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. . . . .Lesson EightPart One:How to Prepare第一步:大家得知道这部分都考什么样的题目. 雅思口语题目一般在 3-4个月之内基本稳定,所以大家只需好好准备你参考前两个月考过的题目即可。1.地方类卡片: Describe a city you have visited or lived in.Describe a library you have used.Describe an important historical site you have visited and liked.Describe a park or garden you have visited.Describe the sea or a place with a lot of water that you have been toDescribe a place that is polluted.Describe a restaurant you like. Describe a shopping place you like.Describe a modern building that impressed you. Describe a school you studied in. Describe a house/flat that you like (not your own) Describe a place from which you can learn sth about the past. 2. 人物类卡片:Describe a family member you spend most time with.Describe someone you know who is good cooking. Describe someone you lived with.Describe an old person you admire.Describe a famous person you admire (not from your own country)。Describe a famous artist you admire.Describe an intelligent person you know.Describe a person who won a competition.3. 经历类卡片:Describe a trip that didnt go as well as planned. Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam. Describe a time when someone gave you important help.Describe an interesting lecture or speech you listened to.Describe an important conversation you had with someone.Describe a recent enjoyable visit you had. Describe a recent happy event. Describe one of your successful experiences.Describe a special meal you had.Describe a picnic or an outdoor meal you had. 4. 物体类卡片:Describe sth you would like to buy in the future. Describe a car or vehicle you would like to buy.Describe a book you have read and would like to read again.Describe your favorite book in your childhood.Describe a film you like. Describe something you made by yourself. Describe an antique or other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. Describe a special gift you have received/sent. Describe a song or a piece of music that you liked in your childhood. Describe a work of art you have seen that impressed you. 5. 工作类卡片:Describe a job that you think you would be good at.Describe your ideal job.6. 童年类卡片:Describe a happy event in your childhood.Describe a toy you liked in your childhood.Describe a story about a famous person that you heard in your childhood.Describe an activity or game that you enjoyed doing in your childhood. 7. 媒体类卡片:Describe a magazine or newspaper you like to read.Describe a TV program you love to watch and talk about with your family and friend.Describe a TV program you have watched but didnt like.Describe an interesting article from a magazine or newspaper.Describe a website you often use.Part Two: How to make full use of One minute强烈建议大家利用好这一分钟的时间进行快速构思,并在稿纸上写上关键词,这一方面不是让考官觉得你事先未经准备,而是预防 “忘记”现象,也就是构思的时候想得好好的,说的时候忘记了,为什么会忘呢,因为你说的时候是要看着考官的,不免有些紧张,一紧张就什么也想不起来了。所以大家在平时练习的时候,也请按照这种方式进行,就是凭借关键词进行架构,同时按照卡片上的提示顺序一个一个往下描述即可,没有必要临时重新组织顺序。而且,这回给考官一种印象:你实在临场发挥,这也是考官所希望看到的。Part Three:How to enhance the sequence of self-description大家知道,在Part Two, 大家需要独自说2-3分钟,怎样才能让考官很容易就能知道你每一步都要想说什么呢?我个人的建议是大家借用一些结构性的句子:在开头,开门见山:Id like to talk about 回答第一个问题:To begin with, Ill talk about (where it is) 回答第二个问题:Then as to (what it looks like) 回答第三个问题:Now lets look at (what it sells) 回答最后一个问题:And finally Id like to explain to you (why I like the place).很多题目都可以用这些句子进行架构。当然,大家也不要太机械了,有的题目完全可以以你自己喜欢的方式进行架构,关键是要用的自然。Part Three: Tips第一:大家看到准备过的题目一定不要喜形于色。第二:思考的时候可以不看考官,但在描述的时候,一定要看着考官说。第三:注意时态。第四:描述人的时候,注意he/she.第五:结束的时候,不要说,thats all. 如果你是在没话说了,可以使用下面这句话:Well, Im afraid thats all I can think of to say now, thank you. Part Four: Examples(1)1.Describe a shopping place you like. (such as a supermarket or shopping mall).You should say:where it iswhat it looks likehow often you go thereand explain why you like it so much. Id like to talk about a shopping mall in my home city of Xian,which is in the downtown pedestrian zone, and its not far from where I live, just about ten minutes bus ride away, so its really convenient for me to go there. The mall is huge, you know, with 10 floors, and it looks really modern with shiny glass curtain walls. The inside is also amazing. Its spotlessly clean and elegantly decorated. So its absolutely an enjoyment to be there. I go the mall quite a lot, about once or twice a month, sometimes alone, and sometimes with the company of my best friend. And most of the time, I go there to buy something, but some of the time, I just go window shopping there. As to why I love the place so much, the main reason is of course that the mall is a shopping paradise, offering an amazingly wide selection of goods. Most of them are reasonably priced, affordable to most people. T
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