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评老人与海中海明威写作风格和手法的论文评老人与海中海明威写作风格和手法的论文abstract being distinguished from many greatest american writers, hemingway is noted for his writing style. among all his works, the old man and the sea is a typical one to his unique writing style and technique. the language is simple and natural on the surface, but actually deliberate and artificial. sometimes the simple style is made a little different. the dialogue is bined with the realistic and the artificial. the simplicity is highly suggestive, and often reflects the strong undercurrent of emotion. occasionally, the author uses some figures of speech. hemingways style is related to his experience as a journalist, his learning from many famous writers, and most importantly, his conscientious effort in looking for a style of his own. the influence of his style is great all over the world. the old man and the sea is full of facts, most of which es from hemingways own experience. so the way to use facts is a very important writing technique in this novel. the facts in the novel are selected and used as a device to make the fictional world accepted. in the forepart of the novel, they are used to show the quality of santiagos life, and are narrated simply and naturally; while in the latter part of the novel, they are used from inside santiagos own consciousness and form part of a whole scheme of the novel. keywords: facts; simplicity; artificial; iceberg theory 中文摘要 在众伟大的美国作家中,海明威以独特的写作风格而著称。wwW.cOM在他所有的作品中,老人与海最能体现他独特的写作风格和手法。这部小说语言看似简洁 自然 ,其实包含了作者的精心揣摩和润色加工。有时为了突出某一部分,作者会采用长句代替短句。文中的对话 内容 真实、贴近生活,而表达形式则经过了 艺术 加工。小说简洁自然的语言背后隐藏了深刻的意义和感情。文中还运用了比喻、拟人等修辞手法.还名位的这种独特风格与他当过新闻记者的经历有关,同时他兼菜各家之长,自成一体,形成了自己独特的创作 方法 和艺术风格。这种风格对整个世界文坛产生了重要的 影响 。 老人与海这部小说中运用了大量的事实,他们大多来自于作者亲身经历。海明威对这些事实精心选择,从而吸引读者的兴趣并使读者有一种身临其境的感觉。小说一开始用大量事实描写了主人公生活的环境,叙述风格简洁自然,未加任何感情色彩。随着情节的 发展 ,大量的事实主要被运用于主人公的心理活动之中,而不是主要由作者来叙述。同时,这些事实构成了整个小说体系中不可缺少的一部分。 关键词: 事实;简洁;加工;冰山 理论 hemingways writing style and techniques in the old man and the sea introduction the old man and the sea (1952) es round at the finish of hemingways writing career. with its vivid characterization, its simple language, and the profound implicating it carries, it stands out as one of the excellent books hemingways former stature as the words preeminent novelist after hemingways unsuccessful novel across the river and into the trees (1950). the old man and the sea earned its author the pulitzer prize in fiction for 1952, and was instrumental in winning him the nobel prize for literature two years later. it is a short novel about santiago, an old cuban fisherman who has gone for 84 days without catch. therefore the boy, mandolin, who used to sail with him, is forced to leave him and catch in another ship. the old man insists on fishing alone and at last, he hooks an eighteen-foot, giant marlin, the largest he has ever known. but the fish is very powerful and disobedient. it tows the old man and his boat out to sea for 48 hours, with the old man bearing the whole weight of the fish through the line on his back. the old man, with little food and sleep, has to endure much pain and fights against his treacherous hand cramp. to his great excitement, on his third day at sea, he succeeds in drawing the weakened marlin to the surface and harpoons it. on his way home, he lashes marlin alongside his boat because it is too big to be pulled into the boat. but, unfortunately, the e across sharks in different numbers for four times. the old man fights to kill the sharks with as much might and many weapons as he can summon, but only to find a giant skeleton of his marlin left after his desperate defense. at last, santiago, having lost what he fought for, reaches the shore and struggles to his shack. he falls into sound sleep, dreaming of africa, and the lions again. his struggle wins him much respect. among many great american writers, hemingway is famous for his objective and terse prose style. as the last novel hemingway published in his life, the old man and the sea typically reflects his unique writing style. this paper aims to discuss the writing style and techniques in the old man and the sea. of course, hemingway has used many techniques in this novel, such as realism, the creation of suspense, monologue, etc. and this paper focuses especially on the language style and one of the important techniques-the way to use facts in this novel. hemingway is famous for his language.
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