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高考英语阅读解题 方法指导 一、猜词技巧 设问设问 特点: 1、从原文中找单词单词 ,短语语或句子设问设问 。 2、所问词问词 或句与该词该该词该 句常见见意思不同, 无法望文生义义,只有在具体的上下文中才可判 断准确。 3、所考单词单词 有的是生词词,有的是旧词词新意 。 4、正确选项选项 的特征是放在原文不仅单仅单 句合 理,全文也合理。 5、错误选项错误选项 或是字面意思,或是故意胡说说 。 。 1.1.对考纲外生词的猜测对考纲外生词的猜测 The underlined word cultivated ( paragraph 1 ) The underlined word cultivated ( paragraph 1 ) roughly means _.roughly means _. 2.2.对考纲内熟词新义的猜测对考纲内熟词新义的猜测 The underlined word “hit” (paragraph 1 ) roughly The underlined word “hit” (paragraph 1 ) roughly meansmeans 4.4.对句义的猜测对句义的猜测 When I got back out into the street, the world seemed When I got back out into the street, the world seemed brand-new to me. He was something brand-new to me. He was something out of an ancient out of an ancient legendlegend 3.3.对代词的猜测对代词的猜测 The underlined part “it” (in Para. 4) refers to_.The underlined part “it” (in Para. 4) refers to_. 词义理解题常见的题型有: 1. The word “” refers to / probably means/ could best be replaced by _. 2. What do you think the expression “” stands for? 3. The underlined sentence “” means _. How do you deal with the unfamiliar words or phrases while reading? Ignore them and continue reading Look them up in the dictionary Guess the meaning 1.He would _ the gold from his grandma. 2. Unlike his brother, Hobart is quite _. How to guess the missing words? Harvey is a thief: he would _ the gold from his grandma and not feel guilty. steal Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Hobart is quite _. ordinary-lookingplain/homely Skills for guessing unknown words: 1. The lion has its “territory” , which is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own. “territory” means _ an area( that-own) 动物地盘 2. He is a resolute man. Once he makes up his mind to do something, he wont give it up halfway. The underlined word means_. A.strong B. determined C. kind D. clever 定语从句或其后的句子其实是一种定义或解释 技巧归纳1: Use _ 利用_ definition or explanation 定义或解释猜测词义 mean, refer to, be called, be known as ,can be defined as, in other words, that is , that is to say, namely,be called,be identified as,to put it differently 括号,引号,破折号,定语从句 .etc. Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots( 嫩芽), or young leaves of trees. The word “pruning” means_ A. Regular cutting of the plants B. Frequent watering C. Regular use of chemicals D. Growing the plants high in the mountain 技巧归纳 2 : Using_ 根据_ common sense or experience 普通常识和经验 技巧归纳3: 利用_ from_ 2.The period of adolescence, the period between childhood and adulthood ,may be long or short. A 少儿期 B 幼儿期 C 青春期 D 成人期 同义/同位语 similarity/appositive 1. In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today “ocelot” means _an endangered wild cat The largest player Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Center offers a wide variety of choices, such as deluxe sedans, minivans, station wagons, coaches. Santana sedans are the big favorite of the tourists. The underlined words used in the text refer to _. A. cars in the making B. car rental firms C. cars for rent D. car makers 技巧归纳4: 利用_ 举例 from examples Signal words:for example ,for instance, such as ,like,as,etc. 技巧归纳5: 利用_ From_ 1. The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted(飘 ) with the wind like feathers. 2. Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person who does not like to go to parties or make new friends. 雪花,雪片 爱交际的 比较或对比 comparison or contrast Signal words: as, like, the same as, unlike, but, however, on the contrary, while,instead ect. 技巧归纳6: 利用_ From_ (1)Overwork may cause diseases. over(过分的、过量的)workoverwork“工 作过度”。 (2)There was a dissatisfied look in the managers eyes. dis “不” + satisfied“满意的=dissatisfied “不满 意的”。 构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等) Word formation 合成合成 Compounding 转化转化 Conversion 派生派生 Derivation 构词法构词法 Word Word formationformation prefix suffix 表否定 un-, non-, in-, dis- 表相反 un-, de-, dis-, counter- 错误失当 mis-, mal-, pseudo- 表向背 pro-, anti- 表程度 arch-, super-, ultra- , over-, under-, mini-, semi- , 表时间 pre, fore-, post- 表方位 sub-, inter-, trans- prefix decontrol transplant counterattack 解除控制 移植 反击 suffix -able (能的) -less (无,不) -wards ( 向) -ship (身份;资格;权力;性 质) -some ( 易于的) -hood (状态;性质;时期) -ish (如的;有点儿的) -proof (防的;不能穿透的) -scape (景) -most (最的) waterproof streetscape innermost speechless l He is said to be “undersized with “short legs and a “round stomach”. (08广东卷 ) lTales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain.
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