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高一英语定语从句基础练习(1)合并下列简单句1. The man is a doctor. He lives opposite our house.2. This is the house. He was born in it.3. Do you know the man ? He is talking to your teacher.4. This is the film star. His name is well known all over the world5. Is this the letter? I have to type it right now.6. He is the man. I gave the letter to him.7. That is the very book. I am looking for it.8. The story happened in 1840. The Opium War broke out that year.9. Have you ever visited the house? Norman Bethune once lived in it.10. This is the factory. It makes good quality machine.11. That is the reason. He was ill for the reason last week.12. He is the doctor. He opearated on me.13. He said nothing. It made me very angry.14. Shell never forget the day. That day she joined the League.15. The parents wouldnt let her marry anyone . His family was poor.16. The news was surprising. He told us the news.17. We havent chosen a hotel. We will stay in it for the night.18. May I borrow the book? You bought it yesterday.19. That is the room. Its door needs painting.20. He will visit the school in 2009. It was built in 1900.高一英语定语从句基础练习(2)I.请找出下列各句中的错误并加以改正。1.Im using the pen which he bought it yesterday.2. Is that factory which your father once worked in?3. The man whom I spoke is from Canada.4. July 1,1999 is the day when well never forget.5. I still remember the holidays I stayed with them.6. Im going to work in the hospital where needs me.7. Those that havent been to the West Lake will gather at the school gate.8. I dont like the way which you talked to your friend.9.This is the last time when Ive given you lessons.10. Soon they came to a farm house,and in front of which sat a small boy.11. We heard the news which our team won the game.12. The reason which he explained it sounds reasonable.13. Those at the desk want to buy tickets write down your names.14. That was the reason because she looked old.15. This is the factory where we visited last week.16. This is the watch for which Tom is looking.17. The person to who you spoke is a student of Grade Two.18. The house in that we live is very small.19. The sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow.20. Ive read all the books which I borrowed from the library.21. This is the best film which I have ever seen.22. My father and Mr. Smith talked about things and persons who they remembered in the country.23. Everything which we saw was of great interest.24. His dog, that was now very old, became ill and died.25. The reason which he didnt go to school is that he was ill.26. Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.27. The boy, his mother died last year, studies very hard.28. I have two sisters, both of them are doctors.29. Were going to visit the school where your brother works there.30. He is the only one of the students who have been invited to the English Evening.31. That is the way which they work.32. Those have questions can ask the teachers for advice.33. Who is the man who has white hairs?34. I will never forget the days which we had a goodtime together at the sea.35. As a girl, she often made nice things ,most of them were of bamboo.36. Is this the restaurant where she works in ?37.The knife which we used to cut bread is very sharp.38. All what he bought is worthless.39.He is one of the poorest that lives in the neighbourhood.40. The reason for that he failed in his work lay in his carelessness.高一英语定语从句基础练习(3)用关系代词或关系副词填空l Thank you for the good advice _youve given us.l The old gentleman _you met at the school gate is an engineer.l Shes brought here all _was necessary.l We should learn from those _think little for themselves but much for others.l Xiaowang is a model worker _deeds are known to everybody here.l This is the first play _he has ever seen since he came to Wuxi.l Have you ever been to the TV factory _Old li is working.l The home accident happened on the day _they were all away from home.l The first time _I heard the moving stories was in March,1980.l All _can be done has been done.l The test is for the students _native language is not English.l The place _interests the students most is the Childrens Palace.l The last lesson is the most instructive lesson _weve ever learned this term.l All _come are warmly welcome.l This is the power station _makes electricity for that area. l Leifeng _we ve learned a lot was a PLA fighter.l Are you interested in any of the songs _youve listened?l The boy _I went to the cinema last night is my classmate?l That day was the very day _her daughter went to college?l Everything depends on the sun _we get heat and light.l The teacher _youre waiting will come soon.l Here is the paper _I was speaking just now.
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