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. . . . .U6 知识点总结一、 重点词汇1hurry up 快点,赶快 2. complain too much抱怨入多3 Go riding 去骑马 4Go camping 去野营5. sit by a river 坐在河边 6. look up 向上看7. take a watch out of its pocket 从它的口袋里拿出一块手表8stand up 站起身,起立 9. jump down a big hole 跳进一个大洞10. get away 逃脫;离开 11. hit the ground 撞到地面上12. find herself alone 发现她自己独自一人 13. go through the door 通过门 14. put up our tent 搭我们的帐篷15. make paper 造纸 16. use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝17. make a bird out of wood 用木头做鸟 18. from then on 从那时起19. have a picnic 去野餐 20. fly kites 放风筝21. become smaller and smaller 变得越来越小22. decide to enter the garden 决定进人花园23. walk towards the door 朝着那扇门走去 24. too small to reach the key 太小了够不到钥匙 25. climb up 往上爬二、重要句型1Hurry up,Eddie快点,埃迪! hurry up意为“快点”。如: Hurry up,or you will be late.快些,不然要迟到了。 拓展(1) hurry to意为“赶往某地”,如:Betty hurried to the garden贝蒂急忙奔向花园。(2) in a hurry意为“匆忙地;仓促地”,如:Nothing is ever done in a hurry. 谚匆匆忙忙是办不成事的。(3) hurry away意为“匆匆离去”。2. Hobo,carry it for me.霍波,帮我拿包吧。该句是祈使句,句中的代词代替前面一句中的名词ago carry是及物动词,之后通常跟名词或代词作宾语,意思是“运送、提、挑”。例如:Most of us neednt to carry water now. 现在大多数人不需要挑水。In Britain, the police dont usually carry guns. 在英国,警察通常不带枪。辨异 bring,carry和takebring表示“拿来”(从远到近)。例如:Bring-me my food, please.请把我的食物拿来。take表示“拿走”(从进到远)。例如:You can read the book here but you cant take it home.carry表示“搬、运”(没有方向)。例如:Trains carry more things than trucks. 火车比卡车运的东西多。3I want to go riding我想去骑马。 riding意为“去骑马”,也可说成护for a ride。如: We are going to go swimming tomorrow afternoon.= We are going to go for a swim tomorrow afternoon我们打算明天午去游泳。 拓展其他含有go的常用短语有:go swimming去游泳;go skating 去滑冰;go boating 去划船;go camping 去野营;go skiing去滑雪;go climbing去爬山;go running去散步; go shopping去购物;go fishing去钓鱼;go jogging去慢跑; go traveling去旅行;go hunting去打猎;go hiking去远足。4. She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by她抬起头来看到一只穿着外衣的白兔从旁边经过。see sb doing sth意为“看见某人正在做某事”。如:I saw an old man crossing the street. 我看见一位老人在过马路。5. It took a watch out of its pocket and looked at the time它从口袋里拿出一块表看了看时间。take out of意为“从里拿出”。如:He took some money out of his pocket and pass it to the cashier.他从口袋里拿出一些钱递给了收银员。6, Alice stood rip and ran across the field after the rabbit.爱丽丝站起身来穿过田地追赶着那只兔子。l)stand up意为“站起身,起立”。如: Some people still think it is impolite for men not to stand up when a woman comes into the room.有些人仍然认为妇女进屋时男子不起立是有失礼貌的。2)run across意为“跑过,偶然遇见”。如: Can you run across the playground in five minutes?7. Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away, so she jumped down the hole too。爱丽丝不想让那只兔子逃脱,因此她也跳进洞中。get away意为“逃脱;离开”。如:If I can get away from my work, Ill go to the Great Wall with you next Sunday.如果我工作能脱身的话,下星期六我就和你们一起去长城。8. Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground爱丽丝掉了很长一段时间,接着她撞到了地面。(1) fall作动词,意为“倒下;跌下;落下”,其过去式为fell。如:Jack fell into the water and got wet.杰克掉进水里,全身都湿透了。 拓展 fall down倒下,落下 fall over摔倒;跌倒 fall off从掉下 fall behind落后;落在的后面(2) hit作动词,意为“打;敲:撞:击中”。如:The truck hit a rock卡车撞在一块石头上。拓展hit sb in the face/on the head意为“打某人的脸头”,如:Simon hit Jack in the face.西蒙打了杰克的脸。9. She found herself alone in a long, low hall.她发现她自己单独在一个长的低矮的大厅里。1) alone用作形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语。如:Robinson was alone on the island罗宾逊一人在岛上。(2) alone用作副词,意为“单独地;独自”。如:The old woman lived alone in the mountain village.这位;妇单独一人住在那个山村。拓展all alone意为“独自一人”。如:He did it all alone.这事全是他一个人干的。10. Alice tried to go through the door, but she was o big爱丽丝试图穿过门去,但她太大了。Through介词,意为“通过;穿过”。多指从立体空间(的内部)穿越,可和forest,city,window等搭配。如:Were looking through the window.我们往窗外看!拓展across指从表面穿过,可和street,bridge等搭配。如:Look! The old man is walking across the street.瞧!那老人正在穿过街道。11. He practiced playing volleyball with his friends.( 1 ) practise作动词,意为“练习;实践”,后接名词,代词;后接动词时,须接动词的ing形式。如:Practise these dialogues练习这些对话。We should practice speaking English every day,我们应该每天训练说英语。(2) practice作名词,意为“练习;训练”。在美式英语中practice本身也是动词形式。如: Practice makes perfect, 谚熟能生巧。12. We put up a tent near a lake.我们在湖旁搭起了帐篷。(l)put动词,意为“放;置”。如: Please put your shoes under the bed.请把鞋放在床下。(2)put up意为“举起;建起;住宿”。如: Those who want to see the film put up your hands.想看电影的人,请举手。拓展】与put相关的短语:put on 穿上 put off推迟put away收拾 put out扑灭 put down放下13. Weifang, a city in Shandong Province, has became famous for making kites from then on,潍坊-山东省的一个城市,从那时起因制造风筝变得出名了。1) from then on意为“从那时起”。如:From then on he refused to talk about it. 从那以后他就不再谈这件事了。(2) become动词,意为“变得;成为”。如:Even before he was ten,he became very interested in science.他甚至不到10岁就对科学感兴趣了。14. She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.她向下面看,看到了她的身体变得越来越小。Smaller and smaller意为“越来越少”。“比较级+ and+比较级”相当于汉语中的“越来越”。如:The train moved away faster and f
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