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Unit 9 When was it invented?【佳篇欣赏】 AWhat is the worst invention in the world?In 2002, an English made a survey about what the worst invention was in your opinion. The result was plastic bag. Plastic bags were invented by an Austrian scientist named Marx in the 1930s. Every year, people from the whole world use about five thousand million plastic bags. Because they are very cheap, many people just use them for one or two time and then throw away. If the cows or horses find them in the field and eat them, it will be dangerous for their health. Many animals died because of eating plastic bags. If they are burned, they will give out poisonous gas that is bad for peoples health and pollute the air. Some people bury them, and this is bad for the soil, because plants can hardly grow here. The only advantage of plastic bags is that they sometimes make life convenient. But they have too many disadvantages. So the name the worse invention suits them just fine. BMy new inventionI would like to introduce my new inventions. I have invented a car that uses water instead of petrol. It uses a new kind of engine that can turn water into energy. The new engine is a bit expensive, and the cars wont be able to drive very fast. But it will be improved. It is a new way of producing energy, so we will have to build new cars. It cant be used for normal cars. This invention is great for the environment. Imagine how nice and clean our cities would be if we didnt have the air pollution from cars. c Alfred Nobel Alfred Nobel was a great Swedish scientist and inventor. He had a big company that made and sold plosives and can even made weapons. Surprisingly, he was the man who set up the Peace Prize. Though he made a lot of money from selling weapon, he hated the war. He hoped that there would be no war in the world. When he died in 1876, he left behind him a lot of money. According to his will, most of his money was placed in his fund-the Nobel Prizes. He wanted the winners to be chosen from their work instead of the country they come from. Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work to do something good for mankind. He made money all by his efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions and wealth stay with the whole world for ever. 【原创习作点评】假如你是茶文化博物馆的讲解员。明天你要向一批外国游客用英语介绍有关茶的发明的历史。请你根据以下英语问题,结合本单元所学内容准备一篇80词左右的书面介绍。内容提示:1.When was it invented? 2.Who was it invented by? 3.How was it invented?要求: 不要只简单回答内容提示中的问题,可增加相关内容。习作 1: Tea is the most popular drink after water in the world. The story of tea began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. While it was brought to the western countries in the 17th century. According a Chinese legend, tea was invented by Shen Nong, an early emperor of China. One day, when he was boiling water over an open fire, some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and stayed there for a while. Shen Nong noticed that the water gave out a pleasant smell, and he decided to taste the water. He found it delicious and refreshing. In this way, one of the most favorite drinks was invented. We can say that tea was invented by accident. Now there are many kinds of famous tea in China. The most well-known ones are Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea from Hangzhou,Tieh-Kuan-Yin Tea from Anxi, Biluochun green Tea from Suzhou教师点评这是一篇成功的学生习作。得分点(1) 内容完整,没有简单的罗列所给的要点,而是通过精心安排,构成了一篇比较连贯的短文。(2)能创造性的运用课本内容。(3) 用词丰富,使用了复合句宾语从句、状语从句。(4)恰当的增加了相关内容,如第一段中茶到达西方国家的时间、末段的中国名茶等,使人们对茶有了较全面的了解。习作 2:Chinese people like drink tea very much. Tea has a long history in China. According to the legend, tea was invented by emperor Shen Nong When he was boiling water over an open fire. Some leaves from a bush near the fire fell into the water and remained there for sometime. He found that the water produced a pleasant smell. So he tried it and think it was delicious. In this way, tea was invented. Now people all over the world drink tea. 教师点评这是一篇中等的学生习作。得分点(1)内容完整,简单介绍了茶的发明,基本符合题目要求。(2)适当增加了作文的开头和结尾,使短文更加完整。失分点此处应为like drinking, like doing为常用动词搭配。 此处用词错误。Sometime意思是有一天,在某个时候。应为some time。此处时态有误,应为过去式thought。【拓展练笔】1、 根据下面的提示内容,写一篇有关纸的发明历史的作文。内容提示: 1. 世界上原来没有纸,人们在石头或者木片、竹子上写字; 2. 中国的蔡伦发明了纸张,他教会人们用各种废料来造纸; 3. 纸的发明推动了人类文明的进步,人们会永远记住这位伟大的发明家。要求:不得逐字翻译内容提示,可适当增加细节内容,是短文更加连One possible version:About two thousand years ago, there was no paper in the world. People used to carve characters in wood, stone or bamboo slip. The rich people wrote on silk or sheepskin. A Chinese inventor named Cai Lun tried his best to invent and improve paper. He taught people to make paper from waste materials like bark, used cloth and fishing net. In the year around 105, paper of good quality was finally invented. It can be used for writing. After the invention, books became more and more popular all around the world. The inven
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