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Unit 4 EarthquakesUnit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up and Reading Free talk: Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Can you tell some kinds of natural disasters? firefire 台风 t typhoon/hurricaneyphoon/hurricane tornadotornado 龙 卷 风 snow slidesnow slide 雪崩 mudflowmudflow 泥石流 volcano eruptionvolcano eruption 火山爆发 sandstormsandstorm 沙尘暴沙尘暴 floodflood水灾水灾 drought(旱灾) tsunami (海啸) earthquakeearthquake Do you know some earthquakes happened in China? July 28th, 1976 A terrible earthquake happened in Tangshan. Can you describe how terrible the earthquake was? 2008.5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Yushu Earthquake The city lay in ruins(废墟). The buildings fell down. 倒塌 Roads might crack. 开 裂 Many people were killed or injured. 受伤的 A great number of people lost their homes. 许多,大量 What will happen if it happens an earthquake? Tang Shan San Francisco 1. The roads, bridges and railways are destroyed. 2. The buildings fall down. 3. Roads may crack. 4. The electricity and water power are cut off. 5. The whole city lies in ruins. 6. All things are cut into pieces. 7. Many people are killed or injured. 8. A large number of people are homeless. Is it always a calm before a storm? well fish animals sky mice what may happen before an earthquake? Guess : What are the signs? There is bright light in the sky. The animals are too nervous to sleep/eat, such as dogs, pigs, and chickens. Mice run out of the fields. Fish jump out of bowls and ponds. There are cracks on the wells. The water in the well rise and fall. The signs: 1.There is bright light in the sky. 2.The animals are too nervous to sleep/eat. 3.Fish jump out of bowls and ponds. 4.Mice run out of the fields. 5.There are cracks on the wells. 6.The water in the well rise and fall. Unit 4 EarthquakesUnit 4 Earthquakes 1) Do you know what would happen before an earthquake? 2) What can we do to keep ourselves safe from an earthquake? Bright lights flash in the sky Animals are too nervous, such as cows, dogs, horses, and snakes, etc. Predictions of an earthquake: 1) Bright lights flash in the sky; 3) The well walls have deep cracks with smelly gas; 4) Animals are too nervous, such as cows, pigs, horses, and snakes, etc; 5) Mice run out to look for places to hide; 6) Fish jump out of the ponds. 2) The water in the well rise and fall; Tangshan, HebeiJuly 28th, 1976 Can you describe how terrible the earthquake was? 2008. 5. 12Wenchuan Earthquake The town lay in ruins. 破败不堪 The buildings fell down. 倒塌 Roads cracked. 开裂 The railway tracks became useless pieces of steel. Many people were killed or injured. 受伤的 A great number of people lost their homes. 许多,大量 青海省玉树县2010 年4月14日发生两 次地震,最高震级 7. 1级 Pre-reading Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? personal washing things a bottle of water money torch mobile phone food and sweets blanket medicine You will take: Join the correct parts of the sentences. 2 The people didnt worry because 1 The chickens didnt eat because C they were nervous. E they didnt know what the strange events meant. 3 Such a great number of people died because 4 Water was needed because 5 The people did not lose hope because D dams and wells were useless. B the quake happened while they were sleeping. A the army came to help them. Structure of the text PartEvents Before the earthquake (Paragraph _) _ were happening both in the countryside and in the city of Tangshan but _ them. During the earthquake (Paragraph _) The earthquake _ the city and _ the people. shocked destroyed 2-3 no one noticed Strange things 1 PartEvents After the earthquake (Paragraph _) Soldiers were sent to dig out those trapped and _ the dead; _ were built for the homeless and _ was taken to the city. fresh water shelters to bury 4 ThingsWhat happened water in the well well walls chickens and pigs rose and fell deep cracks, smelly gas too nervous to eat ThingsWhat happened mice fish sky sound water pipes ran out of, looking for places to hide jumped out bright lights sound of planes heard even no planes cracked and burst Data (数据) v _ of the nation felt the earthquake. v A huge crack that was _ kilometres long and _ metres wide cut across houses. vIn _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. v _ of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. v The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than _. vAll of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and _ of its homes were gone. 1/3 8 30 15 2/3 400,000 75% 90% Para. 2-3 These numbers show the destructive effects of earthquake directly to students which can help student gain more information about the earthquake. How the army helped the peo
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