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Anime subculture has a numerous and jumbled system and complex content, whosemain audiences are teenagers in our country.Anime subculture, with its unique charm,draws attention of the teenagers.Anime culture with its various kins and abundantcontents, are in line with teenagers unique aesthetic standard and taste. It is full offashionable elements and hot topics, which has a strong inclusiveness of others socialculture including plenty of subcultures, consequently teenagers pursue it.Teenagers psychology of learning, entertainment and conformity impel them to read anime productsand participate in anime culture activities.The prosperous development of internationalcartoon industry has actively pushed forwards development and transmission of animesubculture,which has brought huge economic interests and a lot of social problemssimultaneously.Anime subculture, with its plot of violence, eroticism, horror and mystery,crime and so on, exerts a subtle influence on teenagers ideological and ethical character.It has weakened the connection between the teenagers and dominant culture, directly andindirectly leading to juvenile delinquency and other social aberrance behaviours.Thenegative factors in anime subculture profoundly and widely have influenced teenagersphysical and mental health as well as personal development.If teenagers excessivelyreceive this kind of subculture, they will be assimilated to lower the moral standard andelevate endurance of aberrance behaviours,so as to form unhealthy and incorrect socialvalue concept and world view.So they will break away from normal social group to settlein subculture group, thus having embarked on a path of delinquency.It must use every kinds of social governance ways to prevent juvenile delinquencycaused by anime subculture.Teenagers should endeavor to raise self-ideological andmoral cultivation, learn good traditions and advanced scientific cultural knowledge, aswell as raising the ability of identifying things and enchaning self-controlled ability.Thefamilis and schools should take the lead to guide them from the childhood,keep an eye onteenagers amateur entertainment activities, using the correct value to influence andassimilate them.The schools must change educational ideas of taking academic recordseriously but neglecting virtue education, carry out all-around quality oriented educationand enhance legal education of teenagers.Education administrative departmentsynthetically guide families and schools to carry out prevention and correction. It mustIVsupervise the internetwork to perfect administrative mechanism and develop filtersoftware.With the popularization of internet, juvenile crimes increase constantly due toindulging in it.Administration department must reinforce the supervise of anime productsmarkets, strict procedure of books and audio-visual products censorship, strictly strikeprivate version of anime books and audio-visual products.At the same time, it needs toincrease the developmental speed of native cartoon industry and strengthen policysupport, which focuses the superior power to create more cartoons with high quality andhealthy contents, so as to help teenagers to grow healthily with correct value.Key words:anime;subculture;juvenile crime; prevention systemV引言引言青少年犯罪已经成为了日益困扰我国的严重社会问题。我国历来重视青少年犯罪的防治,多年来不论是从理论上还是实践中,专家学者们都提出了一系列防治对策,总体来说有一定成效,发挥了比较积极的作用。但是,近年来青少年犯罪率的高升促使我们对青少年犯罪的原因进行重新思考。随着社会的不断发展,已经出现了许多新的对青少年产生消极影响,甚至导致青少年犯罪的社会现象。了解导致青少年犯罪的新原因,才能够从根本上采取措施,提出适应时代发展的预防对策,用新方法新手段预防青少年犯罪。青少年犯罪是多种原因综合作用的产物,是多种多样的社会原因和个体因素共同作用的产物。社会原因有很多种,如家庭原因、学校原因、社区原因和文化原因等等。但是,在这些复杂的交相作用的社会原因之中,有一个影响力最为深远也同时作用于其他社会原因,那就是文化原因。社会文化有其自身产生发展的规律,同时社会文化也是社会经济、社会政治的综合反映。要有效地防治青少年犯罪,就必须从发掘导致青少年犯罪的文化原因入手,从而根除有害文化因素,使青少年免于受到文化的消极影响。青少年是接触、接受社会文化的先驱,是社会文化的创造主体。但是,在诸多文化现象中,日本动漫亚文化逐渐引起了我们的注意。目前学界提出的导致青少年犯罪的文化原因,已经比较全面深刻了,但极少提到动漫亚文化的影响。一方面是学者们对动漫亚文化的了解较少,一方面是由于动漫亚文化的消极影响极具隐蔽性,不易发现,致使社会没有对此问题进行关注。动漫亚文化体系庞杂,内容复杂,在我国的主要受众是青少年。动漫亚文化以其独特的魅力吸引着广大青少年,其直接和间接影响都是实际存在的,并潜移默化地渗透至青少年的思想道德中。动漫产业的繁荣发展积极推动了动漫亚文化的发展和传播,带来了巨大经济利益的同时也产生了众多社会问题。笔者愿在深入分析动漫亚文化的发展现状以及其导致的社会问题的基础上提出预防青少年犯罪的对策,为我国防治青少年犯罪贡献一份绵薄之力。1动漫亚文化与青少年犯罪关系研究一、文化与犯罪作为人类独有属性的文化,是控制人类行为的重要力量,是抑制人们凭借动物性做出损害群体行为的支柱。但文化的高度发达,导致人类动物性和文化性相互交融,促使人类产生了很多反映动物本能的行为,这就是所谓本能文化。而且,文化具有多样性特征,除了主文化,还有亚文化、反文化等多种形态,亚文化又包括权力文化、帮会文化、暴力文化、色情文化等多种形式,这些文化形式与人的动物性的关系更为密切。所以,文化对犯罪的影响十分明显。人类行为与其他动物的行为最显著的区别就是拥有能够控制自身行为的能力,如英语单词 humanity 除意为人类之外,还包含了人性、人道、博爱、仁慈之意。人类正是由于具有了这些抽象的特点才与其他动物相区分,称之为人类。文化与犯罪却有着的本质联系。(一)文化是犯罪的本源一直有学者从圣经中亚当和夏娃违反上帝的命令吃下禁果,从而犯下了人类第一桩犯罪的故事,探讨犯罪的本源是什么。主要的观点是偷食禁果是犯罪的本源。这些学者普遍认为禁果的象征意义是私有财产或
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