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Workforce Investment Act Standardized Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD)Record Data (WIASRD) 2005 Revisions2005 Revisions 2 WIASRD - General InstructionsWIASRD - General Instructions Purposes of the WIASRD: Establish a standardized set of data elements, definitions and specifications to describe the characteristics, activities, and outcomes of individuals served by WIA programs (including NEGs); Facilitate the collection and reporting of valid, consistent, and complete information on an individual to support the overall management, evaluation, and continuous improvement of the WIA programs at the local, state and federal levels; and Share program performance results with consumers, taxpayers, Congress and other stakeholders. 3 WIASRD - General InstructionsWIASRD - General Instructions Programs covered by WIASRD: WIA Adult WIA Dislocated Worker WIA Youth National Emergency Grants (NEGs) WIASRD specifications cover local formula and statewide reserve fund activities Special Note: Statewide reserve fund activities that do not involve the enrollment of individuals to receive services are not covered by WIASRD 4 WIASRD - General InstructionsWIASRD - General Instructions WIASRD follows a comma-delimited format Contains information on participant characteristics, services/benefits, and outcomes achieved Submitted electronically on an annual basis Note: If due date falls on Saturday or Sunday, WIASRD files are due the Friday before 5 WIASRD - General InstructionsWIASRD - General Instructions A single WIASRD file is submitted on each individual for each period of participation across the WIA programs in the state Entry into other partner programs (e.g., TAA, Labor Exchange) can extend the period of participation in the WIA programs Establishes a common exit date for all programs Measures performance at the same time Updated WIASRD files are submitted in each subsequent year until all outcome data is complete 6 WIASRD - General InstructionsWIASRD - General Instructions A universe of WIASRD files are submitted for the following individuals (no sampling option): All participants who receive WIA Adult formula funded services and exit the program All participants who receive WIA Dislocated Worker formula funded services and exit the program All participants who receive WIA Youth formula and 15% statewide funded services and either . . . Exit from the program; or Achieve reportable outcomes while participating in the program All other participants who receive Statewide 15% funded services and exit the program Except for HCTC grants, all participants who receive NEG funded services and exit the program 7 WIASRD - General InstructionsWIASRD - General Instructions States are not required to submit WIASRD files on . . . Participants who receive self-services and informational activities only Participants in statewide 15% activities that do not involve enrollment to receive services Research or evaluation studies Pilot or demonstration programs 8 Questions/Comments on Questions/Comments on WIASRD General InstructionsWIASRD General Instructions 9 Overview of Record LayoutOverview of Record Layout WIASRD contains three (3) major sections of data Individual Information Program Activities and Service Information Program Outcomes Information Elemen t Name Sequenc e Number Data Type/ Field Size Coding Values Definitions/Reporting Instructions 10 WIASRD - WIASRD - Special NoteSpecial Note Self-Service Data Collection WIASRD does not specify data collection requirements for self- service participants States may use WIASRD specifications to prepare records for generating aggregate self-service counts WIA Quarterly/Annual report specifications provide standardized reporting logic based on WIASRD elements Minimum customer data collection requirements (same as ES/VETS programs): Individual Identifier Element#101 Equal Opportunity InformationElement#102 110 Employment Status Element#115 Other WIASRD elements will be used as well, but do not directly burden the self-service customer 11 In Bold Blue Text (Element #):In Bold Blue Text (Element #): Reflects new data collection and/or important changes in either reporting instructions, definitions, or coding values In Underlined Red TextIn Underlined Red Text ( (Element #Element #): ): Reflects new data collection item and/or important changes in either reporting instructions, definitions, or coding values; and Modification impacts performance calculations on Quarterly or Annual Reports WIASRD - 2005 RevisionsWIASRD - 2005 Revisions 12 WIASRD Section IWIASRD Section I Individual Identifier (Element #101)Individual Identifier (Element #101) Not a Social Security Number Alternate ID or encrypted SSN Must identify the same person in . . . Every period of participation in the state Every local area across the state Situations where the
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