子男孩_ 4. 一支长铅笔_5. 一个红鼻子_ 6. 我们可爱的洋娃娃_7. 在动物园里_ 8. 这些机器人_9. 我们的雪人_ 10. 你好吗?_三、选择题( ) 1. Look_my new doll. A. at B. for C. is( ) 2. Her nose_mouth are small. A. an B. and C. but( ) 3. This_our doll. His eyes_big. A. are;is B. is;are C. is;is( ) 4. Her mouth is big. Her cars are big_. A. to B. but C. too( ) 5. Look! Hes a king_, A. new B. now C. no( ) 6. Do you like this_? Yes, I_. A. mango;do B. mangoes;like C. mangoes;do( ) 7. Would you like_oranges? Yes, please. A. any B. some C. an( ) 8. I cant skate. I cant skate,_. A. either B. too C. also( ) 9. Do you have_bananas? No, I_. A. some; dont B. any; cant C. any; dont( ) 10. _a thin man. _eyes are big. A. Hes; Hes B. Hes; His C. His; His( ) 11. Look at_snowman. _nose is long. A. this; Its B. that; Its C. these; ItsUnit 8 Dolls课时练习(二)一、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是()否()相同( )1. great bag ( )2. school like( )3. five very ( )4. bed behind( )5. doll pen ( )6. nine man( )7. cat eat ( )8. ruler robot( )9. six like ( )10. Mum farm二、单项选择 ( )1.当你不知道手边某个东西的价格时,你会问: A. Whats this? B.How much is it? CHow old are you? ( )2.你想告诉别人你不喜欢熊猫,你会说: A.I dont like pandas. B.Id like a cat. CI like dogs. ( )3.你想把雨伞借给迈克,你会说: A. Here you are,Mike. B.Its an umbrella. C. This umbrella is for you,Mike. ( )4.刘涛找不到他的帽子时,他会问:_ A. Wheres your cap? B.Wheres my cap? CIs this your cap? ( )5.你去小吃店,想喝一杯咖啡,你会说:_ A.I like a cup of coffee. B.A glass of milk. C. Id like a cup of coffee. ( )6. -Can she play football? -Yes, . A. I do B. he is C. she can ( )7. The shoes are nice. How much are ? A. it B. they C. them ( )8. Su Hais is black and long. A. eyes B. hair C. nose ( )9. -How are you? - A. Im nine. B. Im Mike. C. Im hungry. ( )10. -Is this your doll? - A. No,it isnt. B. Yes,he do. C. No,l dont. ( )11. -What _ you like? -I like grapes. A. do B. would C. can ( )12. Heres some_ for you. A. pies B. tea C. a hamburger ( )13. How many _do you have? Five. A. toy animals B. toys animals C. toys animal ( )14. -What fruit do you like? -_. A. Id like some bananas. B. I like pandas. C. I like mangoes.三、连词成句1. about you Dad What (,?) 2. egg big a What (!) 3. are much they how (?) 4. yuan fifty have we (.) 5. nose are mouth .and small her (.) 6. is how umbrella that much (?) 7. would how like you socks many (?) 8. footballs how have many do you (?) 四、用所给词的适当形式填空1. The _(pen) are in the bedroom.2. Look at_(that) beautiful skirts.3. Id like some_(juice).4. Here_(be) fans for you.5. -Can you _(swim)? -No, I_(can).6. -How much is_(it)? -It_(be) ninety yuan.7. _(I) new clock is on the table.8. -Whats_(he) name? -WangBing.9. -How much are_(it)? -They_(be) nineteen yuan.10. _(those) girl_(be) my sister.五、句型转换1. My dress is in the living room. (画线部分提问)_ is _ dress?2. Id like some apples.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ _ _ apples? _,_.3. We dont have some caps, either.(改为肯定句)We _ _caps,_.4. 你想要一把伞吗?_you_ _umbrella?5. This fan is thirty yua
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