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N.格里高利.曼昆 经济学原理第7,8章消费者、生产者与市场效率经济学原理 N.格里高利.曼昆 著7This is a very theoretical chapter. Most students in principles-level courses are a bit less patient with theory than with real-world applications. However, you can tell your students that learning the material in this chapter will pay off in (at least) two ways. First, the tools introduced in this chapter (consumer & producer surplus, welfare economics) are used extensively in the real world to assess the costs and benefits of policies and market imperfections. When does a policy do more harm than good? Who does the policy make better off, and who is made worse off? How do the total gains to the winners compare to the total losses incurred by the losers? The following two chapters will use the tools of welfare economics to analyze taxes and international trade (including restrictions on trade). Students typically find these applications very interesting, and they are much easier to learn after students have a good working knowledge of the material covered in this chapter.Second, this chapter illuminates one of the most important ideas in economics: Adam Smiths invisible hand, a.k.a. the principle that markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity. Note that this analysis assumes perfect competition. When this assumption fails, the market on its own may not maximize societys well-being. We will study such market failures in later chapters, and well use the tools of welfare economics to see how public policy can improve on the market outcome in such cases. 本章我们将探索这些问题的答案:什么是消费者剩余?它与需求曲线有什么联系?什么是生产者剩余?它与供给曲线有什么联系?市场能使资源达到合意的配置吗?还是市场结果有改善的余地?消费者、生产者与市场效率福利经济学(welfare economics)资源配置涉及下述问题:每种物品分别生产多少?谁生产它们?谁消费它们?福利经济学:研究资源配置如何影响经济福利的一门学问。首先,我们来看看消费者的福利。经济学十大原理一、消费者剩余(consumer surplus)消费者、生产者与市场效率支付意愿(willingness to pay) 一个买者对一种物品的支付意愿是他愿意为这种物品支付的最高价格。支付意愿衡量买者对于物品的评价例如:4个买者对于一个iPod的支付意愿FYI: The four guys in this example are the members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. In the corresponding example from the textbook, Mankiw uses the Beatles. 消费者、生产者与市场效率支付意愿与需求曲线问题:如果iPod的价格为$200,,谁会买它?会买多少?A:Anthony 和Flea会买一个 iPod, Chad和John不会买因此, Qd = 2 当价格为P = $200时消费者、生产者与市场效率支付意愿与需求曲线得出需求表4John, Chad, Anthony, Flea 0 1253Chad, Anthony, Flea126 1752Anthony, Flea176 2501Flea251 3000没人$301及以上Qd谁会买P (iPod的价格)Give your students a few moments to fill in the table. Then reveal the answers. Tell them that they have just constructed the demand schedule for iPods. Next, we will use the demand schedule to draw the demand curve (just like in Chapter 4 when we first covered demand schedules & curves). 消费者、生产者与市场效率支付意愿与需求曲线PQThe table on this slide consists of the 1st and 3rd columns of the table on the preceding slide. The numbers in these columns are the demand schedule for iPods, and give us the demand curve shown in the graph on this slide. The animation is as follows: When P is $301 or higher, Qd is zero. That part of the table is highlighted when the upper-most segment of the demand curve is revealed. If the price falls to $300, then Qd increases to 1. If the price is anywhere in the range $251-300, Qd = 1. If the price falls to $250, then Qd increases to 2. If the price is anywhere in the range $176-250, Qd = 2. and so forth. 消费者、生产者与市场效率梯形图需求曲线看起来像一个梯形,有四个台阶-每一个台阶代表一个买者。PQ如果像在竞争市场那样有许多买者那就会有很多小的台阶看起来就更像一条光滑的曲线After the previous slide, most of your students will probably understand where this D curve comes from, but its staircase-like shape will seem quite odd to them. Point out that it has 4 “steps,” one for each buyer. Suppose there were 10 buyers instead of 4; how many steps would it have? Ten, of course. If there were 20 buyers, this D “curve” would have 20 steps. A perfectly competitive market has a huge number of buyers. Suppose there were 10,000 buyers in the market for iPods (a tiny fraction of the actual number of buyers!). Then, the number of steps would be 10,000. In relation to the graph, each step would be insignificantly small, and the D curve would look like a smooth curve rather than a staircase even though it really is a staircase one with 10,000 infinitesimally small steps. 消费者、生产者与市场效率支付意愿与需求曲线在任意数量,需求曲线的高度代表边界买者的支付意愿边际买者:指如果价格再提高一点就首先离开市场的买者PQWhen Q = 1, the height of the demand curve is $300, which is Fleas willingness to pay, or how much he values an iPod. At any price higher than $300, Flea leaves the market; hence, at Q = 1, Flea is the marginal buyer. When Q = 2, the height of the demand curve is $250, which is Anthonys willingness to pay, or how much he values an iPod. At any price higher than $250, Anthony leaves the market; hence, at Q = 2, Anthony is the mar
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