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. . . . .本科生毕业论文从女性主义的角度分析简爱 An Analysis on Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminist学习参考摘要十九世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特的作品简爱因其独特的思想内容和表现手法,一直被看作是英国文学的经典之作。自从作品问世以来,一直受到文学评论界的关注。尤其是作品中对女性独立与平等的追求,使得小说中女主人公简爱的形象负载了西方妇女在19世纪开始觉醒的女性意识。英国文学不乏叛逆女性的形象,但像简爱那样卑微、平凡、孤苦无依而又相貌平平的“弱势”女性,如此自觉地对抗强大的父权社会,算是空前的。此篇论文从女性主义的角度出发,通过对作品中女主人公简爱的分析,揭示小说中所反映的维多利亚时期女性性别意识的觉醒和当时女性的社会地位。在维多利亚时期女性地位得到了提高,女性意识得到了发展,但是仍然受到社会等级和社会地位的限制。但总体来说,随着时代的发展,女性地位和女性意识都得到了不同程度的提高。关键词:简爱; 夏洛蒂.勃朗特; 女性主义; 平等和自由AbstractCharlotte Bronte is an outstanding woman writer in the 19th century English literature, her work Jane Eyre has been regarded as the classics of the English literature due to its unique content and way of expression. Since the work has been published, it has attracted the attention of the literary critics. Especially the pursuit of female independence and equality, making the heroines of Janes image loads the Western womens awakening of feminist consciousness in the 19th century. There is no lack of the image of rebellious women in English literature, but like Jane Eyre, as humble, ordinary, plain but who have no “minority” women, so consciously against the strong patriarchal society, be regarded as unprecedented.This paper reveals the wake of the gender conscious and the social position of women in Victorian period through the analysis of the heroine from the feminist perspective. The status of women in the Victorian period has improved by the development of female consciousness, but still affected by social class and social status. Key words: Jane Eyre;Charlotte Bronte; female; equality; freedomTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsI摘要IIAbstractIIITable of ContentsIVChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Social Background11.2 Motivations and Objectives1Chapter 2 Literature Review32.1 The Definition of Feminism32.2 Research Background42.3 Historical Views4Chapter 3 Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre63.1 Charlotte Bronte63.1.1 Personal Experience of Charlotte Bronte6 3.1.2 Charlotte Brontes Position in Literary History.73.2 Jane Eyre73.2.1 The Plot Overview of Jane Eyre73.2.2 The Theme of Jane Eyre8 3.2.3 Literary Value of Jane Eyre9Chapter4 the Rising of Jane Eyres Female Consciousness104.1 Gateshead-beginning of Female Consciousness104.2 Lowood- Growing of Female Consciousness11 4.3 Thornfield-Uprising of Female Consciousness11Chapter 5 Pursuit of Equality and Freedom135.1 Pursuit of Equality135.2 Pursuit of Freedom135.3 Limitation of the Feminism14Chapter 6 Conclusion15Bibliography17 Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Social BackgroundJane Eyre is one of the famous novels written by Charlotte Bronte in the 19th century and it is among my famous novels. Since its publication, it has attracted a lot of attention. From the literature review, the thesis of the work is about feminism. In the later part of the twentieth century, it becomes common for literary critics to pay attention to feminist elements in Charlotte Brontes novels. Feminist first appeared in France; the French Revolution challenged social inequalities and opened doors for womens fight for equality. As slavery in America became widespread in the early 1800s, many scholars challenged its existence. Women in this period are largely confined to home and are expected to marry in order to secure states and privilege. In 1848, Stanton and Mott call the first Seneca Falls Convention for womens rights which calls for womens right to vote and states that all men and women are created equal. Jane Eyre was published in 1847 along with the development of the women movement.The writer, Charlotte Bronte had been raised by the father who taught his children to think for themselves. She learned to trust her instincts that encouraged her to believe that women , as well as men, had a need to dream, to explore, that they “need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do”(Charlotte Bronte, 1992:130). Her mother died in 1821, leaving the children in the care of their aunt. Living in the rectory, she had little to do other than read and write. The loneliness she experienced was clearly acute.1.2 Motivations and ObjectivesIn Victorian times, Charlotte Bronte was among the first feminist writers. This was the time that the women were looked down upon by the society. They had few rights and few options open to them for self-support. For most women the only way to live decently was to get married, and in many cases, it was not up to the women to choose with whom she married. For the most part, a woman was not given the opportunity to go to school and earn a deg
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