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. . . . .四年级英语下册知识点梳理中和街小学 王荣凤备注:划双横线的词汇为必须拼写词汇。V. 表示是动词。重点句型应熟记,特别是能正确作答。Unit 1 主题:Countries国家重点单词:1、七个国家:China(中国)、Canada(加拿大)、the U.S.(美国)、Britain(英国)、Australia(澳大利亚)、India(印度)、France(法国)每个单词首字母大写; 每个国家的标志性建筑或国旗?2:三个城市:Ottawa(渥太华)、London(伦敦)、 Washington D.C.(华盛顿)每个单词首字母大写;分别属于哪个国家?3:其他单词:from(来自)、her(她的)、live(V.生活;居住)、famous(著名的)重点句型:1.询问国籍:Where are you from? - I m from.Where s she/ he/ 人名 from? - She s /He s from.Is she/ he/ 人名from the.? -Yes, she/he is. /No, she/he isn t.2.询问居住地:Where do you live? - I live in.3.其他句型: Welcome to .Unit 2 主题:Housework家务劳动重点单词:1、动词:clean(弄干净,擦干净)、wash(洗,冲洗)、 water(给.浇水)2、 名词:housework(家务劳动)、shoe(鞋)、window(窗户)、 clothes(衣服)、meal(一餐饭)、water(水)、flower(花)、dish(盘子)3、 形容词:yum(美味的)重点短语:do housework(做家务)、 clean your shoes (擦干净你的鞋子)、clean the windows(擦干净窗户)、 clean the floor(擦干净地板)、clean the kitchen(清理厨房)、 do it well (做得好)、wash clothes(洗衣服)、wash the dishes (洗盘子)、 in the kitchen(在厨房里)、 cook the meal (做一餐饭)、cook the chicken(做鸡) 、water the flower(浇花) 、play computer games (玩电脑游戏)、have a look(看一下) 、make bread(制作面包)重点句型:1. 询问能力:Can you +V.? Yes, I can. / No. I can t. I can +V. I can t +Ving.2. 询问某人正在做什么事:What are you doing? -I m +Ving.What s +人名+doing? - She s /He s +Ving.Are you +Ving.? -Yes, we are./ No, we aren t.3. 询问某人在哪里:Where s +人名?Unit 3 主题:Restaurant餐馆2. 重点单词:1.食物:food(食物) noodle(面条) potato(土豆) soup(汤) tomato(西红柿) pizza(比萨饼) cake(蛋糕) fruit(水果)pear(梨子) banana(香蕉)3. 动词:want(V。想要) eat(V。吃) wait(V。等,等待) drink(V。喝,饮)4. 其他单词:out(到外面,在外)minute(分钟,片刻) something(某物) ouch(哎呀)重点短语:Chinese food(中式食物) eat out(出去吃) tomato soup(西红柿汤) Wait a minute. (稍等片刻)pear juice(梨汁) Have some fruit.(吃些水果)重点句型:点餐用语:1. What do you want to eat? - I want to eat+食物. 2. What would you like? I d like . 3. Would you like +食物? -Yes, please/ No, thank you. 4. Would you like something to drink? -I d like some.(juice, water, milk, coffee)Unit 4 主题:Weekend周末2. 重点单词:1。动词:visit (V.参观,访问,拜访)help(V。帮助) take(V. 拿,取,买下) listen(V。 听,仔细听)3. 名词:weekend(周末) grandparent (祖父母)museum(博物馆) picnic(野餐) cinema(电影院) violin(小提琴)4. 其他词汇:sometimes(有时) great(非常好的) usually(通常的) very(很,非常)重点短语:at the weekend (在周末)visit my grandparents(拜访祖父母) do housework (做家务活)go to the museum (去博物馆)help my mum(帮妈妈干活) have a picnic(进行一次野餐) go shopping (去购物)go to the cinema(去电影院) go fishing(去钓鱼) play football (踢足球)take pictures(照相) play computer games(完电脑游戏) write emails (写电子邮件)play the violin(拉小提琴) very well (非常好)play the piano (弹钢琴)listen to music(听音乐) climb the hill (爬山)重点句型:询问周末做什么:1.What do you do at the weekend? -I often+动词或动词词组. /Sometimes I+动词或动词词组. 2. What does +人名/ she / he +do at the weekend? -She/ He often+动词或动词词组的单数形式. / Sometimes she/ he+ 动词或动词词组的单数形式.3. Do you often+动词或动词词组? - 肯定:Yes, I do. 否定:No, I don t.4. Does+人称/ she/ he +often +动词或动词词组?-肯定:Yes, she/he does. 否定:No, she/ he doesn t.其他句型:1. Have a nice weekend! 祝你周末愉快!2. Let s have a picnic on Saturday. 让我们在周六进行一次野餐。Unit 5 主题:Shopping 购物重点单词:1. 交通工具:bus(公共汽车) car(小汽车)2. 数字:twenty(二十) thirty(三十) forty(四十) fifty(五十) sixty(六十) seventy(七十) eighty (八十)ninety(九十) one hundred(一百)3. 动词:buy(V。买) fit(V。使适合)4. 其他单词:toy(玩具) fast(快的,迅速的) cheap(便宜的) trousers(裤子)one(代指上文中出现的物品)重点词组:Excuse me.(对不起,打扰了) this way(这边) how about=what about(.怎么样) how much(询问价格,多少,多少钱)重点句型:1. 购物用语:售货员一般用语顾客一般用语Can I help you? -I d like .,please.How about this.? I want a/an .Do you like this one? All right! =OK. I ll / Well take it/ them. Excuse me. Yes, we do. / Sorry, we don t.Do you have+名词的复数形式? It s.yuan.They re .yuan.How much is the.?How much are the.(shoes,Trousers)?Unit 6 主题:Travel 旅游重点单词:1. 月份:May (五月)June(六月) July(七月) August(八月)2. 交通工具:plane (飞机)ship(轮船) train(火车) bike(自行车)3. 地名:Mount Taishan(泰山) the Shaolin Temple(少林寺)4. 动词:travel(旅行) learn(学习,学会) 5. 名词:vacation(假期) kung fu(功夫) sunrise(日出) sea(海,海洋) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) 6. 其他单词:back(回原处) by(搭乘) 重点短语:the summer vacation(暑假) be going to+地点 / V.(打算去某地/打算做某事) by ship(坐轮船) by plane(乘飞机) by train(坐火车) by bike(骑自行车) learn kung fu(学功夫) see the sunrise (看日出)swim in the sea(在海里游泳) have a good time(玩的高兴,过得愉快)重点句型:1.询问地点: Where are you going this summer? - I m going(back)to +地点(+in +月份).2. 询问交通方式:How are you going to +地点?- I m going( back) to+地名+by+交通工具.3. 询问打算做的事情:What are you going to do+地点?- I m going to+ 动词或动词词组.4. 其他句型:It s +月份+now. (现在是几月。)The summer vacation is coming.(暑假将要到来。)Are you going to travel? (你打算去旅行吗?)I will.(我会的。)宁可累死在路上,也不能闲死在家里!宁可去碰壁,也不能面壁。是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。什么是奋斗?奋斗就是每天很难,可一年一年却越来越容易。不奋斗就是每天都很容易,可一年一年越来越难。能干的人,不在情绪上计较,只在做事上认真;无能的人!不在做事上认真,只在情绪上计较。拼一个春夏秋冬!赢一个无悔人生!早安!献给所有努力的人.学习参考
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