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Unit -5 What are the shirts made of ? Period 7 Section B 2a2e 单词检测 1.Little Tom used to_(造成) a lot of trouble for his family. 2.You can learn some different _(形式)of traditional Chinese art in this museum. 3. The students decorated the classroom with colorful_ (气球)。 cause forms balloons 4. Dave is one of the most_ (活泼)students in his school. 5. The stone is fired at a very high _(高温)before it is turned into steel. 6. Mr. Wang spent two weeks _ (完成)this painting. lively heat completing Lead-in 你在元宵节放过天灯吗?你会剪窗花吗 ?你见天津的小泥人吗?这些都是中国 的传统民俗艺术。 Question: What do you know about Chinese folk or traditional art? _ shadow figures Beijing Opera sky lantern Face-Changing in Sichuan Opera Chinese kung fu Clay Figurines Zhang paper cutting cloisonn Chinese knotting Chinese painting and calligraphy new year paintings embroidery Dunhuang Murals lion dance 自读课文,画出短语 1. 独特的传统艺术 形式 2.从纸到黏土再到 竹子 3.变成 4. 美丽的物体 5. 按照,根据 6.天灯,孔明灯 7. 发出,释放 8.寻求帮助 9.身处困境 special forms of traditional art from paper to clay to bamboo turn into objects of beauty (beautiful objects ) according to sky lantern send out ask for help in trouble 10. 被覆盖 11.升向 12.热气球 13. 剪纸 14.中国陶泥艺术 15. 中国童话故事 16.历史故事 17.在高温下烧烤 be covered with rise into hot-air balloon paper cutting Chinese clay art Chinese fairy tale historical story fire at a very high heat 1.What is the main idea of the passage? It introduces some special forms of Chinese traditional art. Fast Reading 2.How many parts do you think the passage can be divided into? Why? Two parts. The first paragraph is Part One and the next three paragraphs are Part Two. The first paragraph is a general introduction and the next three paragraphs are specific details and examples. 2b Read the passage and complete the chart. 1. 2. 3. Traditional art form Materials used Symbols Sky lanterns paper cutting Chinese clay art bamboo and paper paper (usually red) clay happiness and good wishes wish for good luck and a happy new year love for life and beauty 2c Careful Reading 1.What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show? They usually try to show the things that are important in life such as love, beauty and family . 2. What were sky lanterns used for before and what are they used for now? Zhuge Kongming sent out sky lanterns to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns are used as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes at festivals and other celebrations . 3. What kinds of pictures are usually found on paper cuttings? 4. How do people use paper cuttings during the Spring Festivals? The most common pictures are flowers, fish, animals, and things about Chinese history. They are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. 5. What are the steps for making clay art pieces? The pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. 6. Which art form do you think is the most interesting? Why? 2d Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box. such as turninto send out cover with rise into puton Read again and fill in the blanks. 难句 1. 中国每个不同的地区都有自己独特的传统 艺术形式。 2. 根据中国历史,孔明灯最早就是诸葛孔明 在身处困境的时候用来寻求帮助的。 3.现在,孔明灯用于节日和其它庆祝活动。 4.孔明灯点燃后,像小小的热气球一样慢慢 升向天空,所有人都能看到。 5.他们被看做幸福和美好愿望的美丽象征。 6.剪纸已经有1500多年历史。 7.剪纸听起来容易,但真剪起来是很难的。 8.通常使用红色的纸,先折叠好,再用剪刀剪。 9.最常见的图案是花,动物和有关中国历史的一些 东西。 10.春节期间人们把这些剪纸贴在窗子,门或者墙 上,寄寓着好运和新年快乐。 11.中国陶泥艺术也很著名,那些艺术品很小,但 看上去特别逼真。 12.这些陶片被小心地用一种特别的黏土手工成形 然后凉干。 13.这些小小的陶泥艺术品表达了中国人们对生活 和美的热爱。 Which art form do you think is the easiest? Which is the most difficult? Why? Which art form would you like to learn? Why? 1. The most common things, , are turned into objects of beauty. turn into (使)变成 The whole thing turned into a quarrel. 整件事酿成了争吵。 Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person. 痛苦的经历使她变得更坚强了。 Language points turn into = change into turn 的常见短语: turn up 调高 turn down 调低 turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn to 转向;翻到(某页) ;求教于 turn around 环顾四周 The boy is sleeping. Please _ the radio. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on Its getting dark. Please _ the light. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn around B A Please _ Page 54 and read Lesson Twelve. A. turn to B. turn into C. turn in D. turn on A A new bread-making machine made in Japan can _ rice _ delicious bread. turn into 日本生产产的新款面包机可以将大米 变变成可口的面包。 2. According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by according to 按照;根据 Fill up the form according to the instructions. 按照说明将表填好。 According to the Bible, Adam was the first man. 据圣经记载, 亚当是人类始祖。 注 意 1) according to一般不能与opinion, view 等表示“意见”“看法”的名词连用。 2) according to不能用来引述自己或某人 的言语, 因而其宾语不能是人。 3. When the lanterns are li
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