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第一部分 储蓄柜面常用英语100句 第二部分 常用句型 第三部分 常用表达 第四部分 一般礼仪 第一部分 储蓄柜面常用英语100句 1.Good morning(Good afternoon ) 早上好(下午好)! 2.Please 请! 3.Hello 您好! 4.Welcome 欢迎! 5.Welcome to deposit in ICBC 欢迎您到工商银行储蓄。 6.Welcome to use Peony Credit Card 欢迎您使用牡丹卡。 7.Welcome to use ATM 欢迎您使用自动取款机。 8.Sorry 对不起。 9.Please line up 请排好队。 10.Please wait a moment 请稍等。 11.Thank you 谢谢! 12.Well glad to receive any suggestions to help us improve our service 请多提宝贵意见。 13.Goodbye 再见! 14.Dont mention it (Not at all) 别客气。 15.Hope to see you again 欢迎您再次光临。 16.Demand(current)deposit 活期储蓄 17.Demand(current)bankbook 活期存折 18.Rate for current deposit 活期利率 19.Time(fixed)deposit 定期储蓄 20.Interest Rate for fixed deposit 定期存款利率 21.Certificates of deposit 定期存单 22.Flexible maturity deposit 定活两便储蓄 23.Transferable certificate of large amount time deposit 大额定期存单 24.Withdrawal form 取款凭条 25.The exchange rate for U.S.dollars 美元汇率 26.Termination of a deposit 存款到期 27.Date due 到期日 28.Automatic teller machine(ATM) 自动取款机 29.The detailed list of interest 利息清单 30.Peony Credit Card 牡丹卡 31.Exchange U.S.dollars for Renminbi 美元兑换人民币 32.What can I do for you? 请问我能为您做点什么? 33.May I help you? 我能为您做点什么? 34.We are open for business form 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m with no break at noon 我们的营业时间是上午9点至下午5点,中午不 休息。 35.We are open for business all week including Saturday and Sunday 我们星期六、星期日照常营业。 36.Id like to deposit(withdraw) 我想存款(取款)。 37.Which type of deposit do you prefer,time deposit or current deposit? 您存定期还是活期? 38.I prefer time deposit(current deposit) 我想存定期(活期)。 39. Is it your first time to deposit here?I am going to open an account for you. 您是第一次来这里存款吗?我给您开一个新的帐户 。 40.How long would you like to deposit for? 定期几年? 41.Pardon,I do not understand,Could you give me more details. 我不太明白,请您介绍一下。 42.OK.The term of fixed deposit ranges form three month to five years,including three months,six months,one year,two years,three years and five years. The longer the term the higher the interest rate. 定期储蓄分六个档次,存期有3个月、6个月、1年、2年、3 年、5年,存期越长利率越高。 43.Partdon. 请您再说一遍。 44.Could you fill in this slip in ink please. 请您填写这张凭条,用钢笔填写。 45.You have made a mistake here,Please fill it in again 这儿填错了,请再填一张。 46.Opening an account is free of charge, but you have to deposit 10 yuan as your initial deposit. 开户不需要手续费,但您得先存10元作起存额。 47.The current deposit can be withdrown at any ICBC savings office in this city,Its convenient for you 我行办理的活期存款同城同兑,方便灵活,欢迎存储。 48.We also have flexible maturity deposit. The interest rate is sixty percent of the interest rate for the time deposit 我行还开办定活两便储蓄,利率按定期同档利率的6折计息 。 49.Excuse me,how much do you want to withdraw? 请问您取多少钱? 50.Please use Arabic figures 请用阿拉伯数字填写。 51.Please fill in your address here 请您在此处填写地址。 52.Please enter your code number. 请输入您的密码。 53.There is something wrong, Please enter your code number again. 您的密码有误,请再输入一次。 54.Youve made a mistake in counting. Do it again please 您的款项有误,请再点一遍。 55.Please wait a minute .I will calculate it again 请稍候,我再计算一遍。 56.Please keep the chip 请拿好铜牌 57.Here are your money and deposit book. 这是您的存折,请收好。 58.Please hand back your chip 请交回铜牌。 59.Please count the cash (your money) 请点一下现金。 60.Here is your book (certificate). 请收好您的存折。 61.Please wait a moment , I will do it for you as soon as possible 请稍候,我尽快办理。 62.The computer isnt working now. Please go to another savings office or come again tomorrow 对不起,机器坏了,请到别的储蓄所办理或明天再来。 63.Please wait a moment, we are checking it 请稍候,机器线路出了故障,正在排除。 64.Sorry, since there is no power, we can only serve you manually. 对不起,现在停电,我可以用手工为您办理。 65.Sorry for keeping you waiting 很抱歉,让您久等了。 66.Im sorry you had to come several times. 很抱歉,让您跑了好几躺。 67.Everything is in order. 一切都办妥了。 68.I have lost my bankbook, what should I do? 我的存折(单)丢失了,怎么办? 69.You can report the loss of the bankbook. 您可以办理挂失。 70.Do you remember the account name and number, maturity, amount and code number. 请您提供有关情况,如户名、帐号、存期、金额、 密码等。 71.Please show your I.D card 请出示您的身份证件。 72.My name is Jenny Lee, but I dont remember anything. 我的名字叫珍妮.李,别的都不记得了。 73.Please try to remember the details. 别着急再仔细想想。 74.Its for the safety of your deposit 这样做主要是为了您的存款安全。 75.Would you please leave your telephone number. 请留下您的电话号码。 76.Please bring this application form to collect new bankbook or money in 7 days. 七天后请您持挂失申请书来补领存折(存单)也可以提取现金。 77.I can reissue a new bankbook for you,but we must deduct ten yuan handling charges. 我再为您补办一个新存折,您需要交10元手续费。 78.I am going to apply for a Peony Credit Card 我想办一张牡丹卡。 79.You can apply for it in the ICBC Peony Credit Card Department. The address is zhong zhou zhong road NO.230 请到工商银行信用卡营业部办理,地址是中州中路230号。 80.Please wait a moment. The amount you are withdrawing exceeds one thousand yuan,so I have to ask authorization form the credit card issuing center 用牡丹卡提款,金额超过1000元需要电话授权,请您稍候。 81.Sorry, you have to exchange your money at the foreign exchange counter 对不起,兑换外币请带外币兑换台
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