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Unit 7 School Things Part A 闽教版小学英语第一册 Sing a song:Sing a song: I can sing ABC song Lets count together. fathermother 【 】 ruler er ruler pen pencil Whats Whats missing?missing? 寻找学习用品寻找学习用品 give (给) give me (给我) Give me a ruler. (给我一把尺子) Chant: Ruler, ruler, ruler, Give me a ruler. Pen, pen, pen, Give me a pen. pencil, pencil, pencil, Give me a pencil. Give me a ruler, please Please(请) give me a ruler. 播放整段话,学习播放整段话,学习 后面两句后面两句 Which pen? The black one. = The black pen. Which ruler? (哪一把尺子?) The_one. yellowpink greenbluered Miss chen will hide Miss chen will hide in the in the classroomclassroom If you seek it,you can get one point.If you seek it,you can get one point. 老师把老师把 藏在教室的某个位藏在教室的某个位 置,寻找的同学必须在其他同学的帮助下找到,这名置,寻找的同学必须在其他同学的帮助下找到,这名 同学在找的同时其他学生边拍手边说同学在找的同时其他学生边拍手边说Please give me a Please give me a . .(同学根据大小声提醒,越靠近物品声音越大,反(同学根据大小声提醒,越靠近物品声音越大,反 之)之) pen ruler ruler Pen star pencil star pencil 幸运大抽奖 同学们,如果 你能用今天学 过的知识 Which? The One. 说出指针指向 的物品,并能选 出颜色,你就 赢了哦!加油 ! 同桌练习对话,用上以下句型: A: Give me a _. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. B: Which_? A: The _one. B: You areYoure welcome. HomeworkHomework 1.Read the book Unit 7 Part A 2.Finish the activity book Unit 7 Part A 3.Write the letters Yy, Zz
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