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致谢至此论文完成之际我衷心的感谢徐颖副教授、储昭升副研究员。本文从选题、研究内容及最后结论的确定他们都给予了指导性的意见,为论文的完成提供了坚实的基础。徐颖副教授是我科学研究的引路人在学习上给了我大力支持和帮助生活上给了我细心的关怀为我在以后的工作、学习和生活中战胜困难取得成功增加勇气和信心;储昭升副研究员在工作和学习上对我严格要求、悉心教诲使我在研究生的学习生活中掌握了一定的科研能力,为人处事能力也上了一个新台阶。本论文的完成得到了各位老师和同学的大力帮助,他们在试验设计、研究总体思路给与了我许多帮助和指导并对本论文提出了许多宝贵意见;实验员张师傅在试验设计、藻种培养及驯化中给与了我许多帮助和指导在此对她表示诚挚的感谢。感谢郭伟峰、陈磊、李涵、刘聪、代然、涂婷婷、刘佳妮、李芸等同学对我的鼓励和帮助,感谢王慧卿、邵文华等同学在我论文格式修改过程中的帮助。感谢环保公益性行业科研专项-洋河水库异味物质产生机制与监控系统研究项目对本课题的资助在该项目的资助下本论文才顺利进行。最后感谢我的父母、两位姐姐和女朋友孙静是他们在背后对我的支持和帮助我才能完成今天的学业。摘要蓝藻的分布特征跟水华爆发特征息息相关,因此研究洋河水库蓝藻的分布特征对揭示蓝藻水华有现实意义。本研究采用野外实验和室内模拟相结合的手段,研究洋河水库优势蓝藻的分布特征及影响因素;并通过批量培养的方式研究洋河水库底泥浸出液对洋河水库优势蓝藻生长特征的影响。研究结果表明,在季节分布上,洋河水库微囊藻和鱼腥藻主要受温度调节,微囊藻在每年晚春出现,夏季有较大的生物量,其爆发模式呈典型的双峰模式,7 月和 8-9 月各一个峰值;鱼腥藻在每年的晚春(6 月)出现,到 8 月底 9 月初达到最大生物量。采用大型湖泊模拟装置模拟研究微囊藻和鱼腥藻在水体的垂向变化表明,底部曝气完全混匀后,光照条件下微囊藻有较高的漂浮速率,光照 12h 后,70.0%的微囊藻和45.8%的鱼腥藻聚集在表层;无光照条件下,鱼腥藻有较高的漂浮速率,光暗 12 后,47.1%的微囊藻和 65.8%的鱼腥藻聚集在表层。厌氧条件底泥浸出液对鱼腥藻生长速率有促进作用,对微囊藻生长有抑制作用;添加好氧状态的底泥浸出液对鱼腥藻生长速率也有一定的促进作用,而对微囊藻生长影响不明显。在添加厌氧底泥浸出液的培养基中增加铁,则藻类的最大现存量显著增加,表明底泥浸出液对微囊藻生长的影响可能是较高浓度的有机质与铁的结合影响了微囊藻对铁的利用。关键词:蓝藻;洋河水库;模拟研究;底泥- I -AbstractThe characteristics for distribution of cyanobacteria are closely with water blooming andthe research on distribution characteristics of Yanghe reservoir cyanobacteria can providescientific basis for revealing the cause of cyanobacteria bloom. In the study, field research andlaboratory simulation are used to investigate the characteristics for spatial and seasonaldistributions of Yanghe reservoir dominant algae, and the corresponding controlling factors arealso analysised. The results are as follows. In the seasonal distribution, microcystis coloniesoccur in the late spring and have a greater biomass in the summer at the year, July andAugust-September, one each peak, the burst mode is a typical bimodal pattern. Anabaenafilaments appear at late spring and reach the maximum biomass at the early fall. Lake simulatorexperiments showed that in the modelling diurnal vertical migration phase, when the watercolumn is fully mixed, during light phase, Microcystis has a higher flotation rates than Anabaena,about 70% of Microcystis colonies and only 46% of filaments accumulated in the surface after12 h light exposure. During dark phase, Anabaena have a higher flotation rates. About 66% ofAnabaena filaments and 47% of Microcystis colonies accumulated in the surface after 12 h. Thegrowth of Microcystis was significantly inhibited when the percentage of anaerobic leach liquorin M11 culture medium was high(20%), but there is obvious promotion of anaerobic leachliquor to the growth of Anabaena. Aerobic leach liquor had no influence on the growth ofMicrocystis, but the growth rate of Anabaena was promoted by aerobic leach liquor. Theaddition of Fe-citrat e5H2O to the mixed culture medium (M11 culture medium +50% anaerobicleach liquor) significantly increased the maximum biomass of Microcystis, the results suggestthat high organic matter concentration decreases iron availability for Microcystis.Key Words:cyanobacteria;Yanghe reservoir;sediment;simulation目录摘要 . IAbstract . II1绪论 . 11.1水体富营养化和蓝藻水华 .水体富营养化现状 . 1水华及蓝藻水华 . 2蓝藻水华的危害 . 2蓝藻水华的成因 . 4蓝藻的水平运动及浮力调节 . 51.2洋河水库简介 .地理位置和自然状况 . 8社会经济状况 . 9水库富营养化情况 . 91.3大型湖泊模拟装置 .装置简介 . 9大型湖泊模拟装置的优点及应用 .
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