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. . . . .鲁教版 八年级快乐阅读 第一期快乐阅读Module 3 人生哲理 教学设计Passage 2 Learn to forgive Passage 4 Happiness is for everyone 一、教材分析:本模块是五四学制鲁教版八年级快乐阅读2015-2016学年第1期模块3。本模块主题是人生哲理,六篇文章从不同的角度让学生认识友谊、幸福,学会原谅和感恩,懂得舍得,善于思考,笑对生活。本单元内容积极向上,充满正能量。同时本单元通过阅读策略技巧的点拨与指导、阅读任务的精心设计,培养学生自主阅读的良好学习习惯,旨在训练学生敏锐的思维方式及迅速捕捉重要信息的本领,实现学生听、说、读、写综合语言运用能力的有效提高。二、学情分析: 八年级的学生渴望拥有和谐的人际关系,但生理和心理还不成熟,这一阶段的学生正处在情绪情感的敏感期,人际误解和矛盾冲突时常发生,不懂得人际相处中需要互相理解和宽容,遇事容易斤斤计较,人际交往中的冲突往往使他们陷入极大的困扰之中。所以引导学生学会理解与宽容他人的良好品行,在这个年龄阶段的学生尤为重要。大部分学生有学习目标,学习态度端正,学习积极性高,有一定的理解能力和分析判断推理能力,在英语学习方面已经有了已经的基础和积累。阅读一篇文章的最终目的是为利用所获取的信息知识进行交流。培养学生的快速阅读理解能力是实施英语素质教育的必然要求。对于中学生来说,英语阅读一种非常重要的学习手段,它不仅可以开阔学生的视野,陶冶学生的情操,更是培养学生表达能力的重要途径之一。三、教学目标(Teaching aims)1.知识与技能:Knowledge goals品味佳句,积累知识。学生能理解与话题相关的词汇,并且能通过合作学习在阅读后进行语言输出。2.能力目标:Ability goals学生能运用阅读策略获取信息,充分理解,内化文本内容。重建文本结构,对文本的主旨内容进行输出。3.情感目标:Moral goals热爱生活,懂得宽恕和感恩,用心感受身边的幸福。树立正确的人生观和价值观。四、教学重难点(Main and difficult points)能够灵活运用所学的知识,掌握自主阅读的技巧,进行有效输出,提高英语阅读能力。五、教学策略及方法(Teaching materials):运用视频、图片等多媒体手段,创设情境,通过情景设计、游戏辅导等多种任务型教学方法,本堂课重在通过听、说、读、写的训练,培养学生的口语表达能力,在具体教学过程中贯彻交际教学原则,组织各种课堂活动,培养和强化学生的语言实践能力和自主学习能力。以学生自主探索,合作交流为主,教师适当进行点拨,引导学生自主学习,合理调动各个层次学生的学习积极性和主动性,从而提高学生的整体学习水平。六、教学程序(Teaching procedures)Step 1.Lead-in1. Have a match Divide the students into 2 groups。Group 1 and Group2,if the answer is right, give them a red star. Lets see which group is better?2. Learning aims.【设计意图】:将竞争机制引入课堂,激发学生学习欲望,快速进入主题。出示本节课课题和教学目标,使学生明确本节课的教学任务。让学生为下一步的学习做好心理和知识准备。Step 2:Learn to forgive. 1.Pre-reading Activity 1. Show a video about “forgiveness”.Tell students forgiveness is a virtue. We should Learn to forgive.【设计意图】:视频进行话题背景介绍,画面直观形象,吸引注意力,有利于学生快速进入阅读状态。同时引出课题。 2. While-readingTask 1:Read Passage 2 quickly, and answer the following questions:1. Is forgiving themselves the biggest challenge for some people?Task 2: Choose the best answer.( )1. Forgiving others is _according to the writers opinion. A. impossible B. difficult C. easy D. foolish( )2. How many ideas does the writer give us to forgive others who hurt you ? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five【设计意图】:引导学生整体感知语言材料,诱发学生自主尝试的动机,培养自主学习的能力。Task3: Groupwork. What do the reference words refer to?( )Para. 2: And it is good for our health.A. the one who hurt him or her B. Forgiveness.( )Para.3: They may just want to hurt you or they just dont see things the same way. A. persons who hurt you B. others( )Para. 3: And it also makes you more confident.A.the biggest challenge B. forgiving themselves.Task 4: Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (A). Although it is not easy for us to forgive people who hurt us, it is possible. (B). try to see things in others shoes. 【设计意图】:运用阅读策略解决实际问题,通过对文章细节的把握,培养学生对信息的搜集、处理能力。学以致用,在用中学。同时小组合作学习有效地锻炼了学生的合作交流能力。3. Post-reading:Teachers wordsIf they throw stones at you, dont throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.Learn to forgive and try to be happy every day.【设计意图】:赏析佳句,金玉良言,进行情感教育。植德于心。Step3:Happiness is for everyone. 1.Pre-reading:What is happiness?2.While-readingTask 1:Tell if the sentence is true(T) or false(F).( ) 1.You can find happiness if you have more chances to challenge yourself.( ) 2.Happiness is the same as money.【设计意图】:引导学生整体感知语言材料,诱发学生自主尝试的动机,培养自主学习的能力。Task 2:Find the topic sentence in each paragraph.(under the topic sentenses)Para.1_Para.2_Para.3_【设计意图】:向学生介绍并使用阅读策略:利用略读策略,找出每一段落的主题句,对于了解文章的中心思想起到很关键的作用。Task 3:Read Para. 2 carefully and choose the right answer.1.When you are in trouble at school ,_.2. When you study hard at your lessons,_.3. When you get success ,_.4. When you do something wrong ,_.5. When you do something good to others , _.【设计意图】:运用阅读策略解决实际问题,通过对文章细节的把握,培养学生对信息的搜集、处理能力。Task4: Writing: Answer the following questions first, then write a short passage (40w) 1. Are you happy now? Why? 2. Do you have your hope or dream? How will you do?3. When you meet trouble, what do you usually do?【设计意图】:足够的输入才能保证学生有效的输出。学生在感知、理解的基础上,为学生创设任务型活动,让学生有目的、有针对性地学习。Step4. Summary Activity 1:The beautiful sentences Forgiveness makes you more helpful. And it is good for our health.A little at a time eventually makes a big difference.Happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving door. When it closes, it also opens.Activity 2: Teachers words. Learn to forgive and enjoy the happiness around you.【设计意图】:总结本课所学,对学生进行情感渗透,植德于心。Step 5: Homework 作业类别作业目的内容时间难度系数适宜群体必做Grasp the reading strategy Do passage 5Enjoy your day with gratitude.10All the students 选做Improve the abilities 1: Write an article about “hap
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