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Unit 1 Business AdvertisingListening and speakingI. Teaching objectives Ss are expected to learn to:1. listen for specific information about how to advertise a product;2. listen for specific information to fill in the gaps in the conversations;3. retell the main points heard;4. role play and practice planning advertising. II. Teaching focus: To learn and practice how to advertise a product.III. Teaching difficulty To listen for gist and specific informationVI. Teaching aids: a disc player and the discV. Teaching length: 90 minutesIV. Teaching procedure: Step1. Greet the class and announce the tasks for the periods. Step2. Lead-in Questions (3minutes) 1. As a consumer, what kind of business advertising will attract your attention? 2. Could you please share with your classmates the most impressive advertisement to you? Step3. Present the 5 questions in Task2. Ask the class to read them through and make prediction about the points that the conversation may cover based on the key words in the questions. (3 minutes) Step4. Play the disc for the class to listen for the answers to the 5 questions in Task2. After listening, the Ss can have 5 minutes to talk about their answers in pairs. (10 minutes) Step5. Play the disc for the class to listen again and fill in the gaps in Task1. (5 minutes) Step6. Ask the class to work in pairs and retell the key points to each other and invite 2 pairs to present to the class. (10 minutes) Step7. Ask the class to work in pairs and role-play a conversation based on the information given in Task5. (15 minutes) Step8. Present the 5 questions in Task6. Ask the class to read them through and make prediction about the points that the conversation may cover based on the key words in the questions. (3 minutes) Step9. Play the disc for the class to listen for the answers to the 5 questions in Task6. After listening, the Ss can have 5 minutes to talk about their answers in pairs. (10 minutes) Step10. Play the disc for the class to listen again and fill in the gaps in Task5. (5 minutes) Step11. Ask the class to work in pairs and retell the key points to each other and invite 2 pairs to present to the class. (10 minutes) Step12. Ask the class to work in pairs and role-play a conversation based on the information given in Task8. (15 minutes) Step13. Summary. Step14. Assignments: To learn the new words and expressions in the two conversations; To review how to advertise a product.Intensive ReadingI. Teaching objectives: The Ss are expected to learn:1. the business opportunities lying in kids; 2. the words and expressions;3. the reading skills to find out the general idea and specific information.II. Teaching focus:To learn to target new business opportunitiesIII. Teaching difficulty: The reading skills to find out the general idea and specific informationVI. Teaching length: 90 minutesIV. Teaching procedure: Step1. Greet the class and announce the tasks. Step2. Lead-in questions: Why are parents willing to spend more money for their children nowadays? (2 minutes) Step3. Reading skills: ask the class to skim the passage and outline its logical structure the talk about their answers in pairs. Ask 2 pairs to present to the class. (20 minutes)How Marketers Target Kids General idea: Kids are an important group to marketers.1. the reasons2. statistical illustration of the trend3. the reasons that parents are willing to spend more for their kids4. marketers strategies: 1) pester power 2) the marriage of psychology and marketing 3) building brand name loyalty 4) buzz or street marketing 5) commercializing in education 6) the Internet5. conclusion Step4. Reading skills: ask the class to scan the passage and find out the answers to Tasks911 based on the key words in each question and the outline made in Step3. (20 minutes) Step5. Intensive reading: ask the class to read through the passage in details and mark out the language points that are difficult to understand. (10 minutes) Step6. Language points in the passage. (25-30 minutes)Difficult sentences1. Kids have their own purchasing power; they influence their parents buying decisions and theyre the adult consumers of the future, which makes them an important group to marketers. 小孩子不但有自己的购买力,能够影响其父母的购买决定,而且他们也是未来的成年消费者,因此,在营销人员看来,他们是一个重要的群体。2. Parents today are willing to buy more for their kids because trends such as smaller family size, dual incomes and postponing children until later in life mean that families have more disposable income. 当今,父母都愿意为孩子购买更多的商品,其原因在于,家庭规模越来越小,夫妻双方都有收入,并且都倾向于晚育,从而具有更多的家庭可支配收入。3. Using research that analyzes childrens behavior, fantasy lives, art work, even their dreams, companies are able to think out sophisticated marketing strategies to
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