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Lesson 4 First Impressions Objectives To practise reading for inference. To practise making opposites of adjectives using a prefix. To practise talking and writing about ones experience of meeting someone for the first time. 1. What words can we use to describe a persons personality? 2. Have you ever met someone you didnt like but became your friend later? 3. What were your first impressions on him/her? Lead-in Fast reading The main characters in the story are _ and _. They met in the _ for the first time. _ was preparing for an important _ while _ was reading and _. _ was angry and left but she left her most important _ behind. _ found the book and returned it to _. They became good _. JaneJenny library exam Jane Jenny singing Jane friends textbook Jenny Jane 1) Where does the story take place? 2) What kind of books does Jenny like? 3) What exam was Jane studying for? Read the text carefully and answer the questions. In the local library. Poetry. An important science exam. 5) What kind of person do you think Jenny is? 6) How did Jenny get Janes phone number? 4) What was the last straw for Jane? She heard someone singing behind her. Friendly, warm-hearted, forgiving. She asked a librarian and got it from the library files. 7) Do you think that Jane overreacted in the library? Have you ever experienced a similar situation when you were studying? You can answer this question according to your own experiences. 1) Jane was pleased when Jenny started singing. Example 1 = pleased, singing 2) Tennyson must be a famous poet. Use the Reading Strategies and underline the important words in the sentences below. F F T T 4) Jane was upset that she had left her book in the library. 5) Jane didnt feel that it was necessary to apologise. 3) Jane first saw Jenny near “English literature” section. T T T T F F How did Janes feeling change? I was getting more and more _. I turned around and _ the person. it made me even _. I picked up my books, _ her and _ I was so _ that I almost cried. annoyed glared at angrier glared at whispered angrily upset I signed with _ .I was so _. I was _ with shame and _ several times for my rude behaviour. I felt so _. relief grateful filled apologized guilty How can we describe the feeling of being upset / angry? full of anxiety get annoyed the last straw glare at think angrily steam coming out of ones ears whisper angrily be upset Language points 1. I was getting more and more annoyed and of course, the more displeased I got, the less I was able to concentrate. 我变得越来越心烦意乱,当然了, 我越不高兴,就越难集中注意力。 more and more 越来越, 如: He became more and more interested in playing tennis. 他越来越喜欢打网球。 E-commerce has become more and more popular as people have discovered the advantages of online shopping. 电子商务越来普及,因为人们发现了网 上购物的好处。 2. I turned around and glared at the person who was humming. 我扭过头,怒视着那个哼唱的人。 The fighting men were glaring at each other. 两个打斗的男人愤怒地对视着。 The angry father glared at his son. 愤怒的父亲瞪着儿子。 glare at 恕视。如: 3. The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didnt wipe the frown off my face however, if anything, it made me even angrier. 她看起来是个善解人意的友善的女 孩,但这并没有拂平我紧皱的眉头, 而是令我更加恼火。 Mr. Wang , the father of one of my co-workers, is 94 years old and is still healthy. 王先生,我同事的父亲,今年94岁了 还很健康。 句中that所引导的是一个同位语从句。 紧跟在名词之后并说明该名词是指何 人何物的词语称为同位语。如: 同位语从句与定语从句在结构上很相似 ,但同位语从句是用来解释先行词,表 示其内容的;而定语从句则是用来修饰 先行词,说明其性质和特征的。 如: 句中the father of one of my co-workers 是Mr. Wang 的同位语。 I made a promise that if anyone set me free I would make him very rich. 我许下一个诺言:谁能还我自由, 我就使他富有。(同位语从句) The mother made a promise that pleased all her children. 母亲许了一个使孩子们全都非常 高兴的诺言。(定语从句) if anything 如果有什么不同的话。如: If anything, my new job is harder than my older one. 如果有什么不同的话,我的新工作比 原先的工作更累了。 No, it isnt better; its worse if anything. 没有好起来,如果有什么不同的 话,那就是更糟糕了。 4. I couldnt help chuckling at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea. 我止不住轻声发笑,并邀请她到 我的公寓里来喝杯茶。 help doing 禁不住要做某事。如: Look at those lovely dresses. I cant help buying one. 看看这些漂亮的裙子!我真忍 不住要买一件。 I could not help laughing. 我禁不住笑了起来。 本句中使用了虚拟语气。虚拟语气表示的 事情并非事实,因此需要使用与陈述语气 不同的动词形式。在表示现在或未来的虚 拟条件句中,谓语如下(斜体部分): 1)表示现在或未来的虚拟形式。如: If I were you, I would teach him a good lesson. 我若是你,我就要好好教训他一顿 。(我不可能是你。) 2)表示过去的虚拟形式。如: If the weather had been nice yesterday, we would have gone for the picnic. 如果昨天天气好的话,我们就去野餐了 。(事实是昨天天气很坏。) Complete the paragraph below with the correct form of the following words. glance, annoy, recognize, concentrate, disturb, whisper, glare, selfish grateful Post-reading Janet was 1) _ on writing an essay when a noise 2) _ her. She 3) _ her brothers whistl
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